

December 11, 2019



Jesus said, “I am the true Vine. . . . Every branch that does not bear fruit is cast away, and every branch that bears fruit He PRUNES, that it may bear MORE fruit. . . .By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.” Matt. 15:1,2,8, NKJV.

What kind of fruits? See Gal.5:22-26. When your faith wavers and are tempted to give up, remember God permits divinely-calibrated, divinely-measured-and-controlled obstacles and trials in order to test, develop and perfect faith, not discourage us! Thus: “When we are hedged about on every side, this is the time above all others to trust in God and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The exercise of a living faith means an increase of spiritual strength and the development of unfaltering trust. It is thus that the soul becomes a conquering power. Before the demand of faith, the obstacles placed by Satan across the pathway of the Christian will disappear; for the powers of heaven will come to his aid. ‘Nothing will be impossible to you’ (Matt. 17:20). The way of the world is to begin with pomp and boasting but God’s way is to make the day of small things (Zech.4:10) the beginning of the glorious triumph of truth and righteousness.

Sometimes He trains His workers by bringing to them disappointment and apparent failure. It is His purpose that they shall learn to master difficulties. Often we are tempted to falter before the perplexities and obstacles that confront us. But if we will hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end (Heb. 3:14), God will make the way clear. Success will come to us as we struggle (like Jacob, Gen. 32:22-32). Before the valiant spirit and unwavering faith, great mountains of difficulty will become a plain.” – (PK 584-5). Look by faith beyond the dark trials to the triumphs of the glorious future!
In God’s love, mercy and grace, NMF