Daily Manna


November 29


It is written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin

“In the mouth of two or three witnesses truth is established” is directly repeated over a dozen times beginning in Deut. 17:6 and on to Revelation 11.

However, indirectly and principle-wise; it is exemplified and spiritually magnified in even more significant situations, such as what follows during what I would describe as the non-pareil Calvary Moment of the Plan of Salvation. Notice [all emphasis mine]:

“As soon as Jesus was nailed to the cross, it was lifted up by strong men, and with great violence thrust into the place prepared for it . . . Pilate then wrote an inscription in HEBREW, GREEK, and LATIN, and placed it upon the cross ABOVE THE HEAD OF JESUS. It read, “JESUS OF NAZARETH, KING OF THE JEWS.’

This inscription IRRITATED the Jews. In Pilate’s [Roman] court they had cried, ‘CRUCIFY HIM,’ ‘WE HAVE NO KING BUT CAESAR.’ John 18;15. They had declared that whoever would acknowledge any other king was a TRAITOR. Pilate WROTE OUT the sentiment they had expressed.

NO OFFENSE WAS MENTIONED, except that Jesus was the King of the Jews. The inscription was a virtual acknowledgement of the ALLEGIANCE OF THE JEWS TO THE ROMAN POWER.

It declared that whoever might claim to be the KING OF ISRAEL would be judged by them WORTHY OF DEATH. THE [Jewish] PRIESTS HAD OVERREACHED THEMSELVES.

When they were plotting the death of Christ, Caiaphas [the Jewish high priest then] had declared it EXPEDIENT that ‘ONE MAN SHOULD DiE TO SAVE THE NATION’ [John 11: 50, 51]. But Now their HYPOCRISY was revealed [publicly, nationally. universally, eternally].

IN ORDER TO DESTROY CHRIST THEY HAD BEEN READY TO SACRIFICE THIER NATIONAL EXISTENCE! [In declaring their exclusive allegiance not to God, but to Rome their cruel and corrupt national enemies!]

“The priests [religious leaders] saw what they had done and asked Pilate to CHANGE THE INSCRIPTION. They said, ‘Write not, The King of the Jews, but that He said, I am the King of the Jews.’

But Pilate was ANGRY WITH HIMSELF because of his former weakness, and he thoroughly DESPISED the JEALOUS and ARTFUL priests and rulers [ominously prescient of the emerging phenomenon, yet prophesied politicization of religion, or religion being used as a tool for political gain, until it fully ripens into the great final apostasy of the state uniting with the church to enact and enforce the mark of the beast as the law of the land. See Revelation 13].

“Pilate replied coldly, ‘WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN. I HAVE WRITTEN.’

What was taking place here? “A HIGHER POWER than PILATE [representing the state or civil power] or the JEWS [representing the church or religious powers-that-be] had directed the placing of the inscription above the head of Jesus. In the providence of God it was to AWAKEN THOUGHT, AND INVESTIGATION OF THE SCRIPTURES. The place where Christ was crucified was NEAR [not within] the city. Thousands of people from all lands were then at Jerusalem, and the inscription declaring JESUS OF NAZARETH IS THE MESSIAH would come to their notice. IT WAS LIVING TRUTH, TRANSCRIBED BY A HAND THAT GOD HAD GUIDED.”- E. G. White, Desire of Ages, pp. 745, 746

Indeed even the most powerful mortal or superpower “can do nothing against, but for the truth” (2 Cor. 13: 8). The chosen people led by their religious, definitively, irrevocably, religiously, legally, publicly and CORPORATELY CHOSE to reject the CHOSEN ONE OF GOD, the “Son of David,” “the only-begotten Son of God,” as prophesied the patriarchs and prophets, particularly Isaiah, Daniel, declares by John the Baptist as verily their Messiah, the Anointed One, verily the antitypical sacrificial Lamb of God, and prophesied KING (who would establish His spiritual KINGDOM of righteousness in earth), falsely accused, illegally tried, and condemned to die by crucifixion, rendered even more excruciating in its gross public humiliation.

But prophecy and truth will certainly “come to pass” in God’s time and way, and prevail over Satan and his unnumbered agencies. Almighty God moved upon the chosen people’s national enemy, the pagan Roman power to declare in Hebrew, Greek, and Latin that Jesus IS the promised Messiah, the King of all who accept His kingdom of grace and righteousness!

The antitypical attempt to change the original “inscription” was the Antichrist’s attempt “to change times and laws” and transfer the sanctity of the Sabbath to Sunday by “the man of sin,”’and in the very near future, the very likely “changing” by amendment, the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, to make way for the legislation and enforcement of a religious law enforcing the mark of the beast.

Are you sure you know what it is? If not, it’s high to awake out of spiritual slumber, and examine what you think you know by “It is Written,” the Holy Scriptures—-not the “traditions of the elders,” the “teachings of men,” or mere self-serving “private interpretations.”

(To be continued). Bless all, NMF.