

May 25, 2020



See Exodus 20 : 8-11. And God said: “Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a SIGN between them and Me, that they might know that I SANCTIFY them.” Ezekiel 20 : 12 (See verse 20).

To the remnant who are faithfully keeping the commandments of God and overcoming their transgressions of God’s Law by grace, the “sign,” which also means “mark,” or “seal” has already been “written” in their mind, because it has already been committed to memory.

It continues to be “written in the tables of the heart” as God’s Memorial Day is preserved and kept “in spirit and truth” each week as a central part of how God SANCTIFIES His true people, as prophet Ezekiel wrote. Therefore, to such believers the following is but a reminder on what should be “remembered.”:

“The Sabbath is not introduced as a new [“novel”] institution but as having been founded at Creation. It is to be REMEMBERED and OBSERVED as the MEMORIAL of the Creator’s WORK.”

“Pointing to God as the Maker of the heavens and the earth [not the ‘Big Bang’ science falsely so called”], it distinguishes the true God from all false gods [such as evolution, a “philosophical idol’ of man’s opinion and wisdom].

“All who keep the seventh day, SIGNIFY by this act, that they are the worshippers of Jehovah. Thus the Sabbath is the SIGN of man’s allegiance to God as long as there are ANY upon the earth to SERVE Him.”

“The fourth commandment is the ONLY one of all the Ten in which are found both the NAME and the TITLE of the LAWGIVER. It is the ONLY one that shows by WHOSE AUTHORITY the Law is given.”

“Thus it contains the SEAL of God, AFFIXED to His Law as evidence of its authenticity and binding force.” E.G. White, Patriarchs & Prophets, p. 307.

“More follows for it is upon this “sign,” “mark,” and “seal” of God that the world’s religions, Christianity, including all who profess to be Sabbath-keepers now, and all who “dwell in earth” shall be finally tested in the days ahead of us. May we not be “weighed in the balances of the sanctuary and be found wanting,” is my hope and prayer for all.   NMF