Daily Manna Devotionals





  1. The reign of [emperor] Justinian is more remarkable as a portion of the HISTORY OF MANKIND, than a chapter in the annals of the Roman Empire or the Greek nation. [Here’s why]: The changes of centuries pass in rapid succession before the eyes of ONE generation….With the conquest of Rome by Belisarius, the history of the ancient city [Rome] may be considered as terminating; and with the defense against Witigis (king of the Ostrogoths, their last of the three Arian ‘horns’) [A.D. 538], COMMENCES the history of MIDDLE AGES [more accurately, the Dark Ages].’ – ‘Grace under the Romans,’ George Finley, pp. 198, 240, Dent edition, revised by author, 1877.
  2. Even the Papacy itself changed [how?], so there was a NEW ORDER of popes after 538 A.D. History relates:

“Down through the centuries all popes are declared SAINTS in the martyrologies. Vigilius (537-555) is FIRST of a series of popes who NO longer bear this title [saint], which is henceforth SPARINGLY conferred. From this time on the popes, more and more enveloped in WORLDLY events, no longer belong SOLELY TO THE CHURCH, they are MEN OF THE STATE.’ – ‘Medieval Europe,’ Belmont and Monod (revised by John Burton Adams), p. 120. NY. H. Holt & Co. 1902.

“From the death of (Pope) Silverius the Roman Catholic writers date the episcopacy of [pope] Vigilius, reckons him therefore among the lawful popes.’ – ‘History of the Popes,’ Vol. II, p. 488, under the year ‘538.’ Dublin: 1751. ‘His [Silverius’] death happened on the 20th of June, 538.’- Ibid, p. 488. Dr. Philip Schaff says: ‘Vigilius, a pliant creature of Theodora, ascended the papal chair UNDER THE MILITARY PROTECTION of Belisarius.’ – ‘History of the Christian Church,’ Vol. iII, p. 327. NY: Scribner’s, 1893.

  1. Dr. Summerbell gives still another reason why we should date the beginning of the Papal supremacy from 538. He says: ‘Justinian….enriched himself with the PROPERTY of all ‘heretics’—-that is, non-Catholics, and gave all their churches to the Catholics: published edicts in 538 compelling all to join the Catholic Church in 90 days or leave the empire, and confiscated all their goods.’ – ‘History of the Christian Church,’ pp. 310,311. Cincinnati: 1873. The same is stated by Samuel Chandler in ‘History of Persecution,’ pp. 142, 143; and by Edward Gibbon. In ‘Decline and Fall,’ chap. 47, par. 24.

“Thus we see that Roman Catholicism was made the STATE RELIGION in 538, and all other religions were FORBIDDEN. What gave special significance to these edicts of Justinian was the fact that he had already in 533 [5 years before] declared the bishop of Rome to be the head of the universal [meaning of the word ‘catholic’], and has subjected all the priests even of the East, under the See of Rome. This fact he wrote to Pope John II in March 15, 533 in the following language: [pp. 11-13 of ‘The Civil Law of Justinian, translated by S. P. Scott, A.M., (in 17 volumes), Book 12.

“Both of these letters appear in the ‘Code of Jusfinianus,’ as well as the following law: ‘Concernjng the Precedence of Patriarchs: ‘Hence, in accordance with the provisions of those Councils, we order that the Most Holy Pope of Ancient Rome shall hold the first rank of all the Pontiffs, but the Most Blessed Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome, shall occupy the second place after the Holy Apostolic See of Ancient Rome, which precedence over all sees.’ -Ibid, Vol. XVII, p. 125. (‘Constitutions of Justinian,’ Vol. XVIi, 9th Collection, Title 14, chap. 2.

“The recognition of the Roman See as the highest ecclesiastical authority (cf. Novellae, cxxxi) remained the cornerstone of Justinian’s policy in relation to the West.’ – New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, art. ‘Justinian,’ p. 286.

“Thus we see that the way had been prepared in 533, in anticipation of the THREE FINAL ACTS which were to occur in 538, when the Arian powers were destroyed, Catholicism made the STATE RELIGION, and the Papacy placed under the protection of the STATE, which gave rise to the long struggle between church and state as to which would be SUPREME.” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ C. Edwardson, pp. 53, 54, 56, 57. Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville 8, TN: 1943.

Possess the ‘faith of Jesus’ by practicing and declaring the “truth as it is in Jesus’ only. NMF