Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 16: THE EFFICIENCY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT


The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 16


Starting from the divine work of glorious creation, and after the fall in Eden, down throughout all the generations thereafter, the divine work of redemption of the gospel designed to reconcile fallen, sinful man with God in Christ separated by sin, reaches its consummation in the restoration and perfect reflection of the character-image of God in man in their yet-finite, mortal, sinful flesh nature.

It is their moral characters, not mortal bodied, that have been sanctified and perfected by grace imparted through the Holy Spirit, patterned after the likeness of God the Father IN Christ Jesus,” then “sealed IN their foreheads” before He fully withdraws from the earth—the final act of His appointed work and office as Christ’s Successor and Vicar on earth. It is only at this very “edge and moment” of earth’s finite time that “the church triumphant” is finally manifested “to the world, man, and angels.”

The Spirit of Prophecy defines who and what this “church triumphant” is, but never reveals the specific identities and names of the individuals who make up this church of the living, not the dead. Read and compare Revelation 7: 1-8 and 14:1-5.

However, their dual prototypes in the Old Testament, are clearly identified by name with their corresponding works as their testimonial and witness, namely, Enoch and Elijah; both were translated to heaven without tasting literal death.

The Holy Spirit was the other divine agency also at work with Christ the Creator through whom the Father “created all things by, through, and for Him.” (John 1: 1-3, 10; Col. 1: 15, 16; Heb. 1: 1-3, 10). Notice the following (emphasis supplied):
“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the SPIRIT OF GOD moved upon the face of the waters.” Gen. 1: 1, 2, KJV.

Now this from God’s messenger (all emphasis supplied):
“The [Holy] Spirit of God, received [by intelligent ‘faith that works by love’] will quicken all its faculties. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the MIND that is devoted UNRESERVEDLY to God [as He is revealed in ‘It is written,’ ‘Thus saith the Lord,’ ‘To the law and the testimony’ and in the character, work, and life example of Jesus], develops harmoniously, and is strengthened to COMPREHEND AND FULFILL the requirements of God [as revealed in the precepts and principles of God’s law spiritually magnified]. The weak, vacillating CHARACTER is changed to one of strength and steadfastness.” -E. G. White, Desire of Ages, p. 251.

My dear friend and fellow pilgrim still sojourning in this antitypical wilderness of sin—the fallen, sin-cursed-and-corrupted planet earth—remember this solemn warning: “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.” Eph. 4:30, KJV.

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 15: ANOTHER COMFORTER

June 12, 2024

The Third Person of the Godhead Series – Part 15

Foundational Scriptures (all emphasis supplied).
Jesus said, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you ANOTHER COMFORTER, that HE may abide with you FOREVER.

Even THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH whom the WORLD CANNOT RECEIVE because it seeth HIM not, neither knoweth HIM: but ye know HIM; for HE dwelleth WITH you, and shall be IN you.”. . . “At that day [when the Comforter comes as promised and fulfilled at Pentecost that began the Christian church and dispensation of the New Testament) ye shall know that I AM IN THE FATHER, and ye in ME and I in YOU.” John 14: 16, 17, 20. (Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible scriptures cited will be from the King James or Authorized Version, K.J.V./A.V.):

The foregoing are one of the transcendental last “few words” Jesus made to His first Twelve disciples (Judas Iscariot still included) at that pivotal Thursday night after He had attended His fourth and last OT Passover service then immediately instituted the Lord’s Supper ordinance, including the preparatory foot-washing, which was to forever replace and render the annual Passover service merely a part of the Mosaic ceremonial system of the Old Testament, that along with all others including the physical circumcision of the male (see book of Galatians, etc.) and all included in the Ceremonial law, were, in fact and truth “nailed to the cross” and were “done away with” in the New Covenant where “the law is written in the living, moving, and thinking “hearts and minds” of the true believers, not on two inanimate tables of stone.” (Heb. 8:10, 1-9; 10: 16; Eze. 36: 25-27; 11: 19, 20; Deut. 5.13, etc.)—was the definitive promise of the Holy Spirit.

As a matter of introduction, after which Bible verses will the main source of this series, I first quote extracts from the book The Coming of the Comforter by Leroy Edwin Froom, Review & Herald Publishing, 1949. (All emphasis and bracketed words supplied). To wit:
“The Dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Taking this order [cited in the previous paragraph as:
1) the promised coming of the Holy Spirit;
2) the character and personality of the Holy Spirit; and
3) the mission, or work, of the Holy Spirit, observe FIRST the explicit declaration of the coming of the Holy Spirit. One must be impressed with the fact that just as truly as the PROPHETS announced Jesus’ [first] advent, so He announces the advent of ANOTHER, CO-EQUAL with Himself and the SUCCESSOR of Himself. As one ASCENDED [to the Father in heaven], so that other DESCENDED [on earth as His vicegerent!]. And the SAME recognition of authority and deference paid by the DISCIPLES [then and now] to their Lord, was to be given to the Holy Spirit as Christ’s VICAR on earth.

 “As Christ had a DEFINITE TIME MISSION [specifically, only 3 1/2 years from baptism to crucifixion] so the Holy Spirit likewise has a definite time mission [all take note!], His special DISPENSATION from Pentecost to the Second Advent. He is the a Person of the Godhead [the Third Person] who came to the earth in a DEFINITE WAY, at a DEFINITE TIME, for a DEFINITE WORK, and has been here ever since, just as really Jesus was here on His special mission during the THIRTY-THREE [short] years. ‘The dispensation in which we are NOW living is to be, to those that ask [‘seek, knock, and pray’ Luke 11: 9-13, 1-12] is the dispensation of the Holy Spirit.’ E.G. White, Testimonies to Ministers, 511).” pp. 26, 27. 

The only antidote and protection we have in these last days against the last great deceptions and delusions of Satan for these last days that are and will so powerful that “if possible, even the very elect will be deceived,” includes the grave and solemn warning against the teaching that there is “no Holy Spirit” and the like! That is openly “grieving away of the Holy Spirt.” It is already on the rise which means probation’s hour is soon to close!

To be continued next MWM, God willing. “Make your calling and election sure!” Bless all, NMF.

Special Message


June 9, 2024


Read Rev. 3:18-20, KJV first. Now this (all emphasis and bracketed words supplied):

“The great Redeemer [Christ in and through the Holy Spirit, the ‘faithful and true Witness’] represents Himself as a heavenly Merchantman, LADEN with riches, calling from house to house, presenting His priceless goods [Rev. 3:18-20 quoted].” E. G. White, Review & Herald, July 23, 1899.

“The Lord KNOCKS on the door [never breaks it down and forces Himself in] of your heart, desiring to enter [through the Holy Spirit], that He may impart SPIRITUAL RICHES to your soul. He would ANOINT THS BLIND EYES, that they may discover the HOLY CHARACTER OF GOD IN HIS LAW, and understand the LOVE OF CHRIST, which is indeed GOLD TRIED IN THE FIRE” - ibid, RH Feb. 25, 1890. 

NOTE. It is through the convicting, convincing, and enlightening work of the Holy Spirit upon the individual’s conscience via the word of “the law and testimony” (Isa. 8:20) and the messages of counsel, reproof, and warning issuing from God’s anointed and appointed human “angel” messengers] that the Lord KNOCKS on hearts.

“Jesus is going from door to door, standing in front of [not hiding behind] every soul temple, proclaiming, ‘I stand at the door and knock.’ As a heavenly Merchantman, He OPENS His treasures and cries, ‘Buy of Me GOLD TRIED IN FIRE that thou mayest be rich. . . .” -Ibid, Aug. 7, 1894. 

Q. What is this “gold tried in fire”? 
A. “The gold that He offers is without alloy, more precious than that of Ophir; for it is FAITH AND LOVE.” -Ibid.

 “By FAITH AND LOVE, the precious, beautiful ATTRIBUTES of our Redeemer, which will ENABLE US to find our way into the HEARTS of those who do not know Him, who are COLD and ALIENATED from Him through UNBELIEF and SIN. . . . Oh, shall we not open the heart’s door to this heavenly Visitor?” Ibid, 7BC 964. 

“The GOLD that Jesus would have us buy of Him is gold tried in fire: it is the gold of faith and love, that has NO DEFILING SUBSTANCE MINGLED with it.” Ibid, RH Apr. 1, 1890. 

“The counsel of the True Witness is FULL OF ENCOURAGEMENT AND COMFORT.  The CHURCHES may yet obtain the GOLD OF TRUTH, faith and love, and be RICH in heavenly treasure”-ibid, RH July 24, 1888. 

NOTE: Ophir, gold of. “A land celebrated for its gold (1 Chron. 29:4; Job 22:24; 28:16; Ps. 45: 9; Isa. 13:12). It is also mentioned in an ancient Hebrew inscription. . . Solomon sent expeditions to Ophir. . . . A similar expedition begun by King Jehoshaphat miscarried because his ships were wrecked. The location of Ophir has been much discussed, and India, Elam, South Arabia, East Africa, and South Africa have been suggested. . . “ SDA Bible Dictionary, Commentary Ref. Series, Vol. 8, 1960, RH Publishing Asso. Wash., D. C.

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna


June 5, 2024

Part 14


While this is not the last or most important “way of escape” from temptation (1 Cor. 10:14), it, I believe, sums it all up for all who love Jesus enough to obey His commandments (John 14:15) and are thus sorely tempted and severely tried (John 15:17-25; 16: 1-4; 2 Tim. 3:12, etc.) by Satan through his demon and human agencies. (John 15:16-25; 16: 1-4; 2 Tim. 3:12; 1 Pet. 4:12-19, etc.).

Yes, indeed! “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the GODLY out of temptations, and to reserve the UNJUST unto the day of judgment to be punished.” (2 Pet. 2:9).

God’s special deliverance through His “ways of escape from temptations” are promised to the godly, humble, sin-hating sinners, not to the stubborn, proud, presumptuous, hypocritical, ungodly sinners. The only “way of escape” available for the ungodly is godliness, Godlikeness, even as “the only hope for the sinner is to stop sinning” by godly repentance and a resolute turning away from his sins by God’s enabling grace.

The authentic, not artificial, professed Christian, is truly armed with a deeper and experienced knowledge of Jesus which is only obtained and owned by “eating His flesh,” the heavenly manna, “and drinking His blood” (John 6: 48-53, 25-69), which is the acquired habit of a disciplined study of the His Word. Like Christ his Savior and Example, he daily, one day at a time, “grows in stature, waxes strong in spirit, increasingly filled with wisdom by the grace of God” (Luke 2: 40; cf. 1:80; Eph. 4:13, etc.) and therefore, intellectually and spiritually, and individually, not merely theoretical/doctrinal, or vicarious/corporate/institutional. He is locked-into the New Covenant/Testament relationship with the yet-invisible Jesus, by and in faithfully following His self-denying, self-sacrificing suffering-perfected EXAMPLE daily, one day at a time. (Heb. 5: 8, 9; 1 Pet. 2: 21-25).

He thus “walk in the Spirit, not in the flesh” (Rom. 8:1-18) by “letting the mind of Christ be in” him.( Phil. 2:5). This was the WAY Enoch WALKED with God for three centuries and became the first mortal to be translated “for his life testimony pleased God.” (Heb. 11: 5; Gen. 5:21-24).

It was in and through his MIND that Enoch walked and talked with God! He and Elijah are the prototypes of the 144,000 of Revelation 7:1-8; 14:1-5 who are found of God as guileless, not guilty! These fellow mortals experienced the “victory in Christ Jesus” by “faith that works by love” and purifies the life! (1 Cor. 15:57; Gal. 5:6).

So that whenever and wherever tempted by whomsoever with whatsoever, you can, with a mind intellectually and spiritually settled in “the truth as it is in Jesus,” ask this self-arming question, ‘WHAT WOULD JESUS DO’? and know with much greater but not absolute, certainty (as “without faith it is impossible to please Him”) as to what and how His answer will be.

Moreover, when one enters into a higher sphere of relationship with God in this manner, he will not knowingly, thus presumptuously pray and ask God for anything he knows is “at enmity with God’s law;”such would be an insult and one of the ways of denying Christ.

This also applies when wanting “to know what God’s will is” whenever faced with difficult decisions and things are not quite as dried-and-cut or is totally unfamiliar or unprecedented in one’s experience. This is rendered more efficacious when tended with “the patience of the saints” and the effectual, fervent prayers of the righteous” (Rev 14:12; James 5:16).

And where the relationship of creature with Creator, man with God, sinner with Savior, suppliant with Advocate/Intercessor/Mediator is concerned, the greatest evidence of, and highest form of WORSHIP, adoration, and obeisance is loving obedience to all of His Ten Commandments when “written in the heart and mind under the new covenant” (Heb. 8:9, 10; 10:16; Eze. 11: 19,20; 36: 25-27).

The profound yet simple gospel truth undergirding and assuring the victory of the plan of salvation versus the great controversy with Satan and sin, the Savior of mankind himself declared in an all-encompassing yet easy to remember “Jesus said” statement: “If you love Me, keep My commandments.” John 14:15, KJV. It is this “love that conquers all.” This is the LOVE or “charity that abides with faith and hope, these three; but the greatest of them all is charity” (1 1 Cor. 13: 13. 1-12) for it is the power to obey God’s law, not faith nor hope, as essential as these graces are as part of the “fruits of the Spirit.”

This is how Jesus, whose predetermined name in the council of heaven means “He shall SAVE HIS PEOPLE FROM (not in) THEIR SINS” (Matt. 1:21), provides the living Example of how He “SUCORS all that are tempted;” why “He is able to save to uttermost” all who flee to Him in faith, at any time and every kind of need as a personal Savior, Refuge, Solid Rock, Almighty Defender and through the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.

All need to know and remember that the Godhead and the angelic ministry that excel in strength are on the side of the severely tried yet humble and penitent sinner who is constantly buffeted by the merciless attack of the enemy of souls with his numberless agencies, employing unnumbered schemes.

Remember these:
“Wherefore He is able also to save them to the UTTERMOST [who?] that come unto God by Him, seeing He ever liveth [the risen Christ our Mediator is no longer subject to temptation and death!] to make intercession for them” (Heb. 7:25).

 “Now unto Him that is ABLE TO KEEP YOU from falling [into temptation, and to present you FAULTLESS before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.” Jude 24.

“Now unto Him that is able TO DO EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY ABOVE all that we ask or think, according to the POWER that worketh in us.” Eph. 3:20.

“Nay, IN ALL THESE THINGS we are MORE THAN CONQUERORS through Him that loved us [and love in return].” Rom. 8: 37. 

Last but not least: (When resistance is success). “SUBMIT yourselves unto God, RESIST THE DEVIL, AND HE WILL FLEE FROM YOU.” James 4:7 (6-10).

This concludes this series. To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message


June 3, 2024

Part 31

“I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eye salve, that thou mayest see.” Rev. 3:17, A.V.

In order to better apprehend the solemn nature and extreme urgency of this last counsel, the Christian has only to realize that it is the last and only hope-filled message of God in Christ through the Holy Spirit, “the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness” to the specific spiritual condition of the seventh and last period of the church undergoing the most solemn hours of earth’s six thousand year history—the antitypical day of atonement, the pre-advent, investigative judgment referred/declared/announced by the following men of God:

  1. Apostle Peter
    “For the time is come that judgment must BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD and if it first begin with US, what shall the end be of THEM that obey not the gospel of God? And if the RIGHTEOUS SCARCELY be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?” 1 Pet. 4: 17, 18.
  2. John the Revelator, through the First of the Three Angels’ global messages of Revelation 14: 6-12.
    “And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell upon the earth; unto every nation, kindred, and tongue and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory unto Him, for THE HOUR OF HIS JUDGMENT HAS COME; and worship Him that made heavens and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.” verses 6, 7.
  3. Prophet Daniel in the Old Testament, which Jesus Himself cites in His mini-apocalypse in Matt. 24:15. Note these profound prophetic language describing the scenes of this judgment (all emphasis mine):
    “I beheld fill the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire. A fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him: thousand, thousands ministered unto Him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him: AND THE JUDGMENT WAS SET, AND THE BOOKS WERE OPENED.” Dan. 7: 9, 10.

Magnifying the foregoing, God’s last-day messenger wrote:
“Thus was presented to the prophet’s vision the great and solemn day when the CHARACTERS AND THE LIVES of men should pass in review before the Judge of all the earth [Rom. 14: 10, 12; 2 Cor. 5:10] and to every man should be rendered ‘according to his works.’ [see Eccl. 12: 13, 14; Rev. 22: 12].

The Ancient of days is God the Father. Says the psalmist [Ps. 90: 2, A.V. quoted]. It is He, the source of all being, and the FOUNTAIN OF ALL LAW, that is to preside in the judgment. And holy angels, AS MINISTERS AND WITNESSES, in number ‘ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands,’ attend this great tribunal. . . .

 "Every man’s work passes in review before God, and is registered for faithfulness or unfaithfulness. Opposite each name in the books of heaven is entered, with terrible exactness, every selfish act, every UNFULFILLED DUTY, EVERY SECRET SIN, with every ARTFUL DISSEMBLING. Heaven-sent reproofs [such as this very Laodicean rebuke] neglected, wasted moments [spent in earthly pursuits, entertainment and indulgences,  while maintaining “a form of godliness’], unimproved opportunities [because one thinks he is “already rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing’ more], the INFLUENCE exerted for good or for evil, with its FAR-REACHING results, all are chronicled by [our] recording angel. 

“The LAW of God is the standard by which the character and the lives of men shall be tested in the judgment. Says the wise man [Eccl. 12: 13, 14 quoted]. The apostle James admonished his brethren, ‘So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.’ James 2:12.” - E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911, pp. 479, 482. 

Thus to humbly and quickly heed the counsel of the “Amen, the Faithful and True Witness” is but “working out our salvation with fear and trembling” in striving to “make our calling and election sure.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.