Mid-week Manna



Satan’s Deceptions
Part 5
January 24, 2024


After starting the first war and failed rebellion in heaven, Satan’s strategies were first employed upon Eve and Adam in their Eden home on yet-unfallen earth.

“Had Satan revealed himself in his real character, he would have been REPULSED AT ONCE, for Adam and Eve had been WARNED against this dangerous foe; but he worked in the DARK, concealing his purpose, that he might more effectually accomplish his object. 

“Employing as his MEDIUM the serpent, then a creature of FASCINATING APPEARANCE, he addressed Eve, ‘Hath God said, Ye shall NOT EAT of every tree of the garden?’ (Gen. 3:1). Had Eve REFRAINED from entering into ARGUMENT with the tempter, she would have been SAFE; but she VENTURED to PARLAY with him, and fell a victim to his WILES.

“It is thus that MANY are still overcome. They doubt and argue concerning the REQUIREMENTS of God; and instead of OBEYING the divine commands, they accept HUMAN THEORIES, which but DISGUISE the devices of Satan. 

‘The woman said unto the serpent, we may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the MIDST of the garden, God hath SAID, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye TOUCH of it, LEST YE DIE. And the serpent said unto the woman, YE SHALL SHALL NOT SURELY DIE: for God doth know that in the day that ye eat thereof, then your EYES shall be opened, and ye shall be as GODS, KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL.’ (Gen. 3:2-5). 

“Satan declared that they would become like God, possessing GREATER WISDOM than before, and being capable of a HIGHER EXISTENCE. 

“Eve YIELDED to temptation; and through her INFLUENCE, Adam was LED INTO sin. They accepted the words of the serpent, that God did NOT MEAN what He said; they DISTRUSTED their Creator, and IMAGINED that He was RESTRICTING THEIR LIBERTY, and that they might obtain GREAT WISDOM AND EXALTATION BY TRANSGRESSING HIS LAW.” - E.G. White, Great Controversy, 1911, pp. 531, 532 (All emphasis and bracketed words mine). 

NOTE: In addition to the words I highlighted with caps, ponder the following:
The only guarantee of Eve and Adam from falling into sin were not:
1) their sinless natures “made in the image and likeness of God,” thus free of any propensities of disobedience or sin
2) the “citadel” of their garden Eden home that was exclusively designed-and-made by their Creator for them
3) their 20/20 vision for Eve’s eyes did not see Satan, disguised as the serpent, hidden among the branches of the forbidden tree till she approached it
4) then, mysteriously did not even stop to think that the lesser creature of animals do not talk,much less converse in intelligent human discourse
5) that the dazzling serpent she begun parleying with was actually Satan, who God had warned them of earlier.

It was and always will be love and trust that results in unquestioning and unhesitating obedience to all of God’s commandments and requirements.

Satan’s power to tempt is completely neutralized each time the tempted refuses to yield unconditionally, and resists by empowering grace. “God giveth more grace to the humble.

SUBMIT yourselves therefore to God. RESIST the devil, and he will FLEE from you.” (James 4: 7, KJV). Satan’s diabolical power to deceive is rendered impotent when the humble sinner relies exclusively on “it is written,” not on feelings, senses, human institutions and mortal wisdom.

Looks can deceive and have deceived from the beginning until its prophesied climax of Satan’s final “overmastering delusion” just before Christ’s return.

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message



Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans


“The great obstacle BOTH to the acceptance and promulgation of  truth is the fact that it involves INCONVENIENCE AND REPROACH. This is the ONLY argument which its ADVOCATES  have never been able to REFUTE. 

 “But this does not deter the TRUE followers of Christ. These do not wait for truth to become POPULAR. Being convinced [and convicted by the Holy Spirit] of their DUTY, they deliberately accept the CROSS [of inconvenience and reproach], with the apostle Paul, counting that ‘our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far MORE exceeding weight of glory,’ ‘with one old’[Moses] esteeming the REPROACH OF CHRIST greater riches than the treasures of Egypt.’ (2 Cor. 4:17; Heb. 11: 26). 

 "Whatever may be their profession, it is only those who are world-servers AT HEART [man looks on the outward appearance; God looks at the heart] that act from POLICY RATHER THAN PRINCIPLE IN RELIGIOUS THINGS. 

“We should CHOOSE right [simply] because it is right, and leave the CONSEQUENCES with God. To men of PRINCIPLE, FAITH, and DARING, the world is INDEBTED for the great reforms. By such men the WORK OF REFORM FOR THIS TIME must be carried out.” -E.G. White, Great Controversy, 1911, p. 460. (All emphasis and bracketed words mine). 

Keep in mind that the “greatest need of the church” in these last days are genuine spiritual revival and a thorough reformation of life and character. The straight testimony of the True Witness to the Laodiceans is designed to do this IF willingly accepted and faithfully acted upon quickly. “Remember how short our time is” to PREPARE for our searching judgment and the eternity beyond!

Also, remember this poignant words of one of the founding fathers of the U.S. Constitution: “Those who are willing to give up ESSENTIAL LIBERTY for TEMPORARY SAFETY deserve neither.” Never sacrifice the sanctity of the conscience neither compromise the freedom and liberty of the governing power of the will God endowed upon man—for convenience, the “political common good,” temporary safety, or for temporal life itself.

The will must be sanctified and preserved as such. These divine principles lie at the very core of the rapidly-approaching final test of the ages, mankind, and the churches. Are we intellectually and spiritually prepared for it?

To be continued, God wiling. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

Satan’s Deceptions Part 4: THE FIRST GREAT DECEPTION

January 17, 2024

Satan’s Deceptions
Part 4


“With the EARLIEST history of man, Satan began his efforts to DECEIVE our [human] race. He who had incited rebellion in heaven, desired to bring to the inhabitants of the earth to UNITE with him in his WARFARE [enmity] against the GOVERNMENT of God.

1) Inciting is one of many forms and stratagems of deception.
2) The eternal foundation of God’s everlasting government is His immutable covenant law of Ten Commandments, the transcript of His character and the revelation of His love, wisdom, mercy, righteousness, and justice.

“Adam and Eve had been PERFECTLY HAPPY IN OBEDIENCE to the law of God, and this fact was a constant TESTIMONY against the CLAIM that Satan had urged in heaven, that God’s law was OPPRESSIVE, and OPPOSED to the good of His people.

“And furthermore, Satan’s ENVY was excited as he looked upon the BEAUTIFUL HOME PREPARED for the SINLESS pair. He determined to cause their fall, that, having SEPARATED them from God and brought them UNDER HIS OWN POWER, he might gain POSSESSION OF THE EARTH, and here ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM, in opposition to the Most High.”

In the same manner that God Creator ‘prepared’ a beautiful home-the garden of Eden—for the first ‘sinless’ pair so is the Redeemer Savior ‘preparing a place’ for all whose characters have been washed from all defilement and stain of sin by “overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony.”

They were rendered sinless by this process even while yet in their mortal nature and sealed in their foreheads as such. The “finishing touch” of immortality and the incorruptible, glorified body is conferred upon them at Christ’s glorious return for “the resurrection of the just” and the translation of the 144,000 living saints in order to present “her” to the Father as to His “purified bride” and church triumphant of the ages.

To them is rewarded the everlasting covenant and promised “inheritance of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,” as “heirs with God and joint-heirs with Christ.” The earth made new is returned to them having been taken back from Satan “the prince of the earth”, by Christ “the promised Seed” and His “remnant of her seed who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” that have the “Spirit of prophecy which is the Testimony of Jesus.”

They, together with all the saints of the ages, starting with Abel, “overcame the world, the flesh, and devil” by faith in Christ and His plan of redemption in the everlasting gospel. They loved God and faithfully obeyed His law and died keeping and defending it. “The blood of martyrs was the seed of the gospel.” And the “blood of Christ is what cleanses from all sin.”

(All paragraphs in quotes are from the Great Controversy, 1911 ed.. p. 531 bearing the same title, The First Great Deception. All emphasis, Notes and Comments mine).

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 16, 2024: The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

January 16, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

Before zeroing into the specific dated Testimonies addressing the Laodicean condition both generally and individually to whom it applies, it is vital to know that all who are truly committed in mind and heart to preserving, promoting, and declaring “by pen and voice” earth’s final merciful warnings, are designated in Revelation as “ANGELS,” the Greek “aggelos,” meaning, “messengers.”

That is, messengers of God in heaven bearing specified urgent messages on earth. These are they who practice what they teach and preach under the guidance and unction of the Holy Spirit, assisted and protected by the holy angels. If you know without a doubt that you are of these, whether ordained or laymen (for “God is no respected of persons”) be reminded of the following:

“Now as in former ages, the presentation of a truth that REPROVES the sins and errors of the times will EXCITE OPPOSITiON. [John 3:20 quoted. Read it]. As men see that they CANNOT maintain their position by the Scriptures [perhaps by church traditions or long-held opinions], many determine to maintain it AT ALL HAZARDS, and with a malicious spirit ASSAIL the characters and motives of those who STAND IN DEFENSE of unpopular truth [a clear manifestation of Satan’s enmity towards God’s truth].

“It is the SAME POLICY [not principle nor precept] which has been pursued IN ALL AGES [‘there is nothing new under the sun; what was, will be’]. Elijah was declared to be a TROUBLER OF ISRAEL [the ancient chosen people]; Jeremiah a TRAITOR, Paul a POLLUTER of the temple [the center of Jewish worship]

“From that day to THIS [day], those who would be LOYAL TO TRUTH [not merely to the ‘’church’ or ‘religion] 

have been denounced as SEDITIOUS, HERETICAL, or SCHISMATIC [causing division, separation]. Multitudes who are too unbelieving to accept THE SURE PROPHECY will receive with UNQUESTIONING CREDULITY [have been deceived] AN ACCUSATION against those who DARE TO REPROVE FASHIONABLE SINS.

“And the Bible teaches that a time is approaching [it's just around the bend by now] when the LAWS OF THE STATE will so conflict [the ‘enmity’ with the LAWS OF GOD] all ten, not only the fourth that whosoever who would OBEY ALL the divine precepts must brave REPROACH and PUNISHMeNT AS EVIL EVILDOERS.” - E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911, pp. 458-9. 

Notice that it plainly states here “all the Ten Commandments,” not merely and only the fourth! The Jewish nation kept the seventh-day Sabbath but broke all in precept and principle. Let us beware lest we repeat this fatal error. That is why I have been emphasizing on “magnifying the law and making it honorable.”

Just because we keep the Sabbath does not relieve us of the equal duty to keep and obey the nine. That would be presumptuous, self-deception,, willing ignorance, and even self-righteousness. Remember “if we break one we break all.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 12, 2024: The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

Januaryq 12, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent.” Rev. 3:19.

Following the Isa. 28: 9-13 study method and truth-vetting principle, I am providing herewith just a couple of verses to contextually cross-reference
the words “rebuke”, “chasten” and “repent” with—-in order to better realize and comprehend their vital nature in the Laodicean testimony of the True Witness so that we may receive the message’s divine intent humbly and gratefully, and thereby be “sanctified by the truth; Thy word is truth” (John 17:17). The life-time work of sanctification is to make us FIT for heaven and to live with the angels that never fell.

REBUKE: See Titus 1:10-14. Verse 13 says:
“This Witness is true. Wherefore REBUKE THEM SHARPLY, that they may be SOUND IN THE FAITH.”

Then Titus 2:11-15 (a vital passage to explain what grace is designed to accomplish). Verse 15 says:
“These things speak, and exhort, and REBUKE WITH ALL AUTHORITY. Let no man DESPISE you [for saying these things].”
NOTE: Timothy was the youngest of the apostles as John the beloved as the youngest of the first Twelve disciples.

CHASTEN: See Heb. 12: 5-11. Verses 7 & 8 says:
“If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with SONS; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all [who are true sons] are partakers, then ye are BASTARDS, and NOT sons.”

REPENT: See Christ’s very words, verily His testimony itself in Luke 13: 1-5. Verse 5 says:
“I tell you, Nay: but, except [unless] ye REPENT, ye shall ALL LIKEWISE PERISH.” Verse 5 repeats the same warning of Christ.

See 2 Cor. 7:9-11. Here Paul uses very emphatic language to illustrate the true spiritual nature of GODLY SORROW THAT WORKETH REPENTANCE UNTO SALVATION” in verse 11. The popular and counterfeit repentance is one that “needs repentance of” itself for it is “the sorrow of the world that worketh death” (not salvation).

We often sorrow for our sins because of its humiliating and painful consequences. But genuine sorrow is for the SIN we commit “for it crucifies Jesus afresh” -and not for its consequence, which may be temporary and temporal. But the “wages” of unrepented sin is the “second death” which is not covered by Christ’s blood.

Remember: “Repent ye therefore and BE CONVERTED, that YOUR SINS [not your name] MAY BE BLOTTED OUT when the times of refreshing [in the latter rain] shall come from the PRESENCE of the Lord.” Acts 3:19.

To be continued, God willing. Bless all. See you tomorrow with a mind and heart prepared for the holy Sabbath’s blessings of the Lord of the Sabbath. NMF

Mid-week Manna


January 10, 2024

Satan’s Deceptions Series:
Part 3


“Satan is constantly seeking to DECEIVE men, and lead them to call sin righteousness, and righteousness sin. How SUCCESSFUL has been his work! [Here’s the evidence]:

How often censure and reproach are cast upon God’s FAITHFUL servants because they will stand fearlessly in DEFENSE of truth! Men who are but AGENTS OF SATAN are praised and flattered, and even looked upon as martyrs, while those who should be respected and sustained for their FIDELITY to God, are left to STAND ALONE, under suspicion and distrust.

“COUNTERFEIT HOLINESS, SPURIOUS SANCTIFICATION, IS STILL DOING ITS WORK OF DECEPTION. Under various forms it exhibits the same spirit as in the days of [Martin] Luther, DIVERTING MINDS from the Scriptures, and leading men to follow their own FEELINGS AND IMPRESSIONS rather than yield obedience to the LAW of God. This is one of Satan’s most successful DEVICES to cast reproach upon PURITY and TRUTH.

“Fearlessly did Luther defend the Gospel from the attacks which came from every quarter. The Word of God proved itself a WEAPON MIGHTY in every conflict. With that Word he warred against the usurped authority of the POPE, and the RATIONALISTIC PHILOSOPHY of the schoolmen [scholars, church theologians, etc.], while he stood firm as a rock against the FANATICISM [specifically the Munzer Movement] that sought to ally itself with the [Protestant] Reformation.

“Each of these opposing elements was in its own way SETTiNG ASIDE the Holy Scriptures, and exalting human wisdom. Rationalism idolizes reason [a prominent form of spiritual idolatry forbidden by the second commandment] and makes this the criterion for religion. . . .

“True Christianity receives the Word of God as the great TREASURE-HOUSE of inspired truth, and the TEST of all inspiration.” – E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911 ed., pp. 192-3 (all emphasis and bracketed words mine).

When anyone who loves God undertakes the sacred and difficult work of exposing the deceptions ensnaring the churches and the world in these last days, he must be constantly aware that he is not confronting “flesh and blood” but “principalities and powers of spiritual wickedness in high places”—Satan himself and his host of evil angels. He must carefully “count the cost” first, then “make his calling and election sure” by knowing how to “put on the whole armor of God” and how to use it efficiently to secure the victory in and for Christ.

We are called to be courageous soldiers in God’s spiritual army. Have you willingly volunteered and enlisted?

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 8, 2024 : The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series (Rev. 3:14-22).

January 8, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series (Rev. 3:14-22).

Prayerfully and carefully read and ponder upon the startling message of “the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning [actually, the ‘Beginner’] of the creation of God” to the last of the seven churches depicted in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

Omniscience and omnipresence combined with perfect love, divine mercy and the rule of righteousness prepared these startling messages specifically for the spiritually lukewarm members of the remnant church of prophecy.

To humbly “hear His voice and harden not our hearts” is to accept the divine Physician’s diagnosis that the seemingly benign disease of “lukewarmness” is actually malign in nature such that He will “spew out of His mouth” those “infected” and inflicted by the self-deception of presumptuous self-confidence.

The tell-tale symptoms of this end-time spiritual disease is when the remnant church member already believes and manifests by word and action that he is “rich and increased with goods, and has need of nothing.” This is actually saying “I am already doctrinally and spiritually safe and sound.” Such is the outrageously deceptive power and work of Satan, the master deceiver who deployed his first great deception with Eve, the mother of mankind, in garden of Eden of all places!

The divine diagnosis is indeed alarming: “Knowest thou not [don’t you know] that thou are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” The first-ever nakedness revealed the first-ever guilt of transgression of God’s law by Adam and Eve in Eden. God never changes and neither does His standard of righteousness. And like ifs Author, the Law-giver, it is also “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” All are measured and judged by one and the same standard as defined in His law and magnified in the life and teachings of Christ.

What God required and expected of Adam He does the same for all mankind, particularly those who profess to be part of the “saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” in these last days.

The only hope of those guilty of spiritual lukewarmness is to quickly accept the divine Physician’s diagnosis and immediately comply with all He has specifically prescribed. To respond in any less a manner, for whatever excuse or reason, is to reject the terms of one’s salvation. Hence, “Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna


Satan’s Deceptions Series:
Part 2

Satan’s Deceptions Series:
Part 2

January 3, 2024

Satan’s Deceptions Series:
Part 2


 “For I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled [deceived, NKJV] Eve through his subtility, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” 2 Cor. 11:3, KJV (see verse 4). 

From E. G. White’s The Great Controversy, 1911 ed., we are further enlightened and warned (all emphasis and bracketed words mine):

“Satan can present a counterfeit so closely resembling the truth that it deceives those who are WILLING to be deceived, who desire to shun the SELF-DENIAL AND SELF-SACRIFICE demanded by the truth; but it is IMPOSSIBLE for him to hold under his power one soul who HONESTLY desires, at whatever COST, to know the truth. CHRIST is the truth, and ‘the light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.’ (John 1:9).

The Spirit of truth [the Holy Spirit] has been sent to GUIDE men into all truth. And upon the AUTHORITY of the Son of God
it is declared, ‘Seek and ye shall find.’ (Matt. 7:7). ‘If any man will DO HIS WILL, he shall know of the doctrine [of the ‘truth as in Jesus.’].” – p. 528.

One of the most important divinely-appointed ways to protect oneself from falling victim to the “roaring lion” Satan’s end-time “wrath” manifested in any and all of his unnumbered schemes of deception is to faithfully obey and practice Christ’s example of self-denial and self-sacrifice—the opposite of self-pleasing, indulgence, and intemperance even in things that are good in and of themselves. This is part of the “fiery baptism of the Holy Spirit, the work of sanctification “unto righteousness and holiness,” the fitting up for heaven, the earth made new, and eternity.

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.