Daily Manna Devotionals




Based on the application of the type-antitype mechanism, it is quite easy to see that the three main enemies conspiring as a confederacy against Nehemiah and the prophesied sacred work of rebuilding the walls and repairing the breach, namely, Sanballat the Samaritan, Tobiah the Ammonite, and Geshem the Arabian find their final antitype in the global union of Romanism. apostate Protestantism, and Spiritualism that will unitedly conspire against the antitypical Zerubbabels, Ezras, and Nehemiahs in the “three angels’ messages and work of restoring the downtrodden law of God and repairing the breach on the Sabbath of the fourth commandment by the commandment-keeping remnant church of prophecy.

Nehemiah was undertaking the last leg of the literal restoration of the physical walls started earlier by Zerrubabel, followed by Ezra, the spiritual antitype of which are the last call for repentance, revival. reformation in the restoration of the rightful place of God’s law and His Sabbath in the plan of redemption of the everlasting gospel, incorporating fearful warning against worshipping the beast and his image and receiving the mark of the former, in contrast to receiving the seal or mark of God in the forehead.

“In this case [of the type in Nehemah’s time] a SPIRIT OF HATRED AND OPPOSITiON to the Hebrews formed THE BOND OF UNION and created a mutual sympathy among DIFFERENT BODIES of men who might OTHERWISE have WARRED with one another.

This well illustrates what we frequently witness in our day in the existing union of men of different denominations to OPPOSE PRESENT TRUTH, men whose only bond seems to be THAT WHICH IS DRAGONIC in its nature, manifesting bitterness and hatred against the remnant who keep the commandments of God.

This is specially seen in FIRST DAY, NO DAY, and ALL-DAYS ALIKE Adventists [three classes of second Advent believers who did not keep the fourth commandment Sabbath, at that time] who seem to be famous for hating and slandering one another, when they can SPARE TIME from their efforts to misrepresent, slander, and in every way abuse Seventh-day Adventists.” – E. G. White, Vol. 3, Testimonies for the Church. p. 372.

NOTE: In Christ’s time, the three dominant sects in the religious spectrum of NT Judaism composing the Great Sanhedrin (national Council) were the Pharisees, the orthodox, fudamentalist, “conservative religious sect or party chiefly of the middle class, the Sadducees, a minority religio-political party representing the wealthy, aristocratic, “liberal,” secular-minded wing of Judaism, and the lesser Herodians, usually thought of as “court officials of Herod” or “Herod’s soldiers.”

They did not like each other but temporarily united when they found a common enemy in Jesus Christ!

(To be continued). Bless all, NMF