



The Ten Horns. This is explained in the same chapter as ‘ten kings’ in verse 24.  If the ‘four kings’ of v. 17 represents ‘kingdoms’ (see on v.3) parallel to the four EMPIRES of ch. 2, then there is fully as much reason to understand these ‘ten kings’ as kingdoms also, even as the ‘four horns’ of the GOAT (ch.8:22).

“The successive invasions of the Roman Empire by numerous Germanic tribes, and the replacement of the empire by a number of separate states or monarchies, are well established facts of HISTORY.

“Owing to the fact that a score or more BARBARIAN tribes invaded the Roman Empire, commentators have compiled lists of the kingdoms that were founded. The following list is representative:

“Ostrogoths, Visugoths, Franks, Vandals, Suevi, Alamanni, Anglo-Saxons, Heruli, Lombards, Burgundians. Some prefer to list the Huns in place of the Allamanni, however the Huns DISAPPEARED early without leaving a settled kingdom.  The period was one of great upheaval, confusion and change  [in the Old World of Europe] during which a large number of states secured their independence.

“Another Little Horn.’ “Better, ‘another horn, a little one.’ Though ‘small’ in the beginning, this little horn is described LATER as ‘more stout than his fellows,’ literally, ‘greater than its companions.’ It will be seen that this is the CONTINUATION of the Roman power in the Roman church.  (Note what these historians wrote, emphasis mine):

“Out of the ruins of POLITICAL Rome arose the great MORAL Empire  in the ‘giant form’ of the Roman Church.” (A. C. Flick, The Rise of the Medieval Church, 1900, p.130.

“Under the Roman Empire the popes had NO TEMPORAL POWERS. But when the Roman Empire had DISINTEGRATED and its place had been taken by a number of rude, barbarous kingdoms, the Roman Catholic Church not only became INDEPENDENT of the states [civil powers] in religious affairs but DOMINATED SECULAR affairs as well.

“At times under such rulers as CHARLEMAGNE (768-811), OTTO THE GREAT (936-73), and HENRY III (1039-56), the civil power controlled the church to some extent, but in general, under the weak political system of FEUDALISM, the well-organized, unified, and centralized church, with the POPE AS ITS HEAD, was not only independent in ecclesiastical affairs, but ALSO CONTROLLED CIVIL AFFAIRS.’ (Carl Conrad, Eckhardt, “The Papacy and World Affairs, 1937, p. 1.” Commentary on the Book of Daniel, A Section of Vol.4 of the SDA Bible Dictionary,p. 826.

The diligent study of the prophecies and the whole sanctuary message that gives the wonderful details of the comprehensive plan of redemption of the everlasting gospel, unmistakably reveals how very close we are to the final test of mankind, the close of probation, the final time of trouble, and then the glorious appearing of our blessed Lord and Savior, bringing with Him the promised reward to all “the saints” who patiently “keep the commandments of God and faith of Jesus”!!

My prayer is that we shall “endure” and be found of Him “faithful to the end.” Bless all, NMF.