


January 22 2020


“As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of man.” Matt. 24:27,28.

“He that endures to the end the same shall be saved.” Matt. 10:22.

“As Noah proclaimed his warning message, some listened, and worked with him in building the ark. But they did not endure. Evil influences prevailed. They turned away from the truth and became scoffers (2 Pet. 3:3). 

Thus it shall be in the last days of this earth’s history. Those who today hear the message of truth, but do not believe, will fall amid the MORAL infidelity, even as in Noah’s day those who were not FIRMLY grounded failed to stand till the end of their probation. 

When the Lord rewards every man according to His deeds (Isa.59:18,15-17; Eccl.12:13,14; Rev.22:12), these men will understand that God is truth, and that His message would have been their life and salvation IF they accepted the evidence given, and PRACTICED the conditions laid down. Then they will see that they might have been saved had they not rejected the only means of salvation.   

The trials of God’s people may be LONG and SEVERE, but the Lord NEVER forgets them. Those who believe the truth and obey the commandments will find a REFUGE in Christ (not a ‘refuge in lies,’ Isa.28:15).  They will have the effectual PROTECTION of His ever-loving care AS LONG as they take their position on the side of Christ and His law, which ever has governed and ever will govern His kingdom.

Those who ‘hold fast the beginning of their confidence firm unto the end’ [Heb. 3:13,14] will find that God is faithful and that He will fulfill His covenant to His commandment-keeping people.” MS 110, 1901. It is not enough to only profess to be “God’s people’ or ‘His chosen.’ Our faithful God will only fulfill His everlasting covenant to His commandment-keeping people who endure faithfully to the end of their individual probation. Did you take God’s covenant [Deut.4:13] in the beginning of your confidence? If you did, are you still faithful?

‘Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your calling and election sure.’ (2 Pet.2:10)! If you have been blessed, pass this on to others. God bless, NMF