Daily Manna Devotionals




In prophetic time a DAY always stands for a YEAR of 360 days.
See Numbers 14:34 and Ezekiel 4:6 first.

“The little horn of Dan. 7: 8, 25 was to reign for ‘a time and times and the dividing of time.’ This same ‘time, and times, and half a time’ is also mentioned in Rev. 12:14, and in the sixth verse it said to be ‘a thousand three hundred and three score days.’ This prophetic period [of definite time] is therefore literally 1,260 literal years. We shall now show that these 1260 years began in 538 A.D. and invite the reader to notice the FOUR great changes that took place that year:

  1. We have already seen that the little horn symbolized the Papacy, and that the three Arian kingdoms, which stood in its way, were plucked up by the roots, and that the last of these received its deathblow in 538 A.D. through the efforts of Justinian, ‘the faithful son of the Church of Rome.

“History states that the work of Justin and Justinian in elevating the Papacy to power brought on a NEW ERA, introducing the Middle Ages:

“Accordingly, the RELIGIOUS and POLITICAL tendencies of the [Roman] Empire now took SO DIFFERENT a direction so as to positively constitute the dawn of a new era…..Thus at last Rome had TRIUMPHED, after fighting so long with unflinching vigor and WITHOUT yielding a single point.” – ‘The Barbarian Invasion of Italy,’ P. Villari, Vol. I, pp. 177, 178. (Facts of Faith, C. Edwardson, p. 52. Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville 8, TN: (revised) 1943.

More follows, God willing and guiding through His Spirit of prophecy, NMF.