Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 15: ANOTHER COMFORTER

June 12, 2024

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 15

Foundational Scriptures (all emphasis supplied).
Jesus said, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you ANOTHER COMFORTER, that HE may abide with you FOREVER.

Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH whom the WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE because it seeth HIM not, neither knoweth HIM: but ye know HIM; for HE dwelleth WITH you, and shall be IN you.”. . . “At that day [when the Comforter comes as promised and fulfilled at Pentecost that began the Christian church and dispensation of the New Testament) ye shall know that I AM IN THE FATHER, and ye in ME and I in YOU.” John 14: 16, 17, 20. (Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible scriptures cited will be from the King James or Authorized Version, K.J.V./A.V.):

The foregoing are one of the transcendental last “few words” Jesus made to His first Twelve disciples (Judas Iscariot still included) at that pivotal Thursday night after He had attended His fourth and last OT Passover service then immediately instituted the Lord’s Supper ordinance, including the preparatory foot-washing, which was to forever replace and render the annual Passover service merely a part of the Mosaic ceremonial system of the Old Testament, that along with all others including the physical circumcision of the male (see book of Galatians, etc.) and all included in the Ceremonial law, were, in fact and truth “nailed to the cross” and were “done away with” in the New Covenant where “the law is written in the living, moving, and thinking “hearts and minds” of the true believers, not on two inanimate tables of stone.” (Heb. 8:10, 1-9; 10: 16; Eze. 36: 25-27; 11: 19, 20; Deut. 5.13, etc.)—was the definitive promise of the Holy Spirit.

As a matter of introduction, after which Bible verses will the main source of this series, I first quote extracts from the book The Coming of the Comforter by Leroy Edwin Froom, Review & Herald Publishing, 1949. (All emphasis and bracketed words supplied). To wit:
“The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Taking this order [cited in the previous paragraph as:
1) the promised coming of the Holy Spirit;
2) the character and personality of the Holy Spirit; and
3) the mission, or work, of the Holy Spirit, observe FIRST the explicit declaration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. One must be impressed with the fact that just as truly as the PROPHETS announced Jesus’ [first] advent, so He announces the advent of ANOTHER, CO-EQUAL with Himself and the SUCCESSOR of Himself. As one ASCENDED [to the Father in heaven], so that other DESCENDED [on earth as His vicegerent!]. And the SAME recognition of authority and deference paid by the DISCIPLES [then and now] to their Lord, was to be given to the Holy Spirit as Christ’s VICAR on earth.

 “As Christ had a DEFINITE TIME MISSION [specifically, only 3 1/2 years from baptism to crucifixion] so the Holy Spirit likewise has a definite time mission [all take note!], His special DISPENSATION from Pentecost to the Second Advent. He is the a Person of the Godhead [the Third Person] who came to the earth in a DEFINITE WAY, at a DEFINITE TIME, for a DEFINITE WORK, and has been here ever since, just as really Jesus was here on His special mission during the THIRTY-THREE [short] years. ‘The dispensation in which we are NOW living is to be, to those that ask [‘seek, knock, and pray’ Luke 11: 9-13, 1-12] is the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.’ E.G. White, Testimonies to Ministers, 511).” pp. 26, 27. 

The only antidote and protection we have in these last days against the last great deceptions and delusions of Satan for these last days that are and will so powerful that “if possible, even the very elect will be deceived,” includes the grave and solemn warning against the teaching that there is “no Holy Spirit” and the like! That is openly “grieving away of the Holy Spirt.” It is already on the rise which means probation’s hour is soon to close!

To be continued next MWM, God willing. “Make your calling and election sure!” Bless all, NMF.