See Revelation 13. For those who have been “slumbering in carnal security” lulled into fatal slumber by the “peace-and-safety” false assurances of hope and salvation offered by the purveyors of the ear-pleasing and conscience-stifling prosperity gospels and the conspiracy-shrouded prophetic interpretations causing paranoia, extremism, fanaticism, political militancy and producing a heady mix of misplaced fears, misguided zeal, feelings of a divine calling and anointing for a sacred and higher calling and empowerment for religious militancy to enforce one’s beliefs, as the past fueled the Crusades and all other religious wars such as the bloody Christian Crusades, Muslim jiihad, etc.—-it is “high time now to wake out of sleep for now is” the fulfillment of Revelation 13 “nearer than when we first believed.” See also Rom. 13: 11-14. Now this:
The Earliest Efforts to Unite Church and State in America in Contradiction to the Ideals of the Founding Fathers;
Christian Edwards wrote: “In Holy Scriptures Christ Jesus is repeatedly spoken of as the Lamb of God. Bible prophecy represents America by a similar symbol, which had ‘two horns like a lamb.’ The Word of God informs us, however, that this peace-loving power, despite of its lamb-like principles [symbolized by its two horns], eventually would say ‘to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an IMAGE to the beast [the Papacy], which has a wound by a sword, and did live.’ Rev. 13:14.
“The Papacy was formed by a UNION of church and state, which resulted in the persecution of dissenters [against religious laws enacted and enforced by the state].
“An ‘IMAGE,’ or ‘likeness ‘ to the Papacy IN AMERICA would be a union of church and state, or CO-OPERATION between them, as in the days of papal ROME. And, seeing it to be ‘an image to the beast,’ it CANNOT be the beast itself, but must be an EFFORT started among PROTESTANTS [mainstream Christianity today], who desire the aid of state to enforce some of her dogmatic. For nearly three quarters of a century Protestant churches and CIVIC organizations have kept at work to create just such a RELATION between church and state in the United States.” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ Christian Edwardson, p. 302, Southern Publishing Asso. Nashville, TN. 1943.
Notice what is blatantly absent or glaringly wanting is that of the forgiveness of Christ, not the forgiveness of the “church.” More follows, only by God’s grace, NMF