
Eroding Laws and Institutions of Man: No Assurance in Anything Human or Earthly both of State and Church: Part I

Friday Morning Manna                                                           

February 21, 2020

Nathaniel Fajardo                                                                 

email: [email protected]

Eroding Laws and Institutions of Man: No Assurance in Anything  Human or Earthly both of State and Church: Part I

What is currently unfolding in rapid-fire action before us, particularly with the state of affairs of the state and its three branches of government— executive, legislative and judicial and their respective institutions, legal, constitutional and traditional, in relation to the church and its religious institutions and powers—will impact and shape our immediate future and eternal destiny in ways most still haven’t yet imagined, figured out or have been fully warned of. (Fast forward: The work of the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14, culminates in “enlightening the whole earth with knowledge of God’s glory” in the last invitation “to come out of her, My people” called the fourth angel of Revelation 18. God, through the Holy Spirit takes over the reins of the work of salvation in the promised latter rain. Then earth’s probation ends.)    


Widely Held Lies Regarding Hell and Paradise

Friday Morning Manna                     March 22, 1019

Nathaniel Fajardo                                               email:[email protected]

Widely Held Lies Regarding Hell and Paradise

Quotable Quote

“Tomorrow, God willing, we will be in paradise and they will be burning in hell.”

The quote above sounds familiar, right? Certainly. The question is, who said it?

These words were not spoken by any Roman Catholic prelate exhorting recruits to its infamous  Crusades neither by any Eastern Orthodox priest or by any pastor/preacher of the traditional Protestant or modern Evangelical and Pentecostal churches of mainstream Christianity.


Did ‘hell freeze over’ or was the pope betrayed by a friend?

FRIDAY MORNING MANNA      April 6, 2018

Nathaniel Fajardo                          email:[email protected]

Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SEVEN – Part 42

Did ‘hell freeze over’ or was the pope betrayed by a friend?


“It is beyond the power of the human mind to estimate the evil which has been wrought by the heresy of eternal torment.”

– E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911 ed. p. 535.

No pun intended but a searing hot topic right now is the earth-shaking unintended recent revelation that  Francis,