

February 17 2020



Based on the Bible and the First Amendment of Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution: “RELIGION is ‘the duty we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it.’ LIBERTY is ‘the state of being exempt from the domination of others, or from restricting circumstances.

In ethics and philosophy, the power in any rational agent to make his choices and decide his conduct for himself, spontaneously and voluntarily, in accordance with reasons or motives.’ RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, therefore, is man’s exemption from the domination of others, or from restricting circumstances: man’s freedom to make his choices and decide his conduct for himself, spontaneously and voluntarily: in his duty to his Creator, and in the manner of discharging that duty.’ Since God created man, in the nature of things the first of all relationships is that to God; and the first of all duties could be nothing but duty to God.” A.T. Jones, “Individuality in Religion,” Introduction, 5,6.

Pay attention to this core issue regarding the religious liberty and freedom to worship God according to dictates of conscience which almost all take for granted or little understand. The civil rights are dependent on the religious right which is God-given and thus inalienable. Cut through all the noise, clutter, confusion and distraction of political sideshow.

At the center of it all is Satan’s final agenda to control mankind through false religion enforced as the law of the land. The wall separating church and state will be taken down beginning in America. Then “the final movements will be rapid ones.” Do you know what is coming and the needful preparation for it? It’s “high time to awake for now is our salvation nearer than we first believed.” Time to buckle down and fully understand prophecy instead of wasting time on non-essentials! Time to re-evaluate our life’s goals and priorities! God have mercy! “Pass me not O gentle Savior!” NMF