Special Message

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 21:

March 2, 2024

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 21


“Thus saith the Lord: Cursed is the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm. . . . Blessed is the man that trusteth on the Lord.” Jer. 17: 5-7, KJV. 

NOTE: There are both a curse or a blessing of God clearly specified here that are conditional. The first is if we place our trust on finite mortals like us, or on ourselves, “I am already rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing.” Now ponder upon the following (all emphasis mine):

“TDG 64. “Like the JEWS in the days of Christ, MANY today HEAR AND BELIEVE, but are NOT WILLING to step out upon the PLATFORM OF OBEDIENCE, and accept ‘the truth as it is in Jesus.’ [Why?] “They are afraid of losing WORDLY advantages. Their minds ASSENT to the truth but to OBEY means to LIFT THE CROSS OF SELF DENIAl AND SACRIFICE [meaning of Luke 9:23, etc.]. 

They might ‘sit at the feet of Jesus,’ learning daily of Him whom to KNOW ARIGHT is life eternal, but they are NOT WILLING [to ‘lift their own cross of self-denial and self-sacrifice.’ They refuse to ‘crucify flesh and its lusts and desires thereof!

 “Everyone who is SAVED must SURRENDER his OWN plans, ambitions, schemes, which means SELF-GLORIFICATION, and follow where Christ leads the way. [meaning also of ‘they that follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth’ as the Example]. 

“The UNDERSTANDING must be yielded up to Christ, for Him to CLEANSE, and REFINE, and PURIFY [by the daily baptism of the Holy Spirit with fire’]. This will be done when a RIGHT reception is given to the TEACHINGS of the Lord Jesus. IT IS HARD FOR SELF TO DIE DAILY [as Paul did], even when the WONDROUS STORY of God’s grace is presented with the wealth of His love, which He unfolds to the soul’s necessity.

 “O how much we need a MORE INTIMATE acquaintance with the [yet-invisible] Lord Jesus [in the Holy Spirit in the Word!]. We need to ENTER into His will and CARRY OUT His purposes, saying, ‘LORD, WHAT WILT THOU HAVE ME TO DO?’ [Instead of ‘I have need of nothing.’]. 

“O how l long to see our CHURCHES [written in 1903] in a condition DIFFERENT from the condition in which they ARE NOW—GRIEVING THE HOLY SPIRIT DAY BY DAY WITH THEIR LUKEWARM RELIGIOUS LIFE,  life neither cold nor hot. So then, because thou art lukewarm, neither cold nor hot, I will SPUE THEE out of My mouth.’ Rev. 3: 15, 16. 

“O how GREATLY Christ would be honored and glorified before irreligious, worldly men and women IF HIS FOLLOWERS were what they CLAIM [or profess] to be—-true Christians, the love of Christ constraining them to make known before an IDOLATROUS WORLD, showing the MARKED CONTRAST between those who serve God and those who serve Him not’. . . .” Letter 35, Feb. 25, 1903|TDG64. 

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.