
Rejoice: the Spiritual Apostolic Succession Remains Unbroken!


Biblical Numerology: NUMBER SEVEN – Part 22

Rejoice: the Spiritual Apostolic Succession Remains Unbroken!

    Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus. Hebrews 3: 1, K.J.V.

From the most comprehensive and inclusive sense possible, based on the preponderance of both Scripture and history evidence, this is how and who “the church that appears to fall but will not.” Why? It’s Cornerstone and Foundation has been from birth, none other than Jesus Christ, the Creator-incarnate, the Master Apostle and High Priest of its faith. His chosen follower-disciples-apostles through centuries of gross moral and doctrinal darkness, superstition, and bitter persecution, have steadily and progressively built this church-temple, empowered by the Holy Spirit and ministered to and defended from all that Satan’s “gates of hell” have schemed and attacked it by.

Monthly Studies

Monthly studies for the year 2010

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January: Spiritual Lessons from Number Two  Part III

February: The Physical and Natural Laws

March: Temperance

April: The Original Diet

May: Water & Blood

June: The Four Group Resurrections

July: The 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel

August: Chronology of End-time Prophecies

September: The 10 Commandments

October: The End-time Theocracy

November: Apostolic Succession of the Papacy?

December: The Parable of Jesus