

May 10, 2020



“But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands. And let her own works praise her in the gates.” Prov. 31: 30,31, NKJV. (Read the whole chapter. It is God’s commendation for godly mothers and wives).

One of my favorite passages of any author is the one I share to all mothers today:

“There is a God above and the light and glory from His throne rests upon the faithful mother as she tries to educate her children to resist the influences of evil.”

“No other work can equal hers in importance. She has not, like the artist, to paint a form of beauty upon canvas, nor like the sculptor, to chisel it from marble.”

“She has not, like the author, to embody a noble thought in words of power, nor like a musician, to express a beautiful sentiment in melody.”

“It is hers, with the help of God, do develop in the human soul and likeness of the divine.”

“The mother who appreciates this will regard her opportunities as priceless. Earnestly will she seek, in her own character and by her methods of training, to present before her children the highest ideal.”

“Earnestly, patiently, courageously, she will endeavor to improve her own abilities, that she may use aright the highest powers of the mind in the training of her children.”

“Earnestly she will inquire at every strip, ‘What hath God spoken?’ Diligently she will study His Word. She will keep her eyes fixed upon Christ, that her own daily experience, in lowly round of care and duty, may be a true reflection of the One True Life!” E.G.White, Ministry of Healing, p. 378.

May God bless faithful mothers, grandmothers and all who have stepped up to the plate to fulfill this sacred role when the real mothers either passed away or forsook their sacred responsibility and accountability to God. “Behold, your reward is in heaven.”   NMF