“Egypt was the first among the heathen nations to attempt to suppress the SEVENTH DAY Sabbath, and INFLUENCED OTHER NATIONS to regard the first day as the weekly holiday of their sun-god. Truel Lunds gives us the following information on this important and interesting subject of the WEEK in Egypt, in his extensive work:
“According to the Assyrian-Babylonian conception, the particular stress lay upon the NUMBER SEVEN….The whole week pointed prominently to the seventh day, the rest day, in this day it collected, in this it also commanded. ‘Sabbath’ is derived from both ‘rest’ and ‘seven.’ With the Egyptians it was the REVERSE…..For them on the contrary the sun-god was the beginning and origin of all things. The day of the Sun, Sunday, therefore became necessarily the FEAST day….The holiday was transferred from the LAST to the FIRST of the week.’- ‘Dagligi Liv i Norden,’ Vol. XIII, pp. 54,55.
“The seven planetary names of the days were at the close of the SECOND CENTURY, A.D., prevailing everywhere in the ROMAN EMPIRE….This ASTROLOGY originated from Egypt, where Alexandria now so proudly proclaim it to all….’The day of the Sun’ was the Lord’s day, the chiefest and first of the week. The EVIL AND FATAL SATURN’S DAY was the last of the week, on which none could celebrate a feast….
“From Rome, through the Roman legionaries, the SEVEN PLANETARY DAYS pressed forward north to Gaul, Britain, and Germany. Everywhere people yielded respectfully to the ASTROLOGY IN ITS POPULAR FORM: the doctrine concerning the Sun-day with its fortune, the MOON-DAY with its alternative play, and the FILTHY, UNLUCKY SATURDAY…..As a concentrated troop the planetary appellations and heathen deities stood on guard, when LATER CHRISTIANITY reached Europe, and attempted to displace them…..For the Christians the lot was cast by the reception of the sun. Not till they themselves had later gained power were they awakened to doubt….And the HEATHEN names of the days seemed at variance with Christian faith.’ -Ibid, pp. 91, 92, 110.” – (From Facts of Faith, Christian Edwardson, pp. 77, 78. Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville 8, TN: 1943.
If only sincere Christians who worship on Sunday find out its true heathen origins
as Satan’s banner-day, how shocked and repulsed they would be that they have been deceived by the master deceiver and his agents whom Christ exposed as “wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Matt. 7:15; 10:16; Luke 10:3; cf. Acts 20:29-31. Bless all, NMF