Daily Manna




Because fathers are first husbands and mothers are first wives and according to the Creator the latter shall “become one flesh,” this message is for the head of the household as well as its “queen,” according to God’s plan. From the God’s messenger’s inspired pen come this sobering message of the hour:

“On Sabbath and Sunday, in visions of the night, I seemed to be bearing my testimony before the people. On BOTH OCCASIONS I seemed to be in a mammoth tent which was literally packed. The Lord gave me a DECIDED MESSAGE for the people. MY BURDEN WAS FOR OUR FAMILIES WHO ARE UNPREPARED TO MEET THE LORD.

A special burden was upon me to point out [not condemn or denounce] to our people the need of seeking the Lord with close searching of the hearts and with earnestness of purpose. Parents who are truly converted will reveal in their HOME LIFE that they are bringing their lives under the discipline of the Word of God [not tradition, culture, or personal inclinations].

To the MOTHER AND FATHER the right training of their children should be the MOST IMPORTANT WORK OF THEIR LIFE.

SOLEMN QUESTION FOR PARENTS. FATHERS and mothers, how stands your record? Have you been faithful to your trust?

“Those who bear the last message of mercy to the world should feel it their DUTY to instruct parents in regard to home religion. [this is what am attempting to do]. The GREAT REFORMATORY MOVEMENT must begin in presenting to FATHERS and mothers and children the principles of the LAW of God [antitypical work or rebuilding the wall and it’s breach].

As the claims of the law are presented, and men and women are convicted of their duty to render obedience, show them the responsibility of their decision, not only for themselves, but for their children. Show that obedience to God’s law is our ONLY SAFEGUARD against the evils that are sweeping the world to destruction.” (E.G. White, Child Guidance, pp. 555, 556).

I appeal to all fathers (and mothers) today:
Do not delay this work for rapidly approaching ominous events, as prophesied, are casting their dark and foreboding shadows in our pathway. We heard it before, “Today, if you will hear His still small voice, harden not your hearts.”

Bless all FATHERS and mothers and children of the remnant household of faith. NMF