
The Truth Regarding Peace: War is not a Necessity  


Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SEVEN

The Truth Regarding Peace: War is not a Necessity  


“The greatest threat to American democracy isn’t Communism, jihadism, or any external force or foreign power. It’s our willingness to tolerate dishonesty in service, or party, and in pursuit of power.”

– Michael Bloomberg, former NYC mayor, commencement address, Rice University


No truly converted Christians will not tolerate dishonesty; neither will they make any compromises with the truth for “the sake” of some “good reason,” as in the perverted concept that has been applied to great lengths of abomination: “The end justifies the means.” Both means and end are Biblically indefensible and stands condemned at God’s judgment bar.


Six Empowering Topics for Today’s Mothers

 Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SIX Part III

Six Empowering Topics for Today’s Mothers

My favorite Bible-based author and inspirational writer is Ellen G. White. By study and experience, her voluminous works are indeed, to me, “the lesser light that leads to the greater light”— the Bible and Christ Himself.  Wikipedia says, she wrote “more than 40 books and 5,000 periodical articles during her lifetime” but unfortunately adds, “believed by many deluded readers to have the spiritual gift of prophecy in the Bible.” I do, and am not delusional. Below are some of them, summarized under six favorite Mother-topics of mine, all of them interconnected, for Mother’s Day 2017:


“The king upon his throne has no higher work than has the mother. The mother is queen of her household. She has in her power the molding of her children’s characters, that they might be fitted for the higher,


Six: the Number of Man, the Number of ‘the Man of Sin


Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SIX Part II

 Six: the Number of Man, the Number of ‘the Man of Sin’


“Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; 

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”  Revelation 13: 18, Authorized Version.


The following is quoted from: An Exhaustive E.G. White Commentary on Revelation, Vol. II Footnotes of Rev. 13: 18. Review & Herald Publishing Association:

     “Here is wisdom. – Compare the phrase, ‘here is the mind which hath wisdom” (ch. 17: 9(. The wisdom here commended is doubtless that to which Paul refers in Eph. 1: 17. Only by divine enlightenment [not human wisdom] will men understand the mysteries of the Word of God (see on 1 Cor. 2:13). “


Six Cities of Refuge: Symbols of Refuge Provided in Christ


Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SIX Part I

 Six Cities of Refuge Symbols of Refuge Provided in Christ


Quote for the Week

Revenge, at first thought sweet, bitter ere long back on itself recoils.

JOHN MILTON, Paradise Lost


See Joshua 10: 40-43; 4: 12, 13; chapter 11; 14: 6-15, 17; 17: 14-18; 18: 1-10; 19: 59, 50; chapter 11; chapter 22; 35: 31-33; Num. 25: 11, 13;  35: 11, 12; 35: 30-33; Gen. 9: 6; Exo.. 21:14; Jer. 7, 12, 14; Matt. 18: 16; Heb. 10: 26, 27; John 17: 20; 1 Pet. 3: 8, 9.

It would be interesting to see what their individual reactions would be, and how much, if any, it would influence their thinking for the present and the long-term in their powerful positions within their respective spheres of influence in forming policies and making decisions on the fly as presidents of two  nations that are currently on the spotlight of the daily news cycle: