Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 16, 2024: The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

January 16, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

Before zeroing into the specific dated Testimonies addressing the Laodicean condition both generally and individually to whom it applies, it is vital to know that all who are truly committed in mind and heart to preserving, promoting, and declaring “by pen and voice” earth’s final merciful warnings, are designated in Revelation as “ANGELS,” the Greek “aggelos,” meaning, “messengers.”

That is, messengers of God in heaven bearing specified urgent messages on earth. These are they who practice what they teach and preach under the guidance and unction of the Holy Spirit, assisted and protected by the holy angels. If you know without a doubt that you are of these, whether ordained or laymen (for “God is no respected of persons”) be reminded of the following:

“Now as in former ages, the presentation of a truth that REPROVES the sins and errors of the times will EXCITE OPPOSITiON. [John 3:20 quoted. Read it]. As men see that they CANNOT maintain their position by the Scriptures [perhaps by church traditions or long-held opinions], many determine to maintain it AT ALL HAZARDS, and with a malicious spirit ASSAIL the characters and motives of those who STAND IN DEFENSE of unpopular truth [a clear manifestation of Satan’s enmity towards God’s truth].

“It is the SAME POLICY [not principle nor precept] which has been pursued IN ALL AGES [‘there is nothing new under the sun; what was, will be’]. Elijah was declared to be a TROUBLER OF ISRAEL [the ancient chosen people]; Jeremiah a TRAITOR, Paul a POLLUTER of the temple [the center of Jewish worship]

“From that day to THIS [day], those who would be LOYAL TO TRUTH [not merely to the ‘’church’ or ‘religion] 

have been denounced as SEDITIOUS, HERETICAL, or SCHISMATIC [causing division, separation]. Multitudes who are too unbelieving to accept THE SURE PROPHECY will receive with UNQUESTIONING CREDULITY [have been deceived] AN ACCUSATION against those who DARE TO REPROVE FASHIONABLE SINS.

“And the Bible teaches that a time is approaching [it's just around the bend by now] when the LAWS OF THE STATE will so conflict [the ‘enmity’ with the LAWS OF GOD] all ten, not only the fourth that whosoever who would OBEY ALL the divine precepts must brave REPROACH and PUNISHMeNT AS EVIL EVILDOERS.” - E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911, pp. 458-9. 

Notice that it plainly states here “all the Ten Commandments,” not merely and only the fourth! The Jewish nation kept the seventh-day Sabbath but broke all in precept and principle. Let us beware lest we repeat this fatal error. That is why I have been emphasizing on “magnifying the law and making it honorable.”

Just because we keep the Sabbath does not relieve us of the equal duty to keep and obey the nine. That would be presumptuous, self-deception,, willing ignorance, and even self-righteousness. Remember “if we break one we break all.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 12, 2024: The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

Januaryq 12, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

“As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent.” Rev. 3:19.

Following the Isa. 28: 9-13 study method and truth-vetting principle, I am providing herewith just a couple of verses to contextually cross-reference
the words “rebuke”, “chasten” and “repent” with—-in order to better realize and comprehend their vital nature in the Laodicean testimony of the True Witness so that we may receive the message’s divine intent humbly and gratefully, and thereby be “sanctified by the truth; Thy word is truth” (John 17:17). The life-time work of sanctification is to make us FIT for heaven and to live with the angels that never fell.

REBUKE: See Titus 1:10-14. Verse 13 says:
“This Witness is true. Wherefore REBUKE THEM SHARPLY, that they may be SOUND IN THE FAITH.”

Then Titus 2:11-15 (a vital passage to explain what grace is designed to accomplish). Verse 15 says:
“These things speak, and exhort, and REBUKE WITH ALL AUTHORITY. Let no man DESPISE you [for saying these things].”
NOTE: Timothy was the youngest of the apostles as John the beloved as the youngest of the first Twelve disciples.

CHASTEN: See Heb. 12: 5-11. Verses 7 & 8 says:
“If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with SONS; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all [who are true sons] are partakers, then ye are BASTARDS, and NOT sons.”

REPENT: See Christ’s very words, verily His testimony itself in Luke 13: 1-5. Verse 5 says:
“I tell you, Nay: but, except [unless] ye REPENT, ye shall ALL LIKEWISE PERISH.” Verse 5 repeats the same warning of Christ.

See 2 Cor. 7:9-11. Here Paul uses very emphatic language to illustrate the true spiritual nature of GODLY SORROW THAT WORKETH REPENTANCE UNTO SALVATION” in verse 11. The popular and counterfeit repentance is one that “needs repentance of” itself for it is “the sorrow of the world that worketh death” (not salvation).

We often sorrow for our sins because of its humiliating and painful consequences. But genuine sorrow is for the SIN we commit “for it crucifies Jesus afresh” -and not for its consequence, which may be temporary and temporal. But the “wages” of unrepented sin is the “second death” which is not covered by Christ’s blood.

Remember: “Repent ye therefore and BE CONVERTED, that YOUR SINS [not your name] MAY BE BLOTTED OUT when the times of refreshing [in the latter rain] shall come from the PRESENCE of the Lord.” Acts 3:19.

To be continued, God willing. Bless all. See you tomorrow with a mind and heart prepared for the holy Sabbath’s blessings of the Lord of the Sabbath. NMF

Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 8, 2024 : The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series (Rev. 3:14-22).

January 8, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series (Rev. 3:14-22).

Prayerfully and carefully read and ponder upon the startling message of “the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning [actually, the ‘Beginner’] of the creation of God” to the last of the seven churches depicted in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.

Omniscience and omnipresence combined with perfect love, divine mercy and the rule of righteousness prepared these startling messages specifically for the spiritually lukewarm members of the remnant church of prophecy.

To humbly “hear His voice and harden not our hearts” is to accept the divine Physician’s diagnosis that the seemingly benign disease of “lukewarmness” is actually malign in nature such that He will “spew out of His mouth” those “infected” and inflicted by the self-deception of presumptuous self-confidence.

The tell-tale symptoms of this end-time spiritual disease is when the remnant church member already believes and manifests by word and action that he is “rich and increased with goods, and has need of nothing.” This is actually saying “I am already doctrinally and spiritually safe and sound.” Such is the outrageously deceptive power and work of Satan, the master deceiver who deployed his first great deception with Eve, the mother of mankind, in garden of Eden of all places!

The divine diagnosis is indeed alarming: “Knowest thou not [don’t you know] that thou are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.” The first-ever nakedness revealed the first-ever guilt of transgression of God’s law by Adam and Eve in Eden. God never changes and neither does His standard of righteousness. And like ifs Author, the Law-giver, it is also “the same yesterday, today, and forever.” All are measured and judged by one and the same standard as defined in His law and magnified in the life and teachings of Christ.

What God required and expected of Adam He does the same for all mankind, particularly those who profess to be part of the “saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus” in these last days.

The only hope of those guilty of spiritual lukewarmness is to quickly accept the divine Physician’s diagnosis and immediately comply with all He has specifically prescribed. To respond in any less a manner, for whatever excuse or reason, is to reject the terms of one’s salvation. Hence, “Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message




“Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all the filthiness of the flesh and the spirit, perfecting HOLINESS in the fear of God.” 2 Cor. 7: 1, KJV. 

Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. And the carnal mind is enmity against the law of righteousness. The “cleansing” of the flesh here does not refer to outward, physical cleanliness or sanitation, as important as they are, but to moral pollution, secret or public.

The following quotes are extracts from the chapter “Clean Hands and Pure Hearts,” a reprint from the tract, The Sin of Licentiousness, Testimonies to Ministers & Gospel Workers, pp. 427, 428 (all emphasis and words in brackets mine):

“There is much preaching of the truth, but few are sanctified through the truth [see John 17:17]. Piety and righteousness are NOT brought into the practical life, and the Lord is DISHONORED; and having no VITAL connection with God, poor, weak human nature has NO strength to resist temptation, and never will have TILL the converting power of God [in His grace imparted by the Holy Spirit] takes hold upon the soul [the living person].

“We are nearing the judgment, and those who bear the message of warning to the world MUST HAVE clean hands and pure hearts They must have a living [and vital, not superficial, mere form or professed]. Their THOUGHTS must be pure and holy for God ‘examines the reins of the mind, the thoughts and intents of the heart’], the soul untainted, the BODY, soul, and SPIRIT [the moral character and individual personality] be a pure, clean OFFERING to God [not the pecuniary ‘tithes and offerings’], or He will NOT accept it!

“Recent painful developments of EVIL are one of the greatest EVIDENCES that the end is NEAR. Satan, like a roaring lion, is going about [all around us], seeking whom he may devour, and IF men and women, under the BLAZING LIGHT [of the Present, testing truth] that now shines in these PERILOUS times, will be found FORNICATORS [both literal and spiritual], I [God’s last-day messenger] am afraid that God will SEPARATE them from the work forever!” – E. G. White.

Lest we forget or yield to the deadly peace-and-safety, once-saved-always saved, “we are already forgiven because of Christ’s sacrifice counterfeit gospel—the lives of all who “profess faith in Christ” have been passing in review during the ongoing pre-advent, Investigative Judgement session in the most holy of the heavenly sanctuary. It began with the cases of the dead, starting with Adam and Eve and soon will pass on to the cases of the living! Remember Peter’s solemn warning:

“For the time has come that Judgment must begin at the house of God [‘household of faith]: and if it first begin at US, what shall the end be of them that obey not the GOSPEL of God? And if the righteous SCARCELY be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” 1 Pet. 4: 17, 18. 

Humbly ponder upon these solemn thoughts dear ministry partners! I will continue quoting from this particular resource. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message




“Wherefore He saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. . . . Humble yourselves in the sight of God, and He shall lift you up.” James 4: 6, 10, KJV. 

“I would address those who preach [and teach] the word: ‘The entrance of Thy words giveth life; it giveth understanding to the simple [humble of mind and heart].’ All the advantages and privileges that may be MULTIPLIED for your benefit, that you should be educated and trained, rooted and grounded in the TRUTH, will be NO real help to you PERSONALLY unless the mind and heart are OPENED so that the truth shall find ENTRANCE, and you make a CONSCIOUS SURRENDER of every habit and practice, and every sin that has CLOSED THE DOOR against Jesus [even if we know the doctrines intellectually].

Let the LIGHT from Christ [brought home to the conscience by the Holy Spirit through the Word] SEARCH every dark corner of the soul; [then] with EARNEST determination adopt a right course of action.

“If you hold on to a wrong course, as many of you are NOW doing; if the truth does not work in you with TRANSFORMING power, so that you OBEY IT FROM THE HEART [not in mere lip and mouth service] because you LOVE its pure principles: [you can] be sure that for you the truth will LOSE ITS VITALIZING POWER, and SIN WILL STRENGTHEN [rather than weaken].

“This is why many are not efficient agents for the Master. They are constantly making provisions to please and glorify THEMSELVES, or they cherish LUST in their heart. True, they ASSENT to the law of Ten Commandments, and many TEACH THE LAW IN THEORY, but they do not cherish its PRINCIPLES [one of the main reasons why I am emphasizing the sermon/studies on ‘Magnifying the Spiritual Nature of the Law and Making it Honorable’].

They do not obey the commandments of God to be PURE, to love God SUPREMELY, and their neighbor AS themselves. While constantly living a lie, can such have strength? Can they have confidence? Will such become efficient workers for God [not merely for the ‘church’ or the ‘ministry’]? “Testimonies to Ministers & Gospel Workers, p. 159. July 3, 1892. (All emphasis and bracketed words mine).

May these special Testimonies I am sharing with you truly prove to be, spiritually, a more incisive tool of eye-opening and heart-searching counsels for the truly humble workers of God in these last days. Bless all, NMF.

Special Message



“Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a REASON of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: having a good CONSCIENCE, that, whereas THEY [see verses 12-15] speak evil of you, as of evil doers, they may be ASHAMED that FALSELY accuse your good conversation [conduct; life] IN CHRIST. For it is better, if the will of God be so that ye suffer for well doing [doing God’s express will] than for evil doing [disobeying God’s will by transgressing His law of righteousness].” 1 Pet. 3: 12-17, KJV.

That we may be better equipped and empowered to fulfill the above divine injunction that will soon become the lot of all who choose to “endure to the end and be saved, we must quickly heed this counsel from the Testimonies:

“We do not go deep enough in our search for truth. EVERY SOUL who believes PRESENT TRUTH [be sure to personally know what this truth comprehends] will be brought where he will be REQUIRED to give a reason of the hope that is in him. The people of God will be called upon to STAND BEFORE kings, princes, rulers, and great men of the earth. [see Matt. 10: 18, 1-43] and they MUST know what they do know WHAT is truth! They must be CONVERTED men and women.

“God can teach you MORE IN ONE MOMENT BY HIS HOLY SPIRIT THAN YOU CAN LEARN from the great men of the earth.” [I have long believed and taken this edifying, enlightening, and sanctifying truth to heart].

“The UNIVERSE is looking upon the controversy that is going on upon the earth. At an INFINITE cost, God has provided for EVERY man to an OPPORTUNITY to know that which will make him WISE unto salvation [from ‘the world, the flesh, and the devil’].

“How eagerly do the ANGELS look to see WHO will avail himself of this opportunity! [are you and I one of them?]. When a MESSAGE is presented to God’s people, they should NOT RISE UP IN OPPOSITION to it; [instead] they should go to the BIBLE, comparing it with ‘the law and testimony,’ and IF it does not bear this test, is is NOT true.

“God wants our MINDS TO EXPAND. He desires to put His GRACE upon us [to expand, not shrink in shallowness, surface work, and mere appearance, forms, and profession]. We may have a FEAST [of God’s word] every day [not only on the Sabbath or scheduled Bible studjes], for God can OPEN THE WHOLE TREASURE OF HEAVEN to us [this is what I personally desire and long for more than the ‘mansions,’ ‘streets of gold,’ the 12 different monthly fruits of the tree of life, etc.].” -Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 119. RH Feb. 19, 1890. [all emphasis and bracketed words mine].

May all constantly strive to please God only as Enoch did and was translated to heaven. Bless all in your particular work for the ministry. Pastor Nat