
Does Imparted Divine Nature Make Man Divine?

Friday Morning Manna                             June 28, 2019

Nathaniel Fajardo                                   email: [email protected]

Does Imparted Divine Nature Make Man Divine?

First, while the originator of sin—Lucifer, and the nature of original sin–self-seeking, are revealed, the origin of sin itself or a reasonfor its existence are not, or at least, not yet this side of the resurrection morning while yet in the mortal flesh. Notice the following:

      “It is impossible to explain the origin of sin, or to give a reason for its existence. It is an intruder for whose existence no reason can be given. It is mysterious, unaccountable; to excuse it; is to defend it. Could it be excused, could a cause be shown for its existence, it would cease to be sin. Our only definition of sin is that given in the word of God; it is ‘the transgression of the law [1 John 3: 4].’” – Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4, p. 316, 1884.    


The Fall of Angels and the Fall of Man Contrasted

Friday Morning Manna  
                     June 14, 2019

Nathaniel Fajardo

email: [email protected]

The Fall of Angels and the Fall of Man Contrasted

Human nature is made of flesh and blood, not of spirit, as angels with angel nature were. The crowning act of creation, having been made in the image and likeness of the Creator, man in human nature was endowed with a rational mind, an intelligent will, “the governing power in the nature of man.” It is the power to intellectually and spiritually perceive/discern between right from wrong, good from evil and then to act upon that determination as a matter of conviction, voluntarily, willingly, and then through constant practice, spontaneously.


The Humanity of Christ: What was It? (Continued from last week)

Friday Morning Manna 
                   May 17, 2019

Nathaniel Fajardo                          email: [email protected]

The Humanity of Christ: What was It? (Continued from last week)

No. 6:  The Indispensable Role of the Holy Spirit

“The Holy Spirit, which proceeds from the only-begotten Son of God, binds the human agent, body, soul, and spirit, to the perfect, divine-human nature of Christ.”

How many church creeds specifically declare that it is the Holy Spirit that binds the true believer, i.e., body, mind, soul and spirit to the perfect divine-human nature of Christ? How many of those still debating this issue will give this saving truth the attention it fully deserves and bring it into their discussions? Into their set of beliefs?  Into their moral character-building?


From the Seventh Trumpet to the Last Trumpet

Friday Morning Manna                   February 22, 2019

Nathaniel Fajardo                                        email:[email protected]

From the Seventh Trumpet to the Last Trumpet

     “The second woe is past. Behold the third woe cometh quickly.” Revelation 11: 14.

“Behold, I come quickly.” Revelation 22: 12.

Clarifications need to be made quickly regarding quickly as used in the above verses. Some make the same application of the first with Christ’s last recorded promise, “Behold, I come quickly,” suggesting that the former means a longer lapse of time rather than commencing immediately. John penned these words, they say, in A.D. 70, and today, two thousand years after, Christ has not yet come. That is not quite quick, or so it seems.


Signs of the Times. . . Have Changed: ‘Guns and God: Growing Number of Churches Want Armed Security’

Signs of the Times. . . Have Changed: ‘Guns and God: Growing Number of Churches Want Armed Security’

     “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” Psalms 34: 7, K.J.V.   

Beginning after Pentecost, A.D. 1, the church (in contrast to the world), founded upon Christ as the Rock and Foundation by the first Twelve, undergoes its prophesied periods. It is now in its seventh and final remnant period, symbolized as the “Laodicean church,” spiritually lukewarm yet militant.” See on Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

All throughout its different yet successive periods, particularly now in its commandment-keeping, remnant stage, the faithful of each period who kept the flame of truth burning, well-understood and faithfully applied apostle Paul’s injunction, which says:


Prophecies Regarding Current and Still-Breaking News


Prophecies Regarding Current and Still-Breaking News


“A classic motif of comedy is the small lies that require bigger lies to maintain the deceit, until the whole fraud collapses with the deceivers exposed.”

— Nick Newman, Yahoo Finance, July 20, 2018

Before we dive back to the latter part of our mini-series on the “death and resurrection” of the “Two Prophets/Witnesses” and the “beast that ascends from the bottomless pit” of Revelation chapter 11, we need to be periodically reminded—


The Truth Regarding Peace: War is not a Necessity  


Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SEVEN

The Truth Regarding Peace: War is not a Necessity  


“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t Communism, jihadism, or any external force or foreign power. It’s our willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service, or party, and in pursuit of power.”

– Michael Bloomberg, former NYC mayor, commencement address, Rice University


No truly converted Christians will not tolerate dishonesty; neither will they make any compromises with the truth for “the sake” of some “good reason,” as in the perverted concept that has been applied to great lengths of abomination: “The end justifies the means.” Both means and end are Biblically indefensible and stands condemned at God’s judgment bar.


Blind Spot: Why seeing is not always believing

FRIDAY MORNING MANNA                        May  4, 2018

Nathaniel Fajardo                          email:[email protected]

Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SEVEN – Part ___

Blind Spot: Why seeing is not always believing

Because it pleases us, we believe what we want to believe—even if the preponderance of acceptable evidence and the testimony of credible witness prove otherwise. While unbelief is the obvious symptom, the unconverted heart is the not-too-obvious but real problem. To make matters worse, we misdiagnose the symptom as the cause and try to “cure” it only to be met with temporary relief, if at all, and the same if not a worse situation prevails. Thus untreated, it eventually reaches a deadly “point of no remedy.”