
Ecumenical Movement Entering its Penultimate Stage

FRIDAY MORNING MANNA                                  February 8, 2019

Nathaniel Fajardo                                     email: [email protected]

Ecumenical Movement Entering its Penultimate Stage

     “Jews, Evangelicals reach out to Sunni Gulf Arab leaders.” This was the headline of a news story simultaneously appearing and similarly titled in at least 32 news outlets on Tuesday this week. The editorial boards/staffs of these news outlets unitedly perceived its newsworthy nature– from whatever angle, agenda, and editorial policies each had that determined its value.  Should we be interested too? And how much?


Signs of the Times. . . Have Changed: ‘Guns and God: Growing Number of Churches Want Armed Security’

Signs of the Times. . . Have Changed: ‘Guns and God: Growing Number of Churches Want Armed Security’

     “The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.” Psalms 34: 7, K.J.V.   

Beginning after Pentecost, A.D. 1, the church (in contrast to the world), founded upon Christ as the Rock and Foundation by the first Twelve, undergoes its prophesied periods. It is now in its seventh and final remnant period, symbolized as the “Laodicean church,” spiritually lukewarm yet militant.” See on Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

All throughout its different yet successive periods, particularly now in its commandment-keeping, remnant stage, the faithful of each period who kept the flame of truth burning, well-understood and faithfully applied apostle Paul’s injunction, which says: