Daily Manna Devotionals




Of the Roman Catholic Inquisition in India, some have thought that the Sabbath-keepers were relapsed Jews [or some kind of off-shoots of Judaism). But Dellon declares:

“Of an hundred persons condemned to be BURNT AS JEWS, there are scarcely four who profess that faith at death; the rest exclaiming and protesting to their last gasp that they [Sabbath-keeping] CHRISTIANS, and have been so during their whole lives.’ -‘Account of the Inquisition at Goa,’ p. 58, London:1815.

‘The prisoner, who was entirely innocent, would be given over to the CIVIL ARM to be BURNED, unless he confessed the very crimes of which was [falsely] accused, and signed his confessions, and also NAMED SIX OR SEVEN of his accusers. But, not being told who they were, he might have to name many before striking the RIGHT ones, and, as his accusers were supposed to have been EYEWITNESSES to his Sabbath-keeping, they MIGHT BE Sabbath-keepers, who, like himself, were in the CLUTCHES of the Inquisition.

His ONLY HOPE, therefore, WAS TO NAME SOME OF HIS BRETHREN, who would be taken by the Inquisitors, and FORCED TO REPEAT the same experience to FREE THEMSELVES. Thus the prison would be filled with people who were tortured for guilt of which they were innocent, or to remain in solitary confinement and terrible suspense and agony of mind until the AUTO DA FE, or public burning [alive], which took place every two or three years.’ – ‘ibid., pp. 53-60, 67.

And whether they were released or executed, their property was confiscated to the Inquisition. [Another way Romish Church enriched herself through the blood of martyrs].

‘When the power of the Portuguese [Catholics] became sufficient for their purpose, they INVADED THESE TRANQUIL CHURCHES, and seized some of their Clergy, and devoted them to the death of HERETICS.

They seized the Syrian Bishop Mar Joseph, and sent him prisoner to LISBON: and the convened a Synod at one of the Syrian churches called Diamper, near Cochin, at which the Romish Archbishop Menezes presided. At this compulsory Synod 100 of the Syrian Clergy appeared. They were accused of the following practices and opinions:

‘That they had married wives; that they had owned [kept] but two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper [not the Passover]; that they neither invoked Saints, nor worshipped Images, nor believed in Purgatory; and that they had no other orders of names of dignity of the church, than Bishop, Priest, and Deacon.’

These tenets they were called on go abjure, or to suffer suspension from all Church benefices. It was also decreed that all Syrian books of ecclesiastical subjects that could be found, should be BURNED, ‘in order,’ said the Inquisitors, ‘that no pretended APOSTOLIC monuments may remain.’ – ‘Christian Researches in Asia,’ p. 60.

“The papacy had adopted the policy that all remains of the PURE, APOSTOLIC CHURCH [established by the first apostles after pentecost at Jerusalem], whether persons or books, should be carefully eradicated, so that NO TRACE of them might BETRAY the sad fact that the Roman Church had fallen away from the apostolic purity [apostatized from Bible truth]. And she has also tried to destroy all accounts of her PERSECUTIONS during the Dark Ages, so that her tracks would be covered up.”- C. Edwardson, ‘Facts of Faith,’ pp. 157, 158.

But by diligently studying Biblical prophecy, God’s people will know the truth and expose the real enemies of truth as part of the Third angel’s message of Revelation 14. This is a most sacred and difficult message and work of the everlasting gospel entrusted to those who truly “love Jesus and keep His commandments.” John 14:15.

Are we numbered among them, as recorded in the books of heaven? This is God’s unconditional love of righteousness and perfect hatred for sin, in action.

Ponder upon this, NMF.