

July 12, 2020



“The sanctification set forth in the Scriptures has to do with the ENTIRE BEING—spirit, soul, and body.

“Here is the true idea of entire consecration. Paul prays that the church…may enjoy this GREAT BLESSING: “The very God of peace sanctify you wholly: and I pray God your WHOLE spirit and soul and body be PRESERVED BLAMELESS unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thess. 5:23, KJV.

“Out Savior ever condemned self-righteousness. He taught His disciples the HIGHEST type of religion is that which manifests itself in a QUIET, UNOBTRUSIVE manner.

“He cautioned them to perform their deeds of charity QUIETLY; not for display, not to be praised or honored of men, but for the glory of God, expecting their reward THEREAFTER [not here and now]. If they should perform good deeds to be lauded by men, NO reward would be given them by their Father in heaven.

“The followers of Christ were instructed NOT to pray for the purpose of BEING HEARD OF MEN. ‘But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet[personal private place], and when thou has shut thy door, pray to thy Father, which is in SECRET; and thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which SEETH in secret shall reward thee OPENLY.’

“Such expressions as this from the lips of Christ show that He did NOT regard with approval that kind of piety so PREVALENT among Pharisees.

“His teachings on the mount show that deeds of benevolence assume a noble form, and acts of RELIGIOUS WORSHIP shed a most precious fragrance, WHEN performed in an UNPRETENDING manner, in PENITENCE and HUMILITY.

“The pure motive sanctifies the act.”

“True sanctification is an ENTIRE conformity to the will of God. Rebellious thoughts and feelings are OVERCOME, and the voice of Jesus awakens a NEW LIFE, which pervades the entire being.

“Those who are truly sanctified, will not set up his OWN OPINION as a standard of right and wrong. They are NOT BIGOTED or self-righteous; but they are jealous of SELF, ever fearing lest a promise being left them, they should come SHORT of COMPLYING with the conditions upon which the promises as based.” EGW Sanctification, pp. 7,8.

Sanctification is the work to be done in the individual’s lifetime and up to the time of Christ’s return. It is the work of moral character perfection until Christ’s image (His character) is fully reflected in the person’a character by the power of grace. It is a soul saved from the power of sin, temptation and Satan. This is the gospel’s purpose and goal in the person’s life and choices, rendering salvation an individual matter—not by families, tribes, nationality, ethnicity or skin color. It is in this highest and most sublime sense that All Lives Matter because there is no color to the  soul. Jesus is the Savior of fallen mankind!   NMF