Special Message


April 14, 2024


“Knowest thou not that thou art wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” Rev. 3: 17, A.V.

Poor. Blind. Naked. This startling divine assessment and diagnosis of The Amen, the Faithful Witness directly contradicts what the afflicted Laodicean patient thinks and says of himself, “I am RICH, and increased with GOODS and have need of nothing.”

So who is right? The fallen, sinful, finite, mortal yet strangely self-assured-and-confident patient? Or the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient Healer and Lover of souls whose “scalpel” in His mighty hand is—-“The WORD of God that is quick, alive, powerful, and SHARPER than any two-edged sword, PIERCING even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there ANY CREATURE that is not manifest in HIS SIGHT. But ALL THINGS ARE NAKED AND OPENED unto the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.” Heb. 4: 12, 13, A.V. (all emphasis mine).

The Testimony of Jesus in the Spirit of Prophecy (Rev. 12:17; 19:10), which is “the lesser light that leads to the greater light” of the Bible, sheds more enlightenment for the humble in heart who “hungers and thirst for righteousness.”

“Not one of us will EVER RECEIVE the seal of God while our CHARACTERS have one spot or stain upon them. [cf. Eph. 5: 25-27]. It is left with us to remedy the DEFECTS in our characters, to CLEANSE the soul temple [mind and body] of every [moral and spiritual] defilement. Then the latter rain [the promised final outpouring of the Holy Spirit] will fall upon us as the early rain fell upon the [120 prepared] disciples on the Day of Pentecost. [see Acts 2 and 3].

“We are TOO EASILY SATISFIED with our attainments. We feel ‘rich and increased with goods, and know not that we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.’ NOW IS THE TIME to heed the admonition of the True Witness!: [Rev. 3: 18 quoted. Read it!].” E. G. White, Vol. 5 Testimonies for the Church, pp. 214-215.

 “With some the knowledge of their TRUE STATE seems to be hidden from them. They SEE the truth, but PERCEIVE NOT its importance or its claims. [The spiritual ‘blindness’]. They HEAR the truth, but do NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND it, BECAUSE they do not conform their lives to it, and therefore are NOT SANCTIFIED through obeying it.[cf. John 17:17]. 

“And yet they REST AS UNCONCERNED AND WELL SATISFIED as though the cloud by day and pillar of fire by night, as token of God’s favor, went before them. They PROFESS to know God, but in works DENY Him. They reckon themselves HIS chosen, peculiar people, yet His PRESENCE and POWER ‘to save to the uttermost’ are SELDOM MANIFESTED among them. HOW GREAT IS THE DARKNESS OF SUCH! YET THEY KNOW IT NOT.

The light [of advancing present truth] shines but they do not comprehend it. NO STRONGER DELUSION can deceive the human mind than that which MAKES THEM BELIEVE that they are right, and that God ACCEPTS their works, WHEN THEY ARE SINNING AGAINST HIM. They mistake ‘the FORM of GODLINESS for the spirit and power thereof.’ They suppose that they are ‘rich, and have need of nothing, when they are poor, wretched, blind, and naked,’ and need all things!” Ibid, Vol. 1, Testimonies, pp. 406-7.

Indeed! Only the truth as it is in Jesus can set us free from the chains and snares of Satan, the master deceiver.

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.