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The Importance Of Time (February 19, 2022)
(From A Time Sensitive Message To A Time No More Message Part 2)
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April 20, 2022
Earth is the only inhabited planet in rebellion. In a parable it is symbolized as the “one lost sheep” whom the good shepherd went in search for in the dark and dangerous places at the risk of his life, leaving the ninety nine sheep in the safety of the fold. Matt. 18:12-14; Luke 15: 3-7.
In God’s kingdom in heaven and throughout the endless expanse of the universe,the unfallen worlds (Heb. 1: 1-3) and its sinless inhabitants “live, move, and have their being” in freewill freedom, license-less liberty (the opposite of licentious liberty) liberating love, perfect peace, unalloyed happiness, uninterrupted unity, and flawless harmony—-all adoringly worship in praise and thanksgiving to the one and only God Creator, on the only day He blessed, sanctified and set aside exclusively for this weekly purpose, “in spirit and truth.”
All because all are of “one heart, one mind, and one spirit (or attitude). And all are voluntarily, willingly, and spontaneously “compelled” in their hearts by Christ’s indwelling LOVE and infilling Spirit, to love God first with “all their heart, all their mind, all their soul, and all their strength (or might),” and then like the first, their eternal “neighbors as themselves.” In thought, word, and deed, this indeed is “love divine, love excelling.”
Only Paul among all of Christ’s first disciples and apostles, was granted the exclusive privilege of being “taken up in vision to heaven, verily the third heavens, paradise itself, and heard words that cannot be lawfully spoken on earth (see 2 Cor. 12: 1-10). With this kind of highly advanced experience came corresponding far deeper spiritual insights (and greater responsibilities and accountability, of course).
Thus, on the subjects of love anrd law (and others as well) Paul brought forth profound spiritual insights and deep eternal truths connected with each. On LOVE, called “charity” in the KJV, the apostle elucidates on it in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 like none of the other Bible writers did. Read and contemplate upon it in comparison with David’s Psalms 119, and you will be impressed to see and learn how God’s perfect love and His perfect law intersect and intertwine with each other, forming a perfect tapestry of the spiritual seven colors of the rainbow “surrounding God’s great white throne,” which is also the material foundation of the “robe of righteousness” and “fine, white linen of the saints,” the “wedding garment” that all must have who will sit down with the Bridegroom at the “wedding supper of the Lamb.”
This, and infinitely more, describes the “place” that Christ went “to prepare” for His faithful followers through the ages. John 14: 1-3. Our only fair share of work, as “co-laborers with God,” is to love Jesus by keeping and obeying all His commandments in its most comprehensive spiritual sense by His empowering grace imparted through the Holy Spirit. Only thus can we truthfully and honestly say, “I can [and will] do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.”
Without His law, love becomes lawless; lawlessness, strife, perversion, bloodshed and wretched lives and death reigns. Without His love, His law is made an abomination by apostates who replace and counterfeit it with their own man-made religious laws which they use to enforce worship and exact allegiance and obeisance to these counterfeit laws, denying the individual his sacred God-given right and freedom to worship God according to the dictates of conscience only.
Until next week’s MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.
April 13, 2022
Sharing the top of the list of Christ’s gospel mission on earth, fallen in sin, the transgression of His law of love, Isaiah the gospel prophet, announced: “The Lord is well pleased for His righteousness’ sake; He will MAGNIFY THE LAW and make it honorable” (Isa. 42: 21, KJV. Be sure to read verses 1-22 for fuller context).
When Jesus who saves His people FROM sin, is “Emmanuel, being interpreted, GOD with us” (Matt. 1: 21, 24), the “Word made flesh,” John 1:14, etc.), is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” for “He changest not” and “His word is forever settled in heavens” was asked the question by one of the scribes, “Which is the FIRST COMMANDMENT (or law) of all? And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is ONE Lord. And thou shalt LOVE the Lord thy God with ALL thy heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind, and with all thy strength (or might); this is the FIRST commandment.
And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt LOVE thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandment (or law) greater than these [the first and second].”Mark 12: 28-31.
Jesus simply quoted Moses through whom He spoke through centuries earlier See Deut. 6: 4.
This clearly tells us that God’s love is mirrored and reflected in His law, which is the written transcript of His character of love. Jesus’ familiar declaration is, “If you LOVE Me, keep My commandments (or law of Ten Commandments).” John 14:15.
Apostle Paul faithfully repeated this unchanging truth in these words: “LOVE is the FULFILLING of the LAW.” Rom. 13: 10, last part, Verses 8, 9 refers to last six commandments of the Decalogue which defines our love and duty to our “neighbor,” or fellow men.”
Therefore the mirror image of Rom. 13: 10, according to the spirit and the context is, “Fulfilling the law is love [for God and our fellow men]. The “first of all the commandments,”’ is of course the FIRST four commandments which clearly defines and specifies HOW and in WHAT ways God expects us to LOVE HIM. It is His will and way, not ours. In divine things, we can obey without loving but we cannot love without obeying.
In His gospel message and work, which He revealed to Paul (and all the disciples and apostles) Christ came in order to “MAGNIFY the LAW and make it honorable” (Isa. 42: 22), the word “fulfill” the law is practically the same as “magnify” the law, and since God is love, and His law is love, it can be said without doing violence to the sacred truth that Christ also came “to magnify the Father’s love and make it honorable” for Satan and law-breaking “ungodly men” had cheapened, corrupted, and made it “dishonorable,” turning His divine love and empowering, grace “into lasciviousness” (Jude 4).
“Fulfill” in Matt. 3:15 is translated from the Greek word “pleroo,” meaning “makes replete,” as in cram; furnish, imbue.” In Isa. 42:21 the word “magnify” is translated from the Hebrew “gadal,” meaning “to make large in various senses, as in body, mind, estate of honor; also, in pride; to advance, bring up, exceed, excellent, wax great,” (From Strong’s Hebrew and Greek lexicons).
Till next week’s MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.
April 6, 2022
Among many others of original precept and principle in the Sacred Word, the following few attest to this eternal truth: God is Love, so is His Law.
First, petition the throne of grace for the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then read from your Bibles (preferably the KJV) the following:
1 John 4: 7, 8. 16. Speaking through David of Himself, Christ declared (emphasis mine): “O how I LOVE THY LAW! It is My meditation all the day.” Ps. 119: 97. The invisible God the Father of love is revealed in His visible (readable) written Word but more so in His visible “only-begotten Son” “by whom the worlds were created by Him and FOR Him” (Col.1: 16, 17; cf. John 1: 1-3, 10; Heb. 1: 1-3, 8, 9, etc.).
Of Christ Jesus, “the EXPRESS IMAGE of the glory of the presence” of the INVISIBLE Father of LOVE, life, light, and truth John declares: “That which was from the beginning, which we have HEARD, which we have SEEN with our own eyes, which we LOOKED UPON, and OUR HANDS HAVE HANDLED, of the Word of life”(1 John 1:1).
The reason why HATRED is worsening in the world in all its myriad forms and expressions whether unfeigned, overtly expressed, or physically demonstrated aggressively or is sly, suggestive, or implied but just as virulent, evil, corrosive, and destructive, is because the LOVE of God, who hates all evil and unrighteousness, including hatred for His law which enjoins love for our fellow men and fellow sinners is because God’s love does not abide and control the heart and mind (as was the experience and thus the expression of John and his fellow disciples!).
And in eternal things, there exists no void of neutral grounds. There are only two masters in this fallen, sinful world: Christ the Savior of mankind and Redeemer of the world He created, or Satan the master usurper, pretender, deceiver, “the enemy of God and man” and destroyer of souls.
By the knowledge and light of truth made available to us individually during our conscious and rational lifetime, as free moral agents, we choose whom we worship and serve (obedience
is the highest form of worship) whether God in Christ unto eternal life, or Satan, pretending to be God or Christ through his main agencies, unto eternal death.
The reason why LAWLESSNESS, which invariably breeds and results in all manner and degrees of disruptive disunity, confusion, unbridled passions, gross intemperance, mayhem, anarchy, revolts, bloodshed, pain, suffering, and death is because the LAW of God has been, for so long derided, trampled upon underfoot, called a “burden” and a “curse” and then blasphemously replaced by counterfeit, man-made religious laws by the apostate churches and denominations and blindly embraced by their sincere yet gullible votaries and adherents who have been taught from childhood to implicitly trust their religious leaders, honor the decretals of church councils, venerated traditions and long-held superstitions over the “Thus saith the Lord,” and “It is written” of the the sacred Bible.
Until next week’s MWM, God bless all, NMF.
The year 2021 is ingloriously winding down, lugging with it a gargantuan mixed bag of hope and desperation (with everything in between, both probable and impossible, absolutely vital and grossly unconscionable, saintly and demonic, heroic and villainous, genuinely prophetic and provocatively conspiratorial, running the whole gamut of their respective scale and magnitudes).
The now historical specter named Covid 19 and its virulent variant relatives, may be said to be responsible for packing this “mixed bag,” or if you wish, “stuffing” this global-sized bulging “stockings” styled by the devastating hands of what is myopically-diagnosed as the man-made “climate change and global warming,” mysteriously leaving out the real causes, purposes of its diabolical mastermind in the spiritual conflict of the ages!
However, instead of summarizing the highlights of prophetic perspectives and import of eternal consequences of what has thus transpired and what it forebodes in the days ahead, (which I plan to do later at the other side of incoming new year, God willing), I am sharing with you one of my favorite passages in my KJV Bible from Paul’s epistle to the church in Ephesus.
In it the apostle lifts up and magnifies an all-encompassing CAUSE that transcends all other worthy causes of and for mankind. And what is it? In her book The Great Controversy, Ellen G. White wrote that here the apostle “presents to the true believer the height of Christian privileges, opening before them in the most comprehensive language the most marvelous power that they might possess as sons and daughters of the Most High.”
Even before discovering this amazing verse-specific Testimony, I had already begun committing this passage to memory because when first encountered it in my Bible readings way back, I believe, in the early 1990s, it immediately captured my attention.
Many years after, I now know much better as to why! It encapsulates so succinctly like no other, what the ultimate goal of the plan of salvation of the gospel is—for the individual believer, the church at large, and the family of God on earth.
I find it even more profoundly timely now as my staging ground, as it were, from where I can look by clear-eyed faith, beyond the temporal trials, tribulations, and disappointments of the hopelessly uncertain present to the certainty of the promised glorious triumphs of tomorrow’s eternity—that begins the moment Jesus returns in His second advent bringing His reward of eternal life to all who remained faithfully obedient to the truth to the end of their earthly lives. Now read on and tell me what you think!
Ephesians 3: 14-21: “For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ might dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.” Eph. 3: 14-21, KJV.
God bless all of you, NMF.