December 16, 2019
“When Daniel was in Babylon, he was beset with temptation of which we never dreamed, and he realized he must keep his body under. He purposed (chose, decided, committed, willed) in his heart that he would not drink if the king’s wine or eat of his dainties. (Dan. 1:8).
He knew that in order to come off a victor, he must have clear mental PERCEPTIONS, that he might DISCERN between right and wrong. While he was working on his part, God worked also, and gave him ‘knowledge and skill in all learning and wisdom: and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams.” Dan. 17.
This is the way God worked for Daniel: and He does not propose to do any differently now. Man must CO-OPERATE with God in carrying out the plan of salvation.” RH 4/2/1899/NL66. There is a far higher goal than changing diet and lifestyle for the better than protecting and enhancing health, quality of life, avoiding many diseases, extending life expectancy and even promoting youthful looks and beauty—as important as these are. It is this: “Whatsoever you eat or drink or WHATEvER you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31. See also 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 6:16,19. – Submit to the Holy Spirit.
“Everyone who has a realizing sense of what it means to be a CHRISTIAN, will purify Himself of everything that weakens and defiles. All the habits of his life will be brought into harmony with requirements of the word of truth, and he will not only believe, but ‘work out his salvation with fear and trembling,” while submitting to the Holy Spirit.” RH 1-6-1888/NL66. Fight the good fight of faith family! NMF