Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of May 2010: Water & Blood (Page 2)

1. The Importance of and Uses of Water

Water is the universal solvent and is the only one there will ever be. It cannot be recreated or duplicated. There is no such thing as synthetic water. And the water that was brought forth by God in the beginning is the same water that we have today on earth only as polluted as man and his foolishness and greed have made it since the fall. And yet God still preserves enough good water to drink and blesses man with knowledge and skill to produce devices to purify water from toxins and infuse it with the proper minerals and ions to help the body heal.

It is true that without water there can be no life. However, this primordial and universal truth, unless viewed from Biblical Creation, leads the wisdom of this world to look for life outside of the Life-giver Himself and search for it somewhere in the universe. Billions of dollars, energy, effort, and probation time have been wasted sending up men and space probes looking for the origin of life or the presence of it in the arid planets by the “evidence that water once existed in some form” when that money and resources should have, could have been used to relieve the needs and suffering of countless millions right here on earth! O what folly! Indeed the wisdom of men is foolishness to God!

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of May 2010: Water & Blood

Study for the Month, May, 2010

 Water & Blood


The Physical/Natural Laws, Part III

 By Nathaniel Fajardo

Email:[email protected]



“THEN they came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead, they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.” John 19: 33, 34, N.K.J.V.    


In the plan of salvation water and blood are the means of forgiveness, purification, and redemption of the penitent sinner. Even in the physical realm the inextricably-linked relation of blood and water is established as this interesting quote says:  

Health Monthly Studies

Study for Month April 2010: The Original Diet (Page 4)

Intemperance and Crime 

“Crime and disease have increased with every succeeding generation. Intemperance in eating and drinking, and the indulgence of baser passions, have benumbed the nobler faculties of man. Reason, instead of being the ruler, has become to be the slave of appetite to an alarming extent. An increasing desire for rich food has been indulged, until it has become the fashion to crowd all the delicacies possible into the stomach. Especially at parties of pleasure is the appetite is indulged with but little restraint. Rich dinners and late suppers are served, consisting of highly seasoned meats, with rich sauces, cakes, pies, ices [ice-cream], tea, coffee, [add to this soda], etc. No wonder that with such a diet people have sallow complexions and suffer untold agonies from dyspepsia (indigestion).

Against every transgression of the laws of life, nature will utter her protest. She [nature] bears abuse as long as she can; but finally the retribution comes, and it falls upon the mental as well as the physical powers. Nor does it end with the transgressor; the effects of his indulgence are seen in his offspring, and thus the evil is passed down from generation to generation.”

Health Monthly Studies

Study for Month April 2010: The Original Diet (Page 3)


I am here reprinting pertinent excerpts from the book Counsels on Health, pp. 107- 131 that clearly show us the direct correlation of diet, not only to physical health but to the morals, thus, to character formation. These brief passages, aside from dozens of others provide a rich and abundant source of clear answers and solutions to the supposedly conundrums that doggedly confront the researchers on the problems of obesity and  addictions and all their attendant complications and consequences. Their problem is attempting to look for answers outside of inspired Word and depending on human wisdom which is not only finite, but when ignoring or despising divine wisdom, is nothing but vanity and foolishness to God. To wit:


Only one lease of life is granted us; and the inquiry of everyone should be,

‘How can I invest my powers so that they may yield the greatest profit?

How can I do most for the glory of God and the benefit of my fellow men?

For life is valuable only as it is used for the attainment of these ends.”

Health Monthly Studies

Study for Month April 2010: The Original Diet (Page 2)

“The commonality between the brain’s reaction to cupcakes and drugs.”


I love to cook but not to make any cakes, pastries, candies, or any of the dainties and desserts of any kind. I personally do not have a sweet tooth—something I probably inherited from my dad. I looked up what ingredients cup cakes are made and as to why the brain would react to it as did to drugs. While there are now vegan cupcakes, etc., the general ingredients are highly refined flour, milk, eggs, butter, salt, baking powder, sugar, vanilla extract, and all kinds of frosting and icing recipes which are made of more of these high cholesterol, high fat, high sugar, and high-empty calorie ingredients. Need we inquire further as to why the brain acts similarly to these “goodies” as with drugs? But of course, both act as powerful and hurtful stimulants!


“The only way to returning to normality is probably dieting for a long time to lose the body weight and not eat junk food.”


If one read for himself with an unprejudiced mind, refusing to listen to all the tirades against E.G. White and her voluminous, progressive writings on this particular topic nearly 160 years ago (See Counsels on Diets and Foods and Counsels on Health, etc.), he would have long benefited from the true light of health reform of the third angel’s message long before modern food and health sciences ever found out. She wrote:

Health Monthly Studies

Study for Month April 2010: The Original Diet (Page 2)

“The commonality between the brain’s reaction to cupcakes and drugs.”


I love to cook but not to make any cakes, pastries, candies, or any of the dainties and desserts of any kind. I personally do not have a sweet tooth—something I probably inherited from my dad. I looked up what ingredients cup cakes are made and as to why the brain would react to it as did to drugs. While there are now vegan cupcakes, etc., the general ingredients are highly refined flour, milk, eggs, butter, salt, baking powder, sugar, vanilla extract, and all kinds of frosting and icing recipes which are made of more of these high cholesterol, high fat, high sugar, and high-empty calorie ingredients. Need we inquire further as to why the brain acts similarly to these “goodies” as with drugs? But of course, both act as powerful and hurtful stimulants!


“The only way to returning to normality is probably dieting for a long time to lose the body weight and not eat junk food.”


If one read for himself with an unprejudiced mind, refusing to listen to all the tirades against E.G. White and her voluminous, progressive writings on this particular topic nearly 160 years ago (See Counsels on Diets and Foods and Counsels on Health, etc.), he would have long benefited from the true light of health reform of the third angel’s message long before modern food and health sciences ever found out. She wrote:
“Our bodies are built up from the food we eat. There is a constant breaking down of the tissues of the body, every movement of every organ of the body requires its share of nutrition. The brain must be supplied with its portion; the bones, muscles, and nerves demand theirs. It is a wonderful process that transforms the food into blood and uses this blood to build up the varied parts of the body; but this process is going on continually, supplying with life and strength each nerve, muscle, and tissue.” – Counsels on Health, pp. 114, 115.

Health Monthly Studies

Study for Month April 2010: The Original Diet

Study for Month April, 2010

 The Original Diet


(The Natural Laws Study, Part III)


By Nathaniel Fajardo

Whole Gospel Ministries

A Bible and Spirit of Prophecy-based Ministry



“Junk Food Addiction May Be Real”

To those who are familiar with, or better yet, practice the health reform included as “the right arm the third angel’s message,” I am here reprinting a recent Yahoo.News item, updated March 29, 2010, that simply reaffirms this truth. Its emphasis misses the real nature of the problem because it suggests that it is the “brain’s rewards system making addiction-like adaptations” that makes obese people “almost powerless” to indulge even more on junk food.

This is what it misses but what Bible students understand: (1) To indulge appetite—of mind and flesh—was, in fact, Satan’s very first temptation that Eve and Adam yielded to that caused their fall. And “the wages of sin is death.” Rom. 6:23.

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2010:

“As in the study of physiology they see that they are indeed ‘fearfully and wonderfully made,’ they will be inspired with reverence. Instead of marring God’s handiwork, they will have an ambition to make all that is possible of themselves, in order to fulfill the Creator’s glorious plan. Thus they will come to regard obedience to the laws of health, not as a matter of sacrifice or self-denial, but as it really is, an inestimable privilege and blessing.” – Education, p. 201.      

This should help disabuse the minds of those who think that when they strive to live in conformity to the eight laws of health that they are performing a “very great sacrifice of self-denial.” When thus narrowly viewed, making others aware of their efforts makes them somehow feel and act superior to those who are not into it, yet. But true health reform is not self-sacrifice per se even if it does require self-denial as much as it is a wonderful privilege, honor, and blessing of cooperating with God in His work and plan of restoration! A change of mind and heart is the very first things that must take place before one starts changing his habits and lifestyle else he does it merely to impress others with his “great body.” Such is self-centeredness and is foreign to the work of genuine sanctification, which is “the will of God.” 1 Thess. 4:3, 4.  What we must be deeply impressed with, is this: