Mid-week Manna

God’s Saving Enmity Part 16

April 19, 2023

God’s Saving Enmity
Part 16

This is a special “parenthetical” information so vital to our current series. I urge all who desire to quickly advance in the understanding and knowledge of the comprehensive nature, application, reach, scope and magnitude of the “enmity” that God immediately “put between the serpent and the woman and their respective seeds,” just before the first couple and the father and mother of humankind were banished from Eden because of the first experiment by free moral agents with disobedience and the first experience of its incurred guilt. Genesis 3:15.

The abundant and profound enlightenment of the combined historical and spiritual truths of the subject is revealed in The CONFLICT [enmity] OF THE AGES Series comprised of five books, all penned by Ellen G. White, my favorite author next to writers of the 66 books of the Bible.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I have and continue to be blessed by the assisting enlightenment of these books in my quest to understand the present, testing truths of the Bible gospel for these last days. This and a compelling conviction to share in waning hours of earth’s probation and in preparation for the stupendous climax of the enmity and controversy between Christ and Satan and their respective agencies and followers, is all I am interested in. I am in no capacity or manner an agency of the publishers of these books and therefore don’t receive nor am interested in receiving any commendations, much less any form of commissions if any of these books are purchased from the publishers or from anyone. The only “reward” I may receive, if “faithful to the end,” is what Jesus promised, “Behold, your reward is in heaven,” not here on fallen earth.

From my personal library, here are the books, bound in dark, red cloth and the summary highlights of each as printed on the last page of the Patriarchs & Prophets, written by editors of the publisher, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View, CA, 1819, 1913 (all emphasis mine):


“A series of five intensely interesting volumes dealing with the GREAT CONFLICT between the forces of good and the forces of evil, from the inception of the rebellion in heaven to the time when ‘sin and sinners are no more.’ Each volume is complete in itself, INSOFAR as it deals with its special period of time and its special subject. TO READ THE VOLUME CREATES THE DESIRE TO COMPLETE THE SERIES.” The Publishers.

This is exactly what happened to me years before I ever read these specific lines in fine print in this early edition, just this week! The very first volume I got to fully read of this series was The Great Controversy, 1884 original edition, or Vol. 4 of the Spirit of Prophecy, abbreviated as “4SOP.”

It immediately opened my eyes and mind and jump-started a compelling desire to study and really understand the Bible and the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation. It’s high time to awake from our spiritual stupor and slumber. “The night is far spent.” The time of the churches’ and mankind’s final test is so much nearer now “than when we first believed,” i.e.. If we even ever did of the genuine gospel!
As prophesied, the ear-pleasing, sin-excusing counterfeits are virally-spreading in the end-time deceptions during these closing hours of earth’s probation.

It’s time to closely, critically, humbly, and honestly examine and prove ourselves, not others, “whether we are really in” and “have the faith of Jesus.”

The five volumes and their highlights will be given in next week’s MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.