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J.W. Massic says of these Indian [formerly called Hindustan] Sabbath-keeping Christians: ‘Remote from the busy haunts of commerce, or the popular seats of manufacturing industry, they may be regarded as the Eastern Piedmontese, the Vaudois [of Waldenses] of Hindustan, the witnesses prophesying in sack cloth [witnessing their faith in persecution] through revolving centuries, though indeed their bodies lay as dead in the streets of the city which they had once peoples.’ – ‘Continental India,’ p. 120.
Then Came Papal Persecution. “Mr. Massic further says of these Indian Sabbath-keeping Christians: ‘Separates from the Western world for a THOUSAND years, they were naturally ignorant of the many novelties introduced by the councils and decrees of the Lateran [of the Church of Rome]; and their CONFORMITY TO THE FAITH AND THE PRACTICE OF THE FIXED AGES laid them open to the GUILT OF UNPARDONABLE OF HERESY and schism, as estimated by ROME [not by Christ nor the Holy Scriptures]…..
We are Christians, and not idolaters,’ was their expressive reply when required to do homage to the IMAGE OF VIRGIN MARY…..LaCroze states them [numbers] as fifteen hundred churches and as many towns and villages.
They REFUSED TO RECOGNIZE THE POPE, and declared they had never heard of him; they asserted the purity and primitive [original apostolic] truth of their faith since they came, and their bishops had for thirteen hundred years had been sent, from the PLACE where the followers of Jesus were first called CHRISTIANS [ at Antioch at Paul’s time. Acts 11:26).” – ibid, Vol. II, pp. 116, 117.” – Facts of Faith, C. Edwardson, p. 155.
By knowing what happened to the first disciples and apostles
and all the faithful Sabbath-keepers of the past centuries, we will better understand what Revelation 13 and 14 warn of, and thus be better prepared for what lies ahead.
(To be continued). God bless, NMF
“We shall now briefly trace the apostolic Christian Sabbath-keepers from Antioch in Syria to their farthest Christian stations in old China. Thomas Yeates in his ‘Indian Church History,’ (London: 1818), has collected from several sources statements that all agree on the points he presents, that the apostle Thomas travelled through Persia into INDIA, where he raised up many churches. ‘From thence he went to CHINA, and preached in the city of Cambala, [which is] supposed to be the same as Pekin[g], and there he built a church.’- ‘Indian Church History,’ p. 73.
“In the year 1625, there was found in a town near Si-Nguni-fu, the metropolis of the province of Shin-si, a stone having a figure of a cross, and an inscription in two languages…..Chinese and Syriac….as follows:
‘This stone was erected to the honor and eternal memory of the law of light and truth brought from Ta-Cin, and promulgated in China.’ [The inscription consists of 736 words, giving] a summary of the fundamental articles of the Christian faith.’- Ibid, pp. 86-88. That the missionaries who brought the truth to China were Sabbath-keepers can be seen by the following extract from the inscription:
‘On the seventh day we offer sacrifice, after having purified our hearts, and received absolution for our sins. This religion, so perfect and so excellent, is difficult to name, but it enlightens darkness by its brilliant precepts.’ – ‘Christianity in China,’ M. L Abbe Huc, Vol. I, ch. 2, pp. 48, 49, seq. NY: 1873.
“Returning to India we shall find traces of the Sabbath among those churches also. And they had retained the Bible in the ancient language used by the church in Antioch, where the name ‘Christian’ originated. (Acts 11:26).
“It was in these sequestered regions that copies of the Syriac Scriptures found a safe asylum from the SEARCH AND DESTRUCTION OF THE ROMISH INQUISITION, and were found with all the works of ancient [apostolic] purity.’ – Ibid, T. Yeates, p. 167.
‘Whatever may be the future use and importance of those manuscripts, one thing is certain, and that is, they establish the fact that the Syrian Christians of India have the pure unadulterated Scriptures in the language of the ancient church of Antioch, derived from the very times of the Apostles.’ – Ibid, p. 169.” – Facts of Faith, pp. 153, 154.
So what happened to these early Sabbath-keeping churches planted by apostle Thomas, one of the first Twelve?
(To be continued). Bless all, NMF
Millions just celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by “greening,”’ as they have done for too long now, entertaining grossly mistaken idea of who is and what he stood for, like so many other errors of doctrine and beliefs. Let’s straighten the record, once and for all right here from these excerpts from the book Facts of Faith, revised ed., by Christian Edwardson, published in 1943:
“Patrick Not A Catholic. To those who have heard of Patrick only as a Catholic saint, it may be a surprise to learn that he was not a Catholic at all, but that he was a member of the original Celtic church [who kept the Bible Sabbath]. There is no more historic evidence for Patrick’s being a Roman Catholic saint, than for Peter’s being the first pope. Catholics claim that Pope Celestius commissioned Patrick as an Roman Catholic missionary in Ireland( but William Cathcart, D.D., says:
‘There is strong evidence that Patrick had no Roman commission in Ireland.’ ‘As Patrick’s churches In Ireland [to his day, he founded 365 churches], like their brethren in Britain, REPUDIATED the supremacy of the popes, all knowledge of the conversion of Ireland through his ministry must be suppressed (by Rime, at all cosr.)’- ‘The Ancient British and Irish Churches,’ W. Cathcart, D.D., p. 85.
“The popes who lived contemporary to Patrick never mentions him. ‘There is not a written word from one of them rejoicing over Patrick’s additions to their church, showing closely that he was not a Roman missionary…..So completely buried was Patrick and his work by popes and other Roman Catholics, that in their epistles and larger publications, his name does not once occur in one of them until A.D. 634.’ – Ibid, p. 83.
‘Prosper does not notice Patrick. He says nothing of the greatest success ever given to a missionary of Christ, apparently because he was not a Romanist.’ -Ibid, p. 84. ‘Bede never speaks of St. Patrick in his celebrated ‘Ecclesiastical History.’ – Ibid, p. 85.
“But, wring of the year 431, Bede says of a Catholic missionary: ‘Palladius was sent by Celestinus, the Roman pontiff, to the Scots (Irish) that believed in Christ.’ -‘Ecclesiastical History,’ p. 23. London: 1894. But this papal emissary was not received any more favorably by the church in Ireland, than was Augustine later received by the Celtic Church of Scotland, for he left ‘because he did not receive respect in Ireland.’ – William Cathcart, D.D.
“No Roman Catholic Church would have dared to ignore a Bishop sent them by the pope. This PROVES that the churches in the British Isles did not recognize the pope. Dr. Todd says:
‘The Confession’ of St. Patrick contains not a word of a mission from Pope Celestine. One object of the writer was to defend himself from the presumption in having undertaken such a work a the conversion of the Irish, rude and unlearned as he was. Had he received a regular commission from the See of Rome, that fact alone would be an unanswerable reply. But he makes no mention of Pope Celestine, and rests his defense altogether on the DIVINE CALL which he believed himself to have received for his work.’ – Ibid, pp. 81, 82. ‘Muirchu wrote more than two hundred years after Patrick’s death. His declaration is positive that HE DID NOT GO TO ROME.’ – Ibid, p. 88.
“There are three reasons why Patrick could not have been a Roman Catholic missionary:
1) Early Catholic historians and popes AVOIDED mentioning Patrick or his work; until later LEGENDARY histories represented him as a Catholic Saint
2) When papal missionaries arrived in.Britain, 596 A.D., the leaders of the original Celtic church refused to accept their doctrines, or to acknowledge the papal authority, and would not dine with them (Compare 1 Cor. 5:11; 2 John 8-11.) ‘They acted towards the Roman party exactly ‘as if they were pagans.’ – ‘Ecclesiastical Records,’ by Richard Hart, pp. viii, ziv.
3) The doctrines of the Celtic church of Patrick’s day DIFFERED SO WIDELY from those of the Roman church, that the latter could not have been accepted it as ‘Catholic.’ Patrick must have been a Sabbath-keeper, because the churches he established in Ireland, as well as the mother church in Scotland and England, followed the apostolic practice of keeping the seventh-day Sabbath, and of working on Sunday…But this was considered as deadly HERESY by the Papacy,” – Facts of Faith, Christian Edwardson, pp. 136, 137 Southern Publishing Asso. 1943.
Be properly informed. Save your soul from deception. God bless, NMF
The reader must bear in mind that this 12-part series, is based on the book, Great Controversy, entitled “The Impending Conflict,” that deals with specific changes and events of a combined religious and political nature that will gel around a specific religious and moral issue (not abortion nor LGBTQ rights) and morph into a national Christian movement in AMERICA, revealed in prophetic symbology in Revelation 13 as “the beast” that starts out with gentle and peaceful “lamb-like horns” but strangely changes into “one speaking like a dragon.”
What this unifying issue is, was revealed earlier in this extract from the same chapter (emphasis mine):
“As the work of SABBATH REFORM extends, this rejection of the divine law TO AVOID THE CLAIMS OF THE FOURTH COMMANDMENT, will become well nigh universal [the word catholic actually means “universal.”]. . . . Yet this very class [rejecting the law of God] put forth the claim the FAST-SPREADING CORRUPTION is largely attributable to the so called ‘CHRISTIAN SABBATH,’ and that the ENFORCEMENT OF SUNDAY OBSERVANCE would greatly improve the morals of society. THIS CLAIM IS ESPECIALLY URGED IN AMERICA, where the doctrine of the TRUE SABBATH has been most widely preached [since 1840-1844 when the first, second, and third angels’ messages of Rev. 14 began to be proclaimed successively to this very moment. It will soon “swell into the final loud cry of the fourth angel of Rev. 18]”- GC 567.
We end this series with his last paragraph:
“The dignitaries of CHURCH AND STATE WILL UNITE TO BRIBE, PERSUADE, OR COMPEL all classes to honor the Sunday. The lack of divine authority will be supplied by oppressive enactments.
POLITICAL CORRUPTION is destroying love of justice and regard for TRUTH [explains why lying appears to be order of the day everywhere, particularly in the venerated human institutions]; and EVEN IN FREE AMERICA rulers and legislators, in order to secure PUBLIC FAVOR [not the favor of a righteous God], will yield to the POPULAR DEMAND FOR A LAW ENFORCING SUNDAY OBSERVANCE. [Now mark this]: “LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE, which has cost so great a sacrifice, WILL NO LONGER BE RESPECTED.
“In the soon-coming conflict we shall see exemplified the prophet’s words, ‘The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make WAR with the REMNANT of her seed, which [who] keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’ Rev. 12:17, KJV.” – Great Controversy, E. G. White, 1911 ed., p. 582.
This ends this series but not our due diligence to study the prophecies in order to properly interpret current events and discern which is genuine or counterfeit to deflect our attention from the path forward laid out in the prophecies of the Bible, not the last-day “soothsayers and magicians” of “Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots and the Abominations of the Earth.”
God help us, NMF
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As the PROTESTANT CHURCHES reject the clear, scriptural arguments in defense of God’s law [as our consciences convict us to do here in our ministry, in spiritual and doctrinal harmony with faithful Seventh-day Adventists worldwide], they [the once-Protestant churches] will long to SILENCE those whose FAITH THEY CANNOT OVERTHROW BY THE BIBLE. [so they will resort to other non-biblical, unChristlike means and methods].
“Though they BLIND their own eyes to the fact, they are NOW adopting a course which will lead to the PERSECUTION of those who CONSCIENTIOUSLY REFUSE to do what the rest of the CHRISTIAN WORLD are doing [the “majority rule” of the ‘vox populi, vox dei”], and acknowledge the claims of the PAPAL SABBATH.” – E.G. White. Great Controversy, 1911 ed., p. 592.
If by now, we still rely on the natural propensity to simply “follow the crowd” and what is “trending,” and how many more “likes” and “followers” an idea or an influencer (whether religious or secular) has or boasts of, instead of being a “more noble Berean” (Acts 17:11), we are unprepared for what is coming with irreversible certainty, per Bible prophecy!
To be continued. God bless, NMF
“And there was war in heaven: MIchael and His angels fought against the dragon, and dragon fought with his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world : he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Rev. 12: 7-9, KJV.
“Satan’s policy in this final conflict with God’s people is THE SAME that he employed in the opening of the great conflict IN HEAVEN. He professed to be seeking to PROMOTE THE STABILITY OF THE DIVINE GOVERNMENT, while secretly bending every effort to secure its OVERTHROW.”
NOTE: All revolutions to overthrow secular governments throughout mankind’s history, no matter how successfully historians (both real and those with a hidden revisionist mission to alter the truth) may glorify its cause, justify the devastation and human toll as “collateral damage” in the pursuit of a “more sublime goal,” hail its leaders as “heroes,” and those who died fighting for this “cause” as “martyrs”—-are not divine in origin in both aspiration and actions undertaken, but satanic, as the opening verses in Revelation cited above clearly reveal.
“And the very work which he [Lucifer] was thus endeavoring to accomplish, HE CHARGED UPON THE LOYAL ANGELS.
NOTE: The two-thirds of the angels who chose to remain loyal, and thus are in the majority, whom the Bible describes as “mighty angels” excelling in strength, are the very “ministering spirits” guarding God’s people against their once former fellow-angels-turned-into-demons and evil spirits. If only our eyes could be opened to see the spirit world surrounding us and the earth (Satan is also described as “the prince of the power of the air,” Eph. 2:2), we would see the battle raging non-stop between them since the fall, but “ten times” more intense in these last days (“Satan knows his time is short.” Rev.___) for the control of the hearts and consciences of mankind. It is as real yet far greater than the wars taking place on earth’s battlefields and warfronts, whether against nations or in the cities and neighborhoods.
“The same policy of deception has marked THE HISTORY OF THE ROMAN [not Christian’] CHURCH [which we are tracking in our simultaneous, ongoing text-message series].It has professed to be the VICEGERENT OF HEAVEN, while seeking to exalt itself ABOVE GOD, AND TO CHANGE HIS LAW. Under the rule of Rome, those who suffered death for THEIR FIDELITY TO THS GOSPEL were denounced as evil-doers; they were declared to be IN LEAGUE WITH SATAN; and every possible means was employed to cover them with reproach, to cause them to appear, in the eyes of the people, and even to themselves [this is what “gaslighting” means], as the vilest of criminals.
“SO WILL IT BE NOW. While Satan seeks to destroy those who honor God’s law, he will cause them to be accused as LAWBREAKERS, as men who are dishonoring God, and BRINGING JUDGMENTS UPON THE WORLD.” – E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911 ed., p. 391.
To be continued. Bless all, NMF