November 9
The Sinless Lamb of God Was Numbered Among Transgressors at the Antitypical Altar of Sacrifice.
“The thieves crucified with Christ were placed ‘on either side, and JESUS IN THE MIDST.’ [John 19:18]. This was done by the direction of the PRIESTS AND RULERS [prototype of the final union of church and state in the closing days of America’s and earth’s probation]. Christ’s position between the thieves was to indicate that He was the GREATEST CRIMINAL OF THE THREE. This was fulfilled the Scripture, ‘He was numbered among the transgressors.’ Isa. 53: 12, KJV.
“But the FULL MEANING of their act the priests did not see. As Jesus, crucified with the thieves, was placed ‘IN THE MIDST,’ so His cross was placed IN THE MIDST OF A WORLD LYING IN SIN [and two classes of sinners: one defiant to the end; the other, repentant]. And the words of comfort spoken to the penitent thief KINDLED A LIGHT that will shine to the earth’s remotest bounds!
“With amazement the angels beheld the INFINITE LOVE of Jesus, who, SUFFERING THE MOST INTENSE AGONY OF MIND AND BODY, thought only of others, and encouraged the penitent soul to believe.
“In His humiliation, He, as PROPHET [Deut.18: 15, 18], had addressed the daughters of Jerusalem; as a PRIEST and ADVOCATE He had pleaded with His Father to forgive His murderers; as a LOVING SAVIOR He had forgiven the sins of the PENITENT thief [not the defiant other].” – E. G. White, Desire of Ages, pp, 751, 752.
I used to think and even preach that there is the “dark side” of Calvary, leading up to the cross, and the “bright side,” after His resurrection. But that spiritual myopia. Spiritually discerned, glory attended all the suffering and shame Jesus endured before and after Calvary! I did not better grasp these till now.
And there is infinitely more present truth to be revealed, if we “search the Scriptures daily,””line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little,” with all our hearts and minds for “the truth as it is in Jesus,” as guided and taught of the Holy Spirit!
(To be continued). Bless all, NMF.