Mid-week Manna



God’s Saving Enmity
Part 29


To prepare His first disciples, and all after them, for the days of darkness, trials, sufferings, and persecutions they would suffer for the sake of truth and righteousness, beginning from their very own brethren, Jesus said: “Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” John 15: 20.

God’s last-day messenger wrote [all emphasis and bracketed words mine]:
“Jesus suffered for us more than any of His followers can be made to suffer through the cruelty of wicked men [the ‘enmity’ of Gen. 3:15]. Those who are called to endure torture and martyrdom, are but FOLLOWING THE STEPS of God’s dear Son.

“[2 Pet. 3:9 quoted]. He does not forget or neglect His children; but He PERMITS the wicked to reveal their true character, that NONE who desire to do His will may be DECEIVED concerning them. Again and again the  righteous are placed in the furnace of affliction, that they THEMSELVES may be purified [part of sanctification]; that their EXAMPLE may convince others of the REALITY of faith and godliness [‘the word of their testimony’ in deeds and works, not mere words and profession]; and that their CONSISTENT COURSE may CONDEMN the ungodly and unbelieving [fuller meaning of ‘unbelief’ and ‘unbelievers’]. 

“God permits the wicked to prosper, and to reveal their ENMITY against Him, that when they shall have filled up the measure of their iniquity, all may see His JUSTICE AND MERCY in their utter destruction. The day of His vengeance hastens when all who have transgressed His law and OPPRESSED HIS PEOPLE [all through the ages] will meet the just recompense of their deeds, when every act of CRUELTY OR INJUSTICE toward God’s faithful ones will be punished as though done to Christ Himself. 

“There is ANOTHER AND IMPORTANT QUESTION that should engage the attention of the CHURCHES OF TODAY. The apostle Paul declares that [2 Tim. 3:12 quoted]. WHY IS IT, THEN, THAT PERSECUTION  SEEMS IN A GREAT DEGREE TO SLUMBER? The only reason is, that the CHURCH HAS CONFORMED TO THE WORLD’S STANDARD, and therefore awakens no opposition. The religion current in our day is NOT of the pure and holy character that marked the CHRISTIAN FAITH in the days of Christ and His apostles [Ephesus and Smyrna stages]. If is only because of the spirit of COMPROMISE WITH SIN, because the GREAT TRUTHS [specifically the five pillars of the present truth] are so INDIFFERENTLY regarded, because there is SO LITTLE VITAL GODLINESS IN THE CHURCH [largely superficial and in form only] that Christianity is apparently so POPULAR with the world. [But] let there be a revival of faith and power of the early church [under the power of the former rain of Pentecost. See Acts of the Apostles], and the spirit of PERSECUTION will be revived, and the FIRES of persecution will rekindled.” E. G. White, Great Controversy, pp. 47, 48. Pacific Press Publishing Asso. , 1911. 

COMING TO THOSE WHO PROCLAIM THE TESTING TRUTHS. “A season of great trial is before us. . . . Those who are ignorantly deceived are not to remain in this condition. The Lord says to His MESSENGERS: Go to them and declare to them [either/or in person, “pen and voice’] and declare to them what I have said, ‘whether they will hear or whether they will forbear’ [see Eze. 2: 1-10; 3: 1-27]. The time is upon us when persecution will come upon those who proclaim the [present, testing] truth. . . . Soon there will be trouble all over the world [it’s upon us now]. It becomes everyone to seek to KNOW God. We have no time to delay. With earnestness and fervor the message must be given [Isa. 55:1; 56: 1, 2 quoted].

“The remnant church will be brought into great trial and distress. Those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus [Rev. 14:12] will feel the ire [enmity] of the dragon and his hosts. Satan numbers the WORLD as his subjects [as ‘the god of this world’], he has gained control over the APOSTATE CHURCHES; but here is A LITTLE COMPANY that are resisting his supremacy. If he could BLOT them from the earth, his triumph would be complete. As he influenced the HEATHEN nations to destroy [ancient] Israel, so in the near future [so much nearer now!] he will stir up the wicked powers of the earth to DESTROY the people of God. 

All will be required to render OBEDIENCE to human edicts in VIOLATION of the divine law [Decalogue]. Those who will be true to God and to duty [See Eccl. 12: 13,14] will be menaced, denounced, and proscribed. They will be betrayed ‘both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends.’ Luke 21: 16.” -Ibid, Testimonies for the Church, pp. 227, 228, 231.

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

God’s Saving Enmity Part 28

July 19, 2023


God’s Saving Enmity
Part 28

“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.”
Rev. 14:12, KJV.

Hereunder are context-specific, definitive definitions of the term “the faith of Jesus” interlocked in the sum and substance of the content of the prophesied proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages of Revelation 14: 6-12.

Each follows the other in orderly sequence and all are combined and comprehended in and by the third. These are earth’s final merciful warnings sent by God. They are just about to reach their stupendous climax. And, “the final events,” that is, from a definite prophesied tipping point when the critical mass of apostasy is reached, “will be rapid ones.”

The Spirit of Prophecy, which is the Testimony of Jesus (Rev. 12:17; 19:10), declares through His last-day messenger to all “who will hear His voice and not harden their hearts” (all emphasis and bracketed words supplied]:

“You inquire what the faith of Jesus is. I have seen the brethren and sisters have NOT understood the faith of Jesus in its TRUE light. They have TAUGHT that it is healing the sick, etc. It is not healing the sick, MERELY, but it is ALL THE TEACHINGS OF JESUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT. ‘The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.’ I saw that it [the ‘faith of Jesus’] was the whole New Testament, WHICH RELATES TO JESUS.” - Letter 4, 1857; Manuscript Releases, Vol. 5, p. 290, par. 1.

 “The Faith of Jesus.’ It is TALKED of but NOT understood. What constitutes the faith of Jesus, THAT BELONGS TO THE THIRD ANGEL’S MESSAGE? Jesus becoming our SIN-BEARER that He might become our SIN-PARDONING Savior. He was treated AS we deserve to be treated. He came to our world and took OUR sins [so] that we might take HIS righteousness. Faith IN the ABILITY of Christ to save us AMPLY and FULLY and ENTIRELY is THE FAITH OF JESUS.” Selected Messages, Vol. 3, 1888 message, p. 117.

(See Gen. 4: 1-6 first]. “The offering of Cain [in fact and truth, vain] was an OFFENSE to God, because it was a Christless [and bloodless] offering. The BURDEN OF OUR MESSAGE is not only the commandments of God, but THE FAITH OF JESUS. A bright light [of advancing present truth] shines upon our pathway TODAY, and it leads to INCREASED FAITH IN JESUS. We must receive EVERY ray of light, and WALK in it, that IT MAY NOT BE OUR CONDEMNATION in the Judgment.

[Note that]. Our duties and obligations BECOME MORE important as we obtain MORE DISTINCT views of truth. Light makes MANIFEST AND REPROVES the errors that were CONCEALED in darkness; and as light comes, the LIFE AND CHARACTER MUST CHANGE, TO BE IN HARMONY WITH IT [this light of the three angels’ messages].

Sins that were ONCE sins of IGNORANCE [cf. Acts 17: 30, 31] because of the blindness of the MIND, can NO MORE be indulged in WITHOUT INCURRING GUILT. As increased light is given, men must be REFORMED, ELEVATED, and REFINED by it, OR they will be MORE PERVERSE AND STUBBORN than before the light came.” – Gospel Workers, p. 162.

The ‘faith of Jesus’ belonging to the full and comprehensive Third Angel’s message is the substance of the genuine Righteousness by faith message first given in 1888 and was supposed to be “the beginning of the loud cry of the fourth angel of Revelation 18.”

But its progress was disastrously aborted by its rejection with the two special messengers God raised to deliver this special latter rain Righteousness by Faith message. That’s why the Lord’s coming has long been delayed. Satan knows just exactly how, when, where, and with whom he subtly and unseen, lays devices and snares; they spring and snap their intended victims—the designated “watchmen”— when they slowly “drift” then fall asleep in the midnight of earth’s history, as portrayed in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, Matthew 25.

If they are asleep they cannot be the ones who give the “midnight cry” that suddenly jolts them awake, five really unprepared for the anticipated even; five fundamentally prepared.

Jesus, Himself the Word, taught in parables (40 recorded in the NT as part of “the faith of Jesus”), pencil pictures of the final reward of those who “endure to the end,” heaven itself, and eternity beyond; grand outlines of prophecies (later amplified in detail by John in the Revelation starting from Daniel); illustrating gospel truth and laying down its firm foundation and platform by the inductive method (from the apparent and known to its “unknown” higher spiritual sphere); universally transcendent principles, that closely adhered to the Scriptural discipline of: “to the law and the prophets;” “to the law and the testimony;” “precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little there a little;” “thus saith the Lord;” “It is written.”

And, where handling the last-day “Testimony of Jesus” is concerned, the “time and place” principle must be faithfully applied to avoid its special pitfalls. “Watch, pray,” and search the Scriptures as for hidden treasure” that “ye fall not into Satan’s unnumbered schemes, temptations, and yes, provocations.

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

God’s Saving Enmity Part 27

July 12, 2023


God’s Saving Enmity
Part 27


 “Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the words of My mouth, and give them warning from Me.” “And go, get thee to them in captivity, unto thy children of thy people [Israel/Judah in Babylonian captivity], and speak unto them, and tell them, Thus saith the Lord God; whether they will hear or whether they will forbear.”Eze. 3: 17. 11, KJV.

“Whether they will hear or forbear” clearly reveals the unconditionality of the message and task. It is a stand alone, not dependent, framed, premised, or shaped by the messenger proclaiming it, much less the reaction and reception accorded it by the intended recipients. It cannot be amended in any manner of way for or by any person or entity for any reason, excuse, or justification.

To claim the divine recognition and special privileges attached to being called to do such a holy and lofty purpose, yet refuse to consistently and faithfully fulfill “in season or out of season” the heaven-honored role and undertaking of giving the message as it is to those who need it, or give another message, and as a consequence and result they “perish in their sins,” will assuredly receive the dreadful pronouncement, “his blood will I require at thine hand.” Eze. 3: 18, 20; 33; “his blood shall be upon his head” (Eze. 33: 4): “his blood will I require from the WATCHMAN’S hand” vs 6-8.

Now this from the inspired pen:

“In a special sense Seventh-day Adventists have been set in the world as WATCHMEN and LIGHT BEARERS. To them has entrusted the LAST WARNING for a perishing world. On them is shining wonderful light from the word of God. They have been given A WORK OF THE MOST SOLEMN IMPORT—-the proclamation of the first, second, and third angels’ messages. There is NO OTHER WORK of so great importance. They are to allow NOTHING ELSE to absorb their attention. 

 “THE MOST SOLEMN TRUTHS EVER ENTRUSTED TO MORTALS have been given us to proclaim to the world The proclamation of these truths is to be our work. The world is to be warned, and God’s people are to be TRUE TO THE TRUST committed to them. 

“They are not to engage in SPECULATION, neither are they to enter into BUSINESS ENTERPRISES WITH UNBELIEVERS; for this would hinder them in their God-given work. 

“Christ says of His people, ‘Ye are the LIGHT of the world.’ Matt. 5:14. It is NOT a small matter that the counsels and plans of God has been so CLEARLY OPENED to us. It is a wonderful PRIVILEGE to understand the will of God as revealed through the ‘SURE WORD OF PROPHECY.’ This places on us a HEAVY RESPONSIBILITY. God expects us to impart to others the KNOWLEDGE that He has given us. It is HIS PURPOSE that divine and human instrumentalities shall UNITE in proclaiming the WARNING MESSAGE. 

“So far as his opportunities extend, EVERYONE who has received the light of truth [of the three angels’ messages], is UNDER THE SAME RESPONSIBILITY as was the prophet of Israel to whom came the word [Eze 33:7-9 quoted. Pls. Read it]. 

“Are we to WAIT until the fulfillment of the prophecies of the end BEFORE we say anything concerning them? OF WHAT VALUE WILL OUR WORDS BE THEN? Shall we wait until GOD’S JUDGMENTS FALL UPON THE TRANSGRESSOR [of God’s complete Law] before we tell him HOW TO AVOID THEM [the judgments of the seven last plagues]? WHERE IS OUR FAITH IN GOD? Must we see things foretold come to pass BEFORE WE BELIEVE what He said [He will do]? 

“In clear, distinct RAYS OF LIGHT has come to us, showing us that the ‘great day of the Lord is near at hand,’ ‘even at the door.’ LET US READ AND UNDERSTAND BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.” - E. G. White, Testimonies for the Church, p. 9. (All emphasis and bracketed words supplied).

An admonition, if immediately and thoroughly acted upon is a great saving grace, but which, IF IGNORED or presumptuously postponed for a “more convenient time,” becomes a foreshadowing and scriptural premonition of darkness and doom, which is, “Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the FAITH; prove your own selves [not others]. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates.” 2 Cor. 13: 5.

What specific “faith” is this as this word is used far to loosely describe so many things—some of which openly contradict the other, if not the Bible itself! Verily, it is the faith of the last day saints described in Revelation 14. Hear ye, read ye! “Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.” v. 12.

Next MWM we will provide a more definitive and comprehensive description of what “the faith of Jesus” is, in the context of the proclamation of the three angels’ messages, revealing its comprehensive, present truth relevance, God willing.

Bless all, NMF.

Mid-week Manna

God’s Saving Enmity Part 26

July 5, 2023

God’s Saving Enmity
Part 26


“There was great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad. . . and went everywhere preaching the gospel.” Acts 8:1, 3, KJV. 

Beginning with righteous Abel, murdered by his elder brother Cain, over the issue of worship:

“In every age God’s chosen messengers have been reviled and persecuted; yet through their afflictions the knowledge of God has been spread abroad. Every disciple of Christ is to step into the ranks, and CARRY FORWARD the same work, knowing that its FOES ‘can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth’ [2 Cor. 13:8]. God means that the truth [in its unvarnished purify and fullness] shall be brought to the front, and become the SUBJECT of examination and discussion, even through the CONTEMPT placed upon it.

 “The MINDS of the people must be agitated, every CONTROVERSY, every REPROACH, every EFFORT TO RESTRICT LIBERTY OF CONSCIENCE, is God’s means of awakening minds that otherwise might slumber [lulled with a false sense of security by the ‘peace-and-safety,’ ‘new theology,’ ‘once-saved-always-saved’ prosperity gospel’].

 “How often this result been seen in the HISTORY of God’s MESSENGERS. When the noble and eloquent Stephen was stoned to death at the instigation of the Sanhedrin council there was NO LOSS to the cause of the gospel! The light of heaven that glorified his face, the divine compassion breathed in his dying prayer, were as a SHARP ARROW OF CONVICTION to the bigoted Sanhedrist who stood by, and SAUL, the persecuting Pharisee, became a CHOSEN VESSEL, to bear the name of Christ before GENTILES, and KINGS and the children of Israel. 

And long afterward, [now] PAUL the aged wrote from his prison-house at Rome: ‘Some indeed preach Christ even [out] of envy and strife. . . .not sincerely, supposing to ADD affliction to my bonds. . . . Notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached’ [Phil. 1: 15, 16, 18].

 “Through Paul’s imprisonment the gospel was SPREAD ABROAD, and souls were won for Christ in the very palace of the [pagan, sun-worshipping Roman] Caesars. BY THE VERY EFFORTS OF SATAN to destroy it [using his human agencies], ‘the incorruptible seed’ of the Word of God, ‘which liveth and abideth forever’(1 Pet. 1:23) is sown in the hearts of men; through the reproach and persecution of His children, the name of Christ is MAGNIFIED, and souls are saved.” E. G. White, Mount of Blessing, pp 54, 55, 57. Pacific Press Publishing Asso.. 1943. (All emphasis and bracketed words). 

To be continued next MWM, God willing. Bless all, NMF.