
Biblical Numerology: NUMBER TWO – Part XXVIII (Last Part) SUMMARY OF NUMBER TWO IN THE BIBLE – Part IX

Photo Credit by Flickr/Miles Sabin
Photo Credit by Flickr/Miles Sabin


March 20, 2015

Nathaniel Fajardo

 Email:[email protected]

Biblical NumerologyNUMBER TWO – Part XXVIII (Last Part)


“Can two walk together unless they be agreed?” (Amos: 3: 3)? Yes, but such a  relationship is forced and coerced rather than forged by every reason other than mutual love, respect, understanding, subscribing to the same Biblical principles that shape their individual priorities, values, choices, and decisions in life. It is based on temporary convenience, self-serving advantages, thus, purely of outward appearance. Such a relationship will never bear the genuine fruits of the Spirit defined in Galatians 5: 22, 23, as God designed it to be—whether in a marriage relationship or church relationship.  Such a life journey is a lonely, even nightmarish walk through a dark jungle. In summary, certainly not limited to the examples cited in these series but by time and space, we highlight the significance of number two in the Bible as stated at the outset, with the following:


Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXXVII
A Sabbath-Keeping People (conclusion)

City Temple SDA Church, Dallas, Texas
Photo credit by Flickr/City Temple SDA Church, Dallas, Texas


July 4, 2014

Nathaniel Fajardo

Email:[email protected]

Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXXVII


A Sabbath-Keeping People (conclusion)

 To all freedom-loving Americans at heart, Happy July Fourth! This annual American federal holiday isthe official day commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from the United Kingdom (Great Britain). The original declaration was prepared on July 2 by a Committee of Five, its principal author being Thomas Jefferson, assisted by John Adams, second president of the U.S., and leading advocate of the independence movement.  The Continental Congress then debated on it, revised its wording and approved it on July 4. Today we celebrate the 238th  Memorial Day of that Declaration of Independence.


Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXXI
A Temperate People

Kathleen Franklin
Photo credit by Flickr/Kathleen Franklin


May 23, 2014

Nathaniel Fajardo

Email:[email protected]

Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXXI

A Temperate People


TEMPERANCE or self-control which invariably includes self-denial and self-sacrifice, is one of the nine “fruit,” that is, evidence or manifestation that the third Person of the Godhead is indeed dwelling in us and that we are submitting to the divine government, management, and control with our informed consent and willing cooperation.

These nine fruit(s) of the Holy Spirit are the very graces and virtues that proud yet suffering humanity have pining for.  Yes, the words, their definitions and concepts are subjects constantly expounded on, perhaps sermonized too often in the pulpits of Christendom; but few actually possess them. It is the counterfeits, crafted by Satan, the master deceiver that mankind has been so strangely obsessed with in spite of their multiplying consequences of suffering, disease, pain, and moral wretchedness.


Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXVI
A Loving People (continued)


Photo Credit by Flickr, Free Hugs by Jesslee Cuizon
Photo Credit by Flickr, Free Hugs by Jesslee Cuizon

April 18, 2014
Nathaniel Fajardo
Email:[email protected]

Are We Preparing for the Latter Rain?– Part XXVI

A Loving People (continued)

If ye keep My commandments, ye shall abide in My love, even as I have kept My Father’s commandments, and abide in His love. John15:10, K.J.V.

A truly loving people, according to the Bible are those who abide in God’s love because they keep (do or obey) His commandments. Abide here is the Greek meno, “to stay in a given place, state, relation or expectancy):–continue, dwell, endure, be present, remain, stand tarry (for), thine own.” – Strong’s Greek Dictionary.

It is possible to love family, fellowmen, and country and even die for them without loving God but it is impossible to love God without loving as Christ loves all sinners.

Monthly Studies

Monthly studies for the year 2010

To start reading just click the title of the study. To download, just click the title of the study and click the download button. You can also use the comment section to report dead links or other issues, if you see them , thank you, God Bless 😇

January: Spiritual Lessons from Number Two  Part III

February: The Physical and Natural Laws

March: Temperance

April: The Original Diet

May: Water & Blood

June: The Four Group Resurrections

July: The 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel

August: Chronology of End-time Prophecies

September: The 10 Commandments

October: The End-time Theocracy

November: Apostolic Succession of the Papacy?

December: The Parable of Jesus

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2010:

“As in the study of physiology they see that they are indeed ‘fearfully and wonderfully made,’ they will be inspired with reverence. Instead of marring God’s handiwork, they will have an ambition to make all that is possible of themselves, in order to fulfill the Creator’s glorious plan. Thus they will come to regard obedience to the laws of health, not as a matter of sacrifice or self-denial, but as it really is, an inestimable privilege and blessing.” – Education, p. 201.      

This should help disabuse the minds of those who think that when they strive to live in conformity to the eight laws of health that they are performing a “very great sacrifice of self-denial.” When thus narrowly viewed, making others aware of their efforts makes them somehow feel and act superior to those who are not into it, yet. But true health reform is not self-sacrifice per se even if it does require self-denial as much as it is a wonderful privilege, honor, and blessing of cooperating with God in His work and plan of restoration! A change of mind and heart is the very first things that must take place before one starts changing his habits and lifestyle else he does it merely to impress others with his “great body.” Such is self-centeredness and is foreign to the work of genuine sanctification, which is “the will of God.” 1 Thess. 4:3, 4.  What we must be deeply impressed with, is this:

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2010:

The Ceremonial Law and the Physical Laws

The physical laws must be differentiated from the ceremonial law for though the former were included in the practice of the typical services, “cleanliness” and all that it comprehends physically and spiritually, is “next to godliness” and is based on the truth that the human body was created to be the temple of the living God, the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. Thus the physical and natural laws are as old as creation itself, which was but six thousand years ago, according to the divine reckoning and inspired pen.

For instance, many teach that God’s specifications on what foods are clean or unclean belong to the ceremonial law that was “done away with at the cross.” Nothing is farther from the truth for even nature testifies that the beasts, fowls, sea animals, and insects that are classified as unclean are the carnivores, scavengers, or bottom-feeders, etc. But even if one can advance all the reasons such as they are now “farm-raised and fed nothing but healthy and organic feed,” etc., none of these excuses nullify God’s Word and wisdom that defines such as unclean. For one to continue doing so after being enlightened, is rebellion “and stubbornness which is as idolatry.” Thus the physical and Biblical health laws are but part of the natural law which are part of the principles of God’s moral law which govern the whole person—mind, soul, and body.

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2010:

Study for the Month of February, 2010


By Nathaniel Fajardo
Email: [email protected]

The Moral Law and the Ceremonial Laws. — Although the author of both the moral and ceremonial laws is God Creator himself for “there is only one lawgiver” (James 4:12), the main differences between the two, which the majority of mainstream Christianity strangely fail to consider, much less emphasize, is that the former existed forever. The latter, which included circumcision of the prepuce of the male organ, were instituted by God “were added because of transgressions” (Gal. 3:19). By these the gospel was taught in types and symbols on how sins could be forgiven and overcome, which included the system of sacrifices, feasts and festivals, and the earthly priesthood that ministered to the earthy tabernacle. All were abolished when type met antitype at the cross.

Satan has continued his rebellion against God’s authority and law begun in heaven. Long after causing Adam and Eve to transgress God’s law in Eden, it is he, who, in our modern times of boasted intellectual advancement introduced the theory of evolution. Satan knows only too well that the moral law was already in existence before the earth and man were created. It was this law that he, together with a third of the angels whom he deceived, transgressed in heaven resulting in his rebellion, defeat, and being cast out of their “first abode.” God rehearsed this law to Adam and Eve, speaking to them face to face for sin had not yet created that great gulf between creature and Creator.