But wait! Isn’t this plain idolatry that even a child raised in a Bible-based Christian home can quickly see? Indeed! But “In the following quotation the Catholic Church explains why she believes this worship of the wafer (or ‘host’) is not idolatry.
‘Now turn for a moment to the Catholic altar. The holy Sacrifice of the Mass is being offered up. The bell has given the signal that the MOST SOLEMN AND AWFUL MOMENT of consecration is at hand. As yet there is only bread in the hand of the priest, and [fermented] wine in the chalice before him. To worship these lifeless elements would be the GROSSEST IDOLATRY.
But SUDDENLY, amid the silence of the breathless multitude, the PRIEST UTTERS THE DIVINE LIFE-GIVING WORDS of consecration, and that which was bread and wine, is bread and wine NO LONGER, but the TRUE Body and Blood of our Lord Himself. It is the SAME BODY that was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that DIED FOR US on the cross, that was RAISED AGAIN TO LIFE, and that even NOW sits at the right hand of the Father…….
‘Now is this MYSTERY the power of the CREATION appears as much as in the MYSTERY of the INCARNATION.’ – ‘The Holy Mass: The Sacrifice for the Living and the Dead,’ M. Muller, pp. 174, 175. New York: 1876.” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ C. Edwardson, p. 208. Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville 8 TN: 1943
I hope and pray at this junction that whatever form of Christianity you profess, whether Baptist, Church of Christ, Evangelical, Jehovah’s Witness, Methodist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Reformed, Seventh-day Adventist, Seventh-day Baptist, non denominational, born-again Catholic, etc.,— who all believe in sola scriptura, “the Bible and the Bible only,” to closely examine your understanding of two mysteries spoken of in Bible: the “mystery of godliness” (1 Tim. 3:16) and the “mystery of iniquity” (2 Thess. 2: 7, 3-12).
These two opposite mysteries lie at the very core of the final stage of the great controversy “which is to test the whole world.”
(To be continued). Bless all, NMF