

May 26, 2020



“IF you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My holy day [not holiday], and call the Sabbath a delight, the HOLY DAY of the Lord honorable, and shall honor Him, NOT DOING YOUR OWN WAYS, nor FINDING YOUR OWN PLEASURE, nor SPEAKING YOUR OWN WORDS, then you shall delight yourself in the Lord; and I will cause you to rise the high hills [places, KJV]  of the earth, and FEED you wither the heritage of Jacob your father. The mouth of the Lord [of the Sabbath day] has spoken.” Isa. 58: 13,14, NKJV.

“God has given 6 days wherein to labor, and He REQUIRES that their own work be done in 6 working days. ACTS of necessity and mercy are permitted in the Sabbath, the sick and the suffering are at ALL TIMES to be cared for; but UNNECESSARY labor is to be strictly avoided. [Isa. 58:13 quoted].

“Not speaking your own words, says the prophet. Those who discuss business matters or lay plans on the Sabbath, are REGARDED by God as though engaged in the ACTUAL transaction of business.”

“To keep the Sabbath day holy, we should not even allow our MINDS to dwell upon things of a WORLDLY character. And the commandment includes ‘all within our gates.’ The inmates of the house are to lay aside their worldly business during the SACRED hours [from sunset to sunset]. All should unite to honor God by WILLING service [that is, ‘in spirit and truth’] upon His holy day.” E.G.White, Patriarchs & Prophets, pp. 307, 308.

“We should jealously GUARD THE EDGES of the Sabbath day. REMEMBER that EVERY MOMENT [not merely the ‘divine worship service’] is consecrated, holy time. Before the setting of the sun [Friday, wherever you are in any time zone] let the members of the family assemble to read God’s Word, to sing and pray.” Ibid, vol. 6 Testimonies, p. 356.

God’s professed Sabbath-keepers of these last days have a lot more to overcome in Sabbath keeping. Sabbath day reform actually begins in the heart and mind of each individual. Ponder upon this as we approach another Sabbath on home confinement due to the coronavirus crisis.   NMF