Special Message


February 8, 2024

The Straight Testimony to Laodiceans – Part 11


Notice the changing content and “tone” of the straight testimony to Laodiceans by the year they were issued, which I found in the course of close study and research. For want of space, they are not comprehensive but are clearly indicative of the deteriorating spiritual condition of those afflicted by this specific spiritual malady. Now this (emphasis mine):

1887— “Are we hoping to see the whole church revived?! That time will never come. . . . we must enter into that work INDIVIDUALLY.” – E.G. White, Review & Herald (RH) Mar. 22, 1877.

1889 — “The message to the Laodicean church is applicable to OUR CONDITION. How clearly is pictured the POSITION of those who THINK they have all the truth, who take PRIDE in the knowledge of God, while its SANCTIFYING power has NOT been felt in their lives. The fervor of the love of God is WANTING in their HEARTS [though professed in the lips], but it is this very fervor of love that makes God’s people the light of the world.” RH July 23, 1889. (NOTE: “If any man love the world and the things that are in the world the love of the Father is not in him.”)

1892 — “The Laodicean message has been sounding [since it became applicable in the seventh and last church of Revelation!]. Take this message in ALL of its phases and sound of forth to the PEOPLE wherever Providence opens the way. Justification by faith and the righteousness of Christ are the THEMES to be presented to a PERISHING WORLD.” Ibid, Letter 24, 1892.

1894 — “The message to the Laodicean church is HIGHLY APPLICABLE to us AS A PEOPLE. It has been placed before us for a LONG TIME but had NOT been heeded as it SHOULD have been. When the work of REPENTANCE is earnest and deep the INDIVIDUAL members will ‘buy the rich goods of heaven’ [the perfect righteousness of Christ that become the “fine, white linen which is the righteousness of the saints,” the “wedding garment” to be worn at the “wedding supper of the Lamb.”].

1894 — “Many [not all] are Laodiceans, living in SPIRITUAL DECEPTION. They clothe themselves [like guilty Adam and Eve] in garment of their OWN righteousness [antitypical ‘fig leaf’ covering], IMAGINING themselves to be ‘rich and increased with goods and in need of nothing,’ when they need DAILY to learn of Jesus, His meekness and lowliness, else they find themselves BANKRUPT, THEIR WHOLE LIFE BEING A LIE.” Ibid, Letter 66, 1894.

1897 — “I tell you IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, that those who have had GREAT LIGHT are TODAY [note the date] IN THE STATE described by CHRIST in His message to the Laodicean church. They THINK they are rich and increased with goods, and FEEL they have need of nothing. CHRIST [through the Holy Spirit in the written Word] SPEAKS TO YOU. Hear, O hear, IF you have any regard for YOUR SOULS, the WORDS of the great Counselor, and ACT upon them! [Rev. 3:18 quoted].” Ibid, Letter 5, 1897.

1898 — “Love of self EXCLUDES the love of Christ. Those who live for SELF are ranged UNDER THE HEAD OF THE LAODICEAN CHURCH [certainly not Jesus!] who are lukewarm, neither cold nor hot. The ardor of the first love [for God and His law] has LAPSED INTO SELFISH EGOTISM. The love of Christ in the heart is expressed in ACTIONS. If love for Christ is DULL, the love for those for whom Christ has died will DEGENERATE. There may be wonderful APPEARANCE for zeal and ceremonies, but this is the SUBSTANCE OF THEIR SELF-INFLATED religion. Christ represents them as NAUSEATING to His taste. [‘I will spue thee out of My mouth.’]” Ibid, Manuscript 61, 1898.

I hope and pray that if any one of you, like me, when I first studied this startling messages continuing to this very moment, have been “awakened,” humbled, and convicted by these pointed yet healing messages that you will not harden your hearts while you still can “hear His still small voice” speaking to your conscience! I will continue this dated messages next time, God willing. Bless all, NMF.