Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of June 2010: The Four Group Resurrections (Page 3)

The Twenty-four Elders: Who are they?

 Three men are definitely already in heaven: Enoch, Moses, and Elijah. Question: Are they perhaps part of the twenty-four elders (Rev. 4: 4, 10; 5: 5, 6, 8, 11, 14 7: 11,13; 11:16; 14: 3; 19: 4) included in the session of the investigative or pre-advent judgment began in 1844, the termination of the 2300-day prophecy of Daniel 8:14?

Uriah Smith in his Daniel and the Revelation, pp. 409-10 says this regarding the 24 elders:

“Who are these beings who surround the throne of glory? It will be observed that they are clothed in white raiment and have on their heads crowns of gold, which are tokens of both a conflict completed and a victory gained. From this we conclude that they were once participants in the Christian warfare, they once trod the earthly way with all saints; but they have been overcomers, and in advance of the great multitude of the redeemed, are wearing their victor crowns in the heavenly world. Indeed, they plainly tell us this in the song of praise which they ascribe to the Lamb [Rev. 5: 9 quoted]. . . .

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of June 2010: The Four Group Resurrections (Page 2)

1.The Special Group Resurrected with Christ


Referring to Matt. 27: 50-53, Ellen G. White, says (emphasis mine):

“When Jesus, as He hung upon the cross, cried out, ‘It is finished,’ the rocks rent, the earth shook, and some of the graves were shaken open; for when Jesus arose from the dead, and conquered death and the grave; when He walked forth from His prison house a triumphant conqueror; while the earth was reeling and shaking, and the excellent glory of heaven clustered around the sacred spot, obedient to His call, many of the righteous dead came forth as witnesses that He had risen. These favored resurrected saints came forth glorified. They were a few chosen and holy ones who had lived in every age from creation, even down to the days of Christ [4,00 years]. And while the chief priests were seeking to cover up the resurrection of Christ, God chose to bring up a company from their graves to testify that Jesus had risen, and to declare His glory.

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of June 2010: The Four Group Resurrections

Study for the Month of June 2010

 The Four Group Resurrections

 By Nathaniel Fajardo

Email:[email protected]



ASIDE from the resurrection of certain individuals, the Bible reveals four group resurrections, namely:


  1. The saints who came up in the resurrection of Christ.
  1. The special resurrection which takes place at voice of God, opening up the seventh plague, Daniel 12: 1, 2; Rev. 17:7-21.
  1. The general resurrection of all the sleeping saint when Christ comes
  1. The resurrection of the wicked
Monthly Studies

Monthly studies for the year 2010

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January: Spiritual Lessons from Number Two  Part III

February: The Physical and Natural Laws

March: Temperance

April: The Original Diet

May: Water & Blood

June: The Four Group Resurrections

July: The 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel

August: Chronology of End-time Prophecies

September: The 10 Commandments

October: The End-time Theocracy

November: Apostolic Succession of the Papacy?

December: The Parable of Jesus

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of May 2010: Water & Blood (Page 4)

Let us recap the important details of what it means to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ:

  • We must receive Him as a personal Savior. Personal is not vicariously but personally.
  • We must believe that He alone can, and will fully and freely forgives us all our sins that we confess and repent from. However, it is not enough to believe in the forgiveness of sin; by faith we must be constantly receiving spiritual strength and nourishment from Him through His Word.
  • We must believe that we are complete in Him—not in and through any one, any other means or not in anything we can do.
  • We must be constantly beholding and contemplating His love. This alone is a struggle in itself for a thousand faces, personalities, topics, and activities vie for our attention!
  • A theoretical knowledge will do us no good. We must feed upon Him, receive Him into the heart—so that His life becomes our life—by assimilating His love and His grace. Few ever view the gospel work on earth as having for its goal Christ’s life becoming ours; that is, we live the kind of life that He lived on earth!
  • Following the example modeled by Christ, the living Word, the principles of God’s Word and His law must be assimilated so that it becomes the motive power of our life and actions.
Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of May 2010: Water & Blood (Page 3)

2. The Importance of and Uses of Blood

SDA Dictionary, Commentary Reference Series, Volume 8, p. 149, 95 says:

“Blood. The Hebrew dam; Greek haina. The vital fluid circulating through the body, carrying nourishment and oxygen to all parts of the body and carrying off waste products to be excreted (Lev. 17:11, 14; Deut. 12: 23). The ancients were unaware of these detailed functions, but they recognized that the blood was closely connected with life. The Law declared, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11). The ancients were forbidden to eat blood (Gen. 9: 3, 4; Lev. 17: 10-14; Acts 15: 20, 29). This prohibition doubtless had a hygienic basis, but may have been designed to have instructional value as well. The most significant use of blood in Old Testament times was in the sacrificial services and more largely in the sanctuary services.

The shed blood foreshadowed the blood of Christ, the priceless life of the Son of God that was to be sacrificed as the only hope of a fallen and doomed race (1 Cor. 10:16; Eph. 2:13; Heb. 9:14; 10:19; 1 Pet. 1: 2, 19; Rev. 12:11). Salvation through the blood of Christ is the central theme of the gospel (Rom. 3:25; 5:9; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:20; Heb. 9:22; Rev. 1:5, etc).”

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of May 2010: Water & Blood (Page 2)

1. The Importance of and Uses of Water

Water is the universal solvent and is the only one there will ever be. It cannot be recreated or duplicated. There is no such thing as synthetic water. And the water that was brought forth by God in the beginning is the same water that we have today on earth only as polluted as man and his foolishness and greed have made it since the fall. And yet God still preserves enough good water to drink and blesses man with knowledge and skill to produce devices to purify water from toxins and infuse it with the proper minerals and ions to help the body heal.

It is true that without water there can be no life. However, this primordial and universal truth, unless viewed from Biblical Creation, leads the wisdom of this world to look for life outside of the Life-giver Himself and search for it somewhere in the universe. Billions of dollars, energy, effort, and probation time have been wasted sending up men and space probes looking for the origin of life or the presence of it in the arid planets by the “evidence that water once existed in some form” when that money and resources should have, could have been used to relieve the needs and suffering of countless millions right here on earth! O what folly! Indeed the wisdom of men is foolishness to God!

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of May 2010: Water & Blood

Study for the Month, May, 2010

 Water & Blood


The Physical/Natural Laws, Part III

 By Nathaniel Fajardo

Email:[email protected]



“THEN they came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.” John 19: 33, 34, N.K.J.V.    


In the plan of salvation water and blood are the means of forgiveness, purification, and redemption of the penitent sinner. Even in the physical realm the inextricably-linked relation of blood and water is established as this interesting quote says: