
Biblical Numerology: NUMBER TWO – Part V

Photo Credit by Flickr/Miles Sabin
Photo Credit by Flickr/Miles Sabin


October 10,2014

Nathaniel Fajardo                                        

Email:[email protected]

Biblical Numerology: NUMBER TWO – Part V


 Teamwork, works. Two brothers, Moses, three years younger than Aaron, sons of Amram and Jochebed, devout Levites, were raised and empowered by God to do a special work and mission for His people with clearly defined separate areas of responsibilities. The first earthly sanctuary with its accompanying detailed, yet simple services teaching the plan of redemption, patterned after the great original in heaven, was built by Moses.

God fitted Moses for the greatest work in his time. It was Christ who appeared to him in a burning bush. At the end of their earthly sojourn, Aaron died first, cradled in the arms of Moses on Mount Hor where Moses buried him, alone.


The Holy Spirit: do we really know Him? – Part I

Photo Credit by Flickr/Hayden Petrie
Photo Credit by Flickr/Hayden Petrie


 July 18, 2014

Nathaniel Fajardo

 Email:[email protected]

The Holy Spirit: do we really know Him? – Part I

 Much preaching and exposition is made upon the visible “fruits of the Spirit” (Gal. 5: 22-23) yet little is personally known of the invisible “Tree” who bears these nine fruits! Do we actually possess and are experiencing the ripeninggraces of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness faith, meekness, and self control in our own lives? Why not? How are these to be obtained, retained, and developed into our character?


Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXXVIII
Summary on Preparing for the Latter Rain



July 11, 2014Nathaniel Fajardo

Email:[email protected]

Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXXVIII

 Summary on Preparing for the Latter Rain


We conclude this series on the seven conditions to be met in order to receive the promised latter rain. There are, of course many more details to each. The purpose was to awaken heightened awareness and encourage prayerful re-examination of this vital subject in the light of rapidly unfolding events in our world today. Once more, these are: (1) an enlightened people (2) a victorious people (3) a loving people (4) a praying people (5) a working people (6) a temperate people (7) a true Sabbath keeping people

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2013 (Continued)

The burden is on media that has the duty to rake up tightly kept secrets of government. The state will never make them public even if there is a law that requires it to be.

Media is considered as classical adversary of the State precisely because it cannot be conned into cooperating with the government. [really?]

Therefore, law or no law, media should find a way of getting the information denied or hidden from the public. If the principal objective of the Catholic Church, in fact of all Christian churches, is to promote spiritual well being, it should not meddle in the affairs of the state, if only to comply with the Constitutional provision that the Church and the State are separate.

The danger is if the government and the Church come to terms because freedom of information is automatically lost. Both will protect each other.

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2013

Study for the Month of February 2013

The Papacy Series- Part I

Nathaniel Fajardo
email: [email protected]


First, What is the Papacy? – Many mistake the person of the pope as the Papacy itself, which pope, Protestants in the past have identified as either “the man of sin,” the antichrist,” or “the beast” of prophecy. More accurately, the Papacy, according to Webster’s Dictionary, Student Edition, 1976, refers to four things, namely “(1) the position or authority of the pope (2) the period during which the pope rules (3) the line of succession of popes (4) the government of the Roman Catholic Church, headed by the pope.”

The First Catholic U.S. President. – Thus, when one specific pope (or specific American President) is singled out by using unproven prophetic calculations as the one who brings about the long-anticipated U. S. –initiated National Sunday Law that shortly becomes globally enacted and enforced by all churches and governments (Revelation 13: 1-18), difficulties are encountered which clearly expose this faulty prophetic interpretation. For instance, when John F. Kennedy was elected as the 35th U.S. president, the youngest to be elected to office at the age of 43, the first Roman Catholic U.S. president, certain quarters in the Adventist community and others thought he was going to be the one to initiate the Sunday law while in office.

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month January 2013 (Continued)

5. “To seal up the vision.” – Events that transpired within these 490 years, would t “seal,” or establish the entire vision of the 2,300 day-years.

6. “To anoint the most holy.”- During this time Christ would be anointed of the Holy Spirit, identifying Him as the promised Messiah after being baptized by John the Baptist. This has to be the primary application of the prophecy. It is also true that in the type, when the time came to begin the service in the earthly sanctuary, the entire sanctuary was anointed (Exo. 40:9); and when Christ entered the heavenly sanctuary to perform the work of which the earthly service was a type, the heavenly sanctuary was anointed before He began His ministry in the first apartment. Note: The heavenly sanctuary is also spoken of as the “most holy” in order to distinguish it from the earthly.

Wonderful changes were wrought in the history of the early church during the 490 years. After the angel had enumerated the events to take place during that period, he told Daniel where to locate it in the history of the world, by announcing the date of the beginning of the period: