

October 30, 2020



Remember the emperor, the year, the location, and the event in the history of the great controversy issue over the separation of Church and State, still currently guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution—which “wall” of separation is the next to taken away permanently here in America, as prophesied: The year: 381 A.D.  The emperor: Theodosius. The event: General council of the clergy in Constantinople: What was established: “To Theodosius, also, at least as much as to Constantine, must be attributed the PERMANENT ALLIANCE BETWEEN THE CHURCH AND STATE.’”- Facts of Faith, Christian Edwardson. 1943, SPA., p. 37. Now we turn our attention to the Heruli:

“The Heruli under Odoacer (also called Odovacar) had established themselves in Italy, 476 A.D.; and while this Arian king ruled all his subjects IMPARTIALLY, he endeavored to shield his people from the PERSECUTION inaugurated by the COMBINED efforts by the pope and the emperor. Pasquale Villari, writing of the period between between 468 and 483 A.D. says:

“At that time the Pope was morally, and even MORE than morally speaking, the most powerful personage in Italy. If Odovacar [Odoacer], as an Arian, had openly opposed him, Simplicius [the Pope at that time] could have easily roused the whole country against him, and made it impossible for him to maintain his position in Italy.’ – ‘The Barbarian Invasion of Italy,’ Vol. 1, pp. 145, 146. 1902.

“And just such an opportunity soon presented itself: ‘Pope Simplicius died on the 2nd of March, 483, whereupon Odovacar made a FALSE MOVE, of which he felt the consequences before long. It was very important for him to control the choice of the next Pontiff. He sought not only to prevent the RIOTS which had often caused bloodshed in the streets of Rome on similar occasions, but also desired a Pope well disposed to himself.

“Thus when the preliminary assembly failed to agree in the choice of a candidate, the Pretorian Prefect, Cecina Basilius, suddenly intervened in Odovacar’s name, and declared that NO ELECTION would be valid without the King’s voice…A decree was likewise issued preventing alienation of CHURCH property and threatening ANATHEMA on all who failed to respect it. After this the Assembly was summoned to sanction the decree and decide the election, which resulted in favor of Felix II (483-492), the candidate recommended by Odovacar.’- Ibid, p. 148.

“His interference in the Papal election has cast into the Roman Church the seed of a deep and threatening distrust towards him.’ – Ibid, p. 147.

“Rome could NEVER forgive such an affront, and through its faithful ally, the emperor, another barbarian nation, the OSTROGOTHS, were called to DESTROY the hated Heruli.’” -Facts of Faith, pp. 37, 38.
To be continued.  God bless all, NMF.