Daily Manna Devotionals




Though they may “sound and look alike,” Arian and Aryan are, in terms of origin, ideology. tenets, beliefs and roles, major or minor, in the scheme of Biblical history and prophecy, are, not only unlike but diametrically opposed to one another.

As we continue familiarizing ourselves as to who and what the Arians and Arianism were and means, specifically pointed out as the “three horns”that were “plucked up by the roots” by the “little horn” that emerged “from among the ten horns” of “fourth beast, dreadful and terrible and exceedingly strong” ( Dan. 7: 7, 8, 19-25) symbolizing the ten kingdoms into which “the fourth beast,” the Roman Empire, was split up and comprised the Old World Europe.

Now consider what ARYAN and ARYANISM mean, why, where, and how they figure prominently in the latter-day U.S. history watershed insurrectionist attack on the US Capitol on January 6. From my own library and the internet, which you can and should fact-check on your own, here is who and what ArYan and ArYanism means:

“Arian. A term which was originally used as a self-designation by Indo-Iranian people in ancient times, in contrast to ‘non-Indio-Arian peoples. The idea of being an Aryan was religious and cultural and linguistic, not racial.”

“The Arian Myth: the Origin of the ‘White People.’ The Arian race just suddenly appears roughly around where Iran is today. Allegedly unique, Aryans were described as tall and blonde, with rounder heads than other races – such characteristics assumed to be evidence of superiority.”

“Aryanism. An ideology of racial supremacy which views the supposed Aryan race as a distinct and superior racial group entitled to rule the rest of humanity. Promoted initially by racist theories [trheorists] such as Arthur de Gabineau and Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Aryanism reached its PEAK of influence in NAZI Germany, where it was used to justify DISCRIMINATION against minorities, which eventually culminated in the Holocaust.”

“Hitler’s Aryan Race: Hitler’s German Society. Adolf Hitler thought that people of the Northern European descent were a superior race to all others known as the Aryan Race. Throughout World War II his goal was the perfect race known as the ‘ubermensch’ which translates as ‘Super man.’”

Racism, White supremacy extremism based on jingoistic Nativism/ isolationalist Nationalism, channeled though conspiracy theories, mingled with Futuristic, literalistic interpretations of prophecy is fueling the rapjd emergence of Christian Nationalism—another reveal of the divinely-forbidden end-time marriage of church craft and statecraft!
God bless His faithful ones, NMF