January 8, 2025
The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 44
“Great peace have they which love Thy law and nothing shall offend them.” Ps. 119: 165, KJV.
This is a continuation of last week’s detailing on how, when, where, with WHOM, and in what particular circumstances and situations is the Holy Spirit’s “fruit” of peace is needed, imparted, and manifested. (All emphasis and bracketed words mine):
“At all times and in all places, in all sorrows and afflictions, when the outlook seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the COMFORTER will be sent in answer to the PRAYER OF FAITH.” E. G. White, The Desire of Ages, pp. 668-9.
NOTE: This is why we are never to carelessly assume, thus erroneously and sinfully presume that God’s peace and all the rest of the “fruits of the Spirit” are automatically imparted or unconditionally possessed somehow.
In the second time Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He first repeated what we call the “Lord’s prayer” (Matt. 5) which was part of His longest recorded public discourse—the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew chapters 5, 6, 7); then He immediately added specific instructions on what else we are to pray for and the fervor and persistence that should attend it. Let’s review it from Luke 11: 1-13, KJV.
Read verses 1-8 first. Now follows verse 9-13 (emphasis mine):
“And I say unto you, ASK, and it shall be given you; SEEK, and ye shall find; KNOCK, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh, receiveth; and he that seeketh, findeth; and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. If a son shall ask for bread of any of you that is a FATHER [or mother], will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent? Of if he shall ask for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If ye then, being EVIL [fallen, sinful, finite mortals] know how to give GOOD GIFTS unto your children: HOW MUCH MORE SHALL YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER GIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT TO THEM THAT ASK [seek, and knock] FOR HIM?”
This asking, seeking, and knocking for the Holy Spirit, particularly in our personal, private prayers, emphasizes that this asking is in order to give, as the three examples Christ cited clearly illustrates. More specifically, this heartfelt, persistent petition for the Holy Spirit is in order that the petitioner can give (share, declare, proclaim, teach, preach) the final, testing truths of the gospel for these last days! For indeed it is “not by human might nor power but by My Holy Spirit, saith the Lord.”(Zech. 4:6).
While God’s true servants, co-laborers, and watchmen are to share the truth “with a zeal based on knowledge,” it is the Holy Spirit alone that does the work of conviction for His “workshop” is the conscience of the mind of the soul. Indeed, “Conscience is the ‘still small voice’ “of the Holy Spirit heard amid the din of human passions.”
“Circumstances may separate us from every earthly friend; but no circumstances, no distance, CAN SEPARATE US from the HEAVENLY COMFORTER. Wherever we are, where ever we may go, He is ALWAYS at our right hand to SUPPORT, SUSTAIN, UPHOLD, AND CHEER.” Ibid, p. 669.
NOTE: This is the powerful promise of divine peace that will reign within the heart of all faithful and obedient believers in all dispensations and generations for “God is no respecter of persons,” “there is neither Jew, nor Greek nor Gentile” to Him.” “To all who receive Him He grants to become His sons and daughters” of and in His kingdom of righteousness. And like the divine agape LOVE of the Father in Christ through the Holy Spirit, absolutely NOTHING but “transgression” or sin, can and will separate us from God.
The gospel prophet wrote:
“But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” (Isa. 59: 2).
If we haven’t yet quite grasped the real nature of the exceeding malignity and sinfulness of sin, this is simply one in dozens of Scriptures that reveal it. We will do ourselves a “favor” of life unto life by taking serous heed to such warnings before it is forever too late!
To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.