Mid-week Manna

Peace: The Third ‘Fruit’ of The Holy Spirit (Part 4)


January 22, 2025

Peace: The Third ‘Fruit’ of The Holy Spirit (Part 4)

    “Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God.”

 Matt. 5: 9, A.V. 

Christ’s ‘peace that passeth understanding’ and empowering grace are imparted only by and through—-the Third Person of the Godhead, Christ’s Vicegerent on earth, the Holy Spirit—-to the peacemakers, not trouble-makers; the law-abiding truth-bearers, not the antinomian sin excusers and justifiers. 

Now this from “the Testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19:10), emphasis mine: 

     “The peace of Christ is born of TRUTH. It is IN HARMONY  with God. The WORLD is at enmity with the law of God; SINNERS are at enmity with their Maker; and as A RESULT they are at enmity with one another. But the psalmist declares, ‘Great peace have they which LOVE THY LAW: and NOTHING shall offend them.’ Ps. 119:165. 

      “Men cannot manufacture peace. Human plans for purification and uplifting of individuals or of society will FAIL OF PRODUCING PEACE, because they do not reach the HEART. 

      “The  ONLY POWER that can create or perpetuate TRUE peace is the GRACE OF CHRIST. When this [grace] is implanted in the heart, it will CAST OUT THE EVIL PASSIONS THAT CAUSE STRIFE AND DISSENSION. ‘Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree;’ and life’s desert ‘shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose.’ Isa. 55:13; 35:1.” E. G. White, Desire of Ages, pp. 302-305. 

Now we know beyond any reasonable doubt why the world’s secular and religious empires, kingdoms, and nations have been at war against each other since the fall in Eden. Such is the somber witness of earth’s history and warnings of prophecy. Conflicts and wars will rage till the end, culminating in the Battle of Armageddon at the sixth and beginning of the seventh of the seven last plagues. (Rev. 16: 12-16). 

Seek God’s peace only according to His appointed way and specific instructions, and He promised: “My peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth give I to you. Let not  your heart be troubled neither let if be afraid.” 

To be continued next MWM,  the God of peace willing.  Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series Part 45 – Peace: The Third ‘Fruit’ of the Holy Spirit (Part 3)


January 15, 2025

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 45

Peace: The Third ‘Fruit’ of the Holy Spirit (Part 3)


Jesus said to the Twelve: “I have yet SO MANY THINGS to say unto you but ye cannot bear them now. HOWBEIT when He, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH IS COME, He will guide you into ALL truth.” John 16:12, 13, KJV. 

Notwithstanding that the Master Teacher and “First Comforter” himself patiently, thoroughly taught, illustrated, and repeated His gospel lessons to the first disciples, they were “slow to hear,” that is, spiritually undiscerning. They were unready and unfitted to represent Him and the spiritual kingdom He was to establish on fallen earth. 

But Jesus, the promised “Seed” and Messiah only had an ultra brief, pre-determined three and a half years, according to the plan of redemption, to accomplish His comprehensive mission on earth, beginning at His baptism at the Jordan,  27 A.D. Three and a-half years later, 31 A.D., He was already crucified at Calvary! Then, 50 days later, after spending 40

days with His disciples in His glorified body, He finally ascended to the Father in the heavenly sanctuary, witnessed by “Cephas(Peter), the Twelve, the over 500 disciple”, James, all the apostles, and Paul. (1 Cor. 15: 1-8; Acts 1:1-3)

Q. So how and by whom was the “continuing education,” training, eventual vetting by anointing, and continual empowerment and guidance of the disciples to be accomplished and facilitated, in heralding to the world the first edition of the gospel of a risen Savior, thereafter, the gospel of a coming King of kings and Lord of lords? 

God’s messenger magnifies the Biblical account thusly (all emphasis and bracketed words mine): 

     “The disciples still FAILED TO UNDERSTAND Christ’s words in their SPIRITUAL SENSE, and again He explained His meaning. BY THE [Holy] SPIRIT, He said, HE WOULD MANIFEST HIMSELF TO THEM. ‘The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send IN MY NAME, He shall teach you ALL things.’ [John 14: 26]. NO MORE WILL YOU SAY, I CANNOT COMPREHEND. No longer will you see through a glass, darkly [1 Cor. 13: 12]. You ‘shall be able to COMPREHEND with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; and to know the LOVE of Christ, which PASSETH KNOWLEDGE’ (Eph. 3:18, 19].” E. G. White, Desire of Ages, pp. 

ignorance of the true knowledge and understanding of the spiritual meaning of Christ’s words, the whole Bible itself—-which ONLY “THE HOLY SPIRIT OF TRUTH” can/will teach and impart to any and all humble seeker of “the truth as it is in Jesus”—-explains why Christ’s love, “which passeth knowledge,” and Christ’s peace “that passeth understanding,” can never be truly and fully experienced by any merely professed Christians. 

This spiritual deficiency and disease will become even more critical, correspondingly increasing with the chaotic, predictably unpredictable “perilous times of the last days.” It reaches its prophesied  stupendous climax in “the hour of temptation that shall try all that dwell on the earth” (Rev. 3:10) in the final crisis and “time of trouble such as never was” (Dan. 12:1). 

It behooves all who confidently “think they will be able to stand” at that time “to make their calling and election sure” now by closely “examining themselves and proving themselves”, not others, “whether they are in the faith” of Jesus through the “Holy Spirit of truth,” by whom Christ’s  peace is imparted.

Presumption is the counterfeit of faith. Procrastinate no longer. Tomorrow is not promised. Today, “Ask, seek, and knock for the Holy Spirit” that you may obtain Christ’s “peace that passeth understandjng!”

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series Part 44 – PEACE: THE THIRD ‘FRUIT’ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 2)


January 8, 2025

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 44



    “Great peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them.” Ps. 119: 165, KJV. 

This is a continuation of last week’s detailing on how, when, where, with WHOM, and in what particular circumstances and situations is the Holy Spirit’s “fruit” of peace is needed, imparted, and manifested. (All emphasis and bracketed words mine): 

    “At all times and in all places, in all sorrows and afflictions, when the outlook seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the COMFORTER will be sent in answer to the PRAYER OF FAITH.” E. G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 668-9. 

 NOTE: This is why we are never to carelessly assume, thus erroneously and sinfully presume that God’s peace and all the rest of the “fruits of the Spirit” are automatically imparted or unconditionally possessed somehow. 

In the second time Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He first repeated what we call the “Lord’s prayer” (Matt. 5) which was part of His longest recorded public discourse—the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7); then He immediately added specific instructions on what else we are to pray for and the fervor and persistence that should attend it. Let’s review it from Luke 11: 1-13, KJV. 

Read verses 1-8 first. Now follows verse 9-13 (emphasis mine): 

      “And I say unto you, ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. If a son shall ask for bread of any of you that is a FATHER [or mother], will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Of if he shall ask for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being EVIL [fallen, sinful, finite mortals] know how to give GOOD GIFTS unto your children: HOW MUCH MORE SHALL YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER GIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO THEM THAT ASK [seek, and knock] FOR HIM?”

This asking, seeking, and knocking for the Holy Spirit, particularly in our personal, private prayers, emphasizes that this asking is in order to give, as the three examples Christ cited clearly illustrates. More specifically, this heartfelt, persistent petition for the Holy Spirit is in order that the petitioner can give (share, declare, proclaim, teach, preach) the final, testing truths of the gospel for these last days! For indeed it is “not by human might nor power but by My Holy Spirit, saith the Lord.”(Zech. 4:6). 

While God’s true servants, co-laborers, and watchmen are to share the truth “with a zeal based on knowledge,” it is the Holy Spirit alone that does the work of conviction for His “workshop” is the conscience of the mind of the soul. Indeed, “Conscience is the ‘still small voice’ “of the Holy Spirit heard amid the din of human passions.”

     “Circumstances may separate us from every earthly friend; but no circumstances, no distance, CAN SEPARATE US from the HEAVENLY COMFORTER. Wherever we are, where ever we may go, He is ALWAYS at our right hand to SUPPORT, SUSTAIN, UPHOLD, AND CHEER.” Ibid, p. 669.

NOTE: This is the powerful promise of divine peace that will reign within the heart of all faithful and obedient believers in all dispensations and generations for “God is no respecter of persons,” “there is neither Jew, nor Greek nor Gentile” to Him.” “To all who receive Him He grants to become His sons and daughters” of and in His kingdom of righteousness.  And like the divine agape LOVE of the Father in Christ through the Holy Spirit, absolutely NOTHING but “transgression” or sin, can and will separate us from God.  

The gospel prophet wrote:

     “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” (Isa. 59: 2). 

If we haven’t yet quite grasped the real nature of the  exceeding malignity and sinfulness of sin, this is simply one in dozens of Scriptures that reveal it. We will do ourselves a “favor” of life unto life by taking serous heed to  such warnings before it is forever too late! 

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series Part 43 – PEACE: THE THIRD ‘FRUIT’ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 1)


January 1, 2025

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 43


    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, . . “ Gal. 5: 22, KJV.

Christ’s last and parting legacy to His first disciples and all thereafter, was a legacy of peace. He said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27, KJV. 

How was His peace, which neither the world nor the religions of the world could    ever give—be left with them when He was soon to die, and then later leave them behind on earth as He ascended to the Father in heaven after His resurrection? 

Yes, indeed, by and through the Holy Spirit, Christ’s peace Giver as “the other Comforter,” His Representative and Vicegerent, verily the third Person of the Godhead! 

The following is excerpted from the inspired book, The Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White, God’s end-times messenger in the order of Elijah and John the Baptist’s calling and nature of work. Pages provided at the end of the quotes. (All emphases and bracketed words mine): 

     “Before offering Himself as the sacrificial victim [‘the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world’], Christ sought for the most essential and complete gift to bestow upon His followers, a gift that would bring within their reach the boundless measure of grace. [John 14: 16-18 quoted. Pls. read for yourself]. 

    “Before this the [Holy] Spirit had been in the world; from the beginning of the work of redemption [immediately after the fall in Eden] He had been moving upon hearts. But while Christ was on earth, the disciples had desired no other helper. Not until they were deprived of His PRESENCE would they feel their need of the Spirit, and then He would come.

     “The Holy Spirit is Christ’s Representative, but divested of humanity, and independent thereof. Cumbered with humanity [as He eternally ‘partook of the likeness of sinful flesh’ in the incarnation, Rom 8: 3, 4: 1 Tim. 3:16; John 1: 1-3, 13; Heb. 2: 14-18] Christ could not be in every place PERSONALLY. Therefore it was for their interest that He should go to the Father, and send the Spirit to be His Successor on earth. No one could then have any advantage because of his location or personal contact with Christ [not even Mary nor Joseph]. By the Spirit Christ would be ACCESSIBLE TO ALL. In this sense He would be NEARER to them than if He had not ascended on high.

     “‘He that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and MANIFEST MYSELF to him.’ [John 14:21. That is, thru the Presence in the divine Person of the invisible Holy Spirit]. 

Here’s how, when, where, and with whom Christ’s peace is bequeathed through the Holy Spirit is especially needed and experienced: 

     “Jesus read the future of His disciples. He saw one brought to the scaffold, one to the cross, one to exile among the lonely rocks of the sea, [‘Stephen was stoned; James was slain by the sword; Paul was beheaded; Peter was crucified; John was exiled. Yet the church grew.’ AA 597]; others to persecution and death [see Hebrews 11]. 

     “He ENCOURAGED them with the promise that with EVERY TRIAL He would be with them [In and through His Holy Spirit]. THAT PROMISE HAS LOST NONE OF ITS FORCE. The Lord knows all about His FAITHFUL SERVANTS who for His sake are lying in prison or who are banished to lonely islands.

    “He COMFORTS them with His OWN PERSONAL PRESENCE [in and through the Holy Spirit]. When for the TRUTH’S SAKE the believer stands at the bar of UNRIGHTEOUS TRIBUNALS, Christ stands by his side [invisibly, in the Holy Spirit]. All the reproaches that fall upon him fall upon Christ. Christ is condemned over again IN THE PERSON OF HIS DISCIPLE. 

When one is incarcerated in prison walls, Christ RAVISHES the heart with HIS LOVE. When one suffers DEATH for His sake, Christ says, ‘I am He that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive forevermore. . . . and have the keys to hell [grave] and death.’ Rev. 1:18. The life that is sacrificed for Me is preserved unto eternal glory.” – Desire of Ages, chap. LXIII, April 1950 New Edition. Pacific Press Publishing Asso., pp. 668-9. 

To be continued next MWM, God willing. A spiritually-prosperous and sanctifying New Year 2025 to all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 42 -JOY: THE SECOND ‘FRUIT’ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 4) 


December 25, 2024

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 42


Jesus said: “I say unto you, that likewise JOY SHALL BE in HEAVEN OVER ONE SINNER THAT REPENTETH, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need not repentance.” . . . Likewise, I say unto you, there is JOY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ANGELS of God over one sinner that repenteth.” Luke 15: 7-10, KJV. There is joy in heaven, and in the presence of the angels on earth as well, when even one sinner sincerely repents. 

Why? See John 16:7-15. Because that repentance was produced by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit alone—not by any finite mortal regardless of his persuasive talents of speech, charisma, demeanor, aura, or theological expertise—upon the  heart and conscience of any sinner, whether condemned criminal, murderer, rapist, terrorist, etc., who has not yet fully grieved away the Holy Spirit thereby closing his own probation. (Matt. 12: 31, 32; Mark 3: 28, 29; Eph. 4:30; 1 John 5:16). 

He may be deemed and officially judged a hopeless case worthy of being eliminated from human society by either/or  or both the state (secular government) and the church (religion) by their own different standards of morality and justice, but God alone in Christ through the HOLY SPIRIT reads the hidden thoughts, motives, and intents of the heart and mind. (See 2 Cor. 2: 10-14; cf. Heb 4: 12, 13; Eph. 6: 17, last part). 

Moreover, his assigned  personal guardian angel from birth recorded his every thought, word, and deed in the heavenly records where there are no false or defective entries. And Jesus alone is the merciful Intercessor and righteous Judge of all the earth. (Rom. 14: 10, 12; Eccl. 12: 13, 14; 2 Cor. 5:10

This repentance that brings spiritual joy is the genuine one, not the counterfeit  “repentance that needs to be repented of.” (See 2 Cor. 7: 8-11). Bitter regret is not synonymous with godly repentance. The former is bereft of all hope, joy, and peace whatsoever, for it is carnal in nature. Two classic yet fearfully-sad examples are  Esau in the OT, and Judas Iscariot in the NT. The latter is spiritual in nature, filled with hope and promises of justification by faith, reconciliation with God, clearing of the conscience, inner peace and joy, and ultimate victory over one’s sins and desertions of loyalty to God. Such were the encouraging and powerful recorded life examples of David, Solomon, Peter, from Saul the persecutor to Paul the venerable apostle to the Gentiles, etc. 

They all experienced, manifested, testified, and witnessed to in word, deed, and in their victorious lives the spiritual JOY of working with and privilege and honor of suffering for the cause of Christ on earth in their respective “calling and election.” They “presented their bodies, a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which was their reasonable service” and turned away from “conforming to the world” and were “transformed by the renewing of their mind” and thereby “proved what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.” (Rom. 12: 1, 2, KJV). 

Here are one of the most precious and sweetest words to ever fall from the mouth of our soon-coming Savior to all His faithful, humble, hard-working disciples and servants on earth, who experienced the joy of the Holy Spirit and joyfully worked the works of Christ! 

    “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou has been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the JOY of thy Lord.” Matt. 25: 21, 23.

To be continued next MWM, God willing.  Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 41 – JOY: THE SECOND ‘FRUIT’ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 3)


December 18, 2024

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 41


Since this joy is a fruit borne of the Holy Spirit, who, unlike the incarnate Creator, “is devoid of the personality of humanity and independent thereof,” it is exclusively divine in nature and power. It cannot be manufactured, “new modeled,” or re-invented by any finite mortal nor duplicated or “cloned” by artificial intelligence. However, it is Satan, the “father of lies” and master deceiver, working through his evil agencies, who has all too successfully counterfeited joy (and all the other “fruits”) in many forms—all pseudo, fleeting, sensual, fleshly, and spiritualistic (the counterfeit of spiritual). 

And since “spiritual things are spiritually discerned”, this joy can only be discerned and experienced with a spiritual mind, not a carnal one for “the carnal mind is at enmity with the law of God,” which is spiritual. 

So, Jesus carefully taught His disciples to not only pray “the Lord’s Prayer” but “with importunity to ask, seek, and knock for the Holy Spirit.”(Luke 11:1-13).

Having first done this with a contrite heart and meek spirit, let us now savor the precious truths contained in the following sampling verses on joy, beginning with Psalms (kJV): 

    “Thou shalt shew me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of JOY; at Thy right hand are pleasures forever more.” Ps.16:11, 12. 

      “For His anger endureth for but a moment; in His favor is life: weeping may endure for a night but JOY cometh in the morning.” Ps. 30:5.

      “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence [in the Holy Spirit]; and take not the Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto to me the JOY of Thy salvation [from sin and Satan]; and uphold me with Thy free Spirit Ps. 51: 10-12. 

      “They that sow in tears shall reap in JOY. He that goeth forth and weepers, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with REJOICING, bringing his sheaves with him.” Ps. 126:5, 6; cf. Gal.6: 7-10.

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 40 – JOY: THE SECOND ‘FRUIT’ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Part 2)


December 11, 2024

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 40


    “Joy to the world the Lord is come, let earth receive her king. . . “ 

Christ the Creator incarnate “came” to the earth two thousand years ago and was finally “manifest in the flesh” as the helpless Babe, the very prophesied “seed of a woman” (Gen. 3:15; Gal. 4:4) wrapped in swaddling clothes” with the manger of humble animals as His first crib. Yes, truth matters from eternity past to eternity future. It testifies to as to exactly how the fallen Earth and sinful man “received” and “welcomed” her King! And then mysteriously “celebrates with EARTHLY JOY AND ENJOYMENT His unscriptural birthdate and birthday! 

The mortal “motley crew” that repped the whole earth then, fallen in the darkness of sin and ignorance four thousand years after the first catastrophic experiment with disobedience in Eden, were the eyes of but a very but a small handful. This welcoming party were: 

The earthly parents of Jesus welcomed the universal moment of His birth with indescribable sacredness, fear of awe and wonderment, and yes, JOY heretofore and thereafter unknown. They were so poor and inconsequential to that society and community that there “was no room at the inn” made available somehow, much less prepared in advance, for the first couple” of the New Testament where Adam and Eve were of the Old Testament. The latter had a perfect home and environment to welcome their appearance on earth, originally designed and created to be Adam’s dominion. And then the  actual and precise BIRTHDATE of mankind’s Creator-Redeemer-Savior and supposed King were never given in advance any prophetic announcement. This is in stark contrast to the imminent warning message of John the Baptist immediately before the adult Christ would be publicly introduced as the promised Messiah and Lamb of God!  

The second class of mortal eyes that beheld with utmost reverence, awe, and yes, JOY, were unnamed, hardworking shepherds who had left their precious flocks behind in the fields, the ones they defended with their lives in order to gaze and pay homage to “their King!” Courageous shepherds yet humble worshippers of the true God! 

The third class of mortals who welcome the birth and the birthday Celebrant were several heathen/pagan (non Jewish or Israelites) yet scholarly magi or “wisemen from the east” (Medo-Persians) bringing with them three kinds of gifts officially given to royalty at that time: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. That is the true Scriptural record—three kinds of gifts, not “three wise men,” an invention of man propagated by church tradition along with false doctrines and superstitions. Because they were diligently searching the Holy Scripture and its prophecies of the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit guided and enlightened their minds. As they set out on their fateful journeys without a map, yet on a predetermined general direction, a bevy of angels appearing as a bright star in the heavens led them to the exact location and day where Jesus was to be born. They still had to ask around a bit from the Jewish residents for the precise location, unintentionally alerting the wicked Jewish king Herod as to their real mission and location of “the manger of the Bible.” That stands as one of the starkly grim pillars of the truth “He came to His own and His own received Him not.”

The third class of eyes that witnesses the actual human baby form of the incarnated Creator were not human but angelic, both evil led by Satan, and the heavenly led likely by angel Gabriel who took on the lead role after the fall and banishment of Lucifer-turned “Satan, the serpent and devil,”

the adversary of God and man. 

Satan, the primary “dragon,” bitterly joyless, filled with hatred and malice immediately got to work and enlisted the secondary “dragon” power of pagan Rome through their wretched boot-licking instrument, the cringing apostate Herod, to set about the immediate murder of the infant “King Jesus.” Heaven had to intervene and Egypt was anointed as the temporary place of refuge for the holy family! When Herod realized that the magi had misled him, In satanic fury, Herod had all the firstborn make infants slaughtered. 

But the whole angelic host, gathered in the heavens just above the field of Bethlehem, led by the angelic choir, sang with jubilant SACRED HEAVENLY JOY the first anthem announcing the birth of the Desire of Ages, which glorious strains will be re-echoed with greatest glory and harmony when Christ this time finally comes the second time in all His glory as fully and truly the eternal the King of kings and Lord of lords.” 

Such spiritual joy and joys are only that which the Holy Spirit produces as “fruits” in and whomsoever He abides and dwells as a welcome and much sought-after Guest. It is still our privilege to “ask, seek, and knock” for Him while “He is still near.” But the antitypical Noachian plea and warning is sounding loudly: “Repent ye therefore” for “My Spirit will not always strive with men!” We need to “number our days and apply it unto wisdom.” 

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 39 – JOY: THE SECOND ‘FRUIT’ OF THE HOLY SPIRIT – Part 12


December 4, 2024

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 39


    “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, (and) temperance: against such [fruits] there is no law.” Gal. 5: 23, 24, KJV (Authorized Version, A.V.)

There is no divine law whatsoever from eternity past to eternity future that can ever be against THE FRUITS produced and manifested in the lives of the true believer. In fact it is the indisputable proof and living evidence of “the word of their testimony” that “the Holy Spirit of truth” is indeed abiding in the “body temple” of the professed believer. (1 Cor. 3:16, 17; 6:19-20).  It is “by their fruits,” not by any “great swelling words of professions, “that ye shall know them.” 

These scripturally identified and defined “fruits of the Spirit” are also the inevitable products of the works of righteousness” (in stark contrast to the “works of the flesh” verses 17-21), produced by genuine “righteousness by faith” patterned after the example perfected by Christ in His incarnated human flesh nature, verily “the second Adam” (see John 1:1-3, 14; Rom. 8:1-8; 1 Cor. 15:45-50; Heb. 5: 8, 9, etc.). It is that of “faith that works by love” (Gal. 5: 6), and “purifies the soul” from all the defilement of sin. 

All that is yet carnal is “earthly,” “fleshly,” and “worldly,” and are “at enmity with the law of God” and “war against” the Spirit, the truth, Christ and His perfect righteousness and sinless purity.

As the month of December traditionally is “the Season to  be JOLLY,” and most still heartily sing “JOY to the world,” etc. we must clear-eyed where truth is concerned: the “joy” of the world fallen in sin, and the “joy of the Lord” are at the opposite ends of the truth spectrum. And Satan, “the father of lies and murderer from the beginning,” and the master deceiver and “central power of the earth and “the prince of the power of the air” has, sadly and fearfully continues successfully to switch or confuse one for the other by his diabolical schemes. 

Thus, I will start this subject of the “joy fruit” of the Holy Spirit from His side, the spiritual side as “spiritual things are only spiritually discerned.” Here is what this joy IS NOT, as determined by “the Spirit of Prophecy which is the Testimony of Jesus” for these last days: 

1. It is not a “jovial disposition” for such in fact has a “leavening” not sanctifying “effect upon the churches.” (Evangelism, 63). 

2.  It is not “jovial talk,” too much of which men and women indulge in. (Vol. 2 Testimonies for the Church, 455; Counsels on Health, 569. 

3. It is not a “jovial mood,” for believers who “run in this as naturally as water flows DOWNHILL.” (Gospel Workers, 130). 

No wonder that Paul admonished the early churches agains indulging in jesting, joking, etc. Jesus never ever left such an example for sanctified believers. Gods’s servant cited this one of the over as dozen ways we are denying Christ! 

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.