Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of February 2010:

Study for the Month of February, 2010


By Nathaniel Fajardo
Email: [email protected]

The Moral Law and the Ceremonial Laws. — Although the author of both the moral and ceremonial laws is God Creator himself for “there is only one lawgiver” (James 4:12), the main differences between the two, which the majority of mainstream Christianity strangely fail to consider, much less emphasize, is that the former existed forever. The latter, which included circumcision of the prepuce of the male organ, were instituted by God “were added because of transgressions” (Gal. 3:19). By these the gospel was taught in types and symbols on how sins could be forgiven and overcome, which included the system of sacrifices, feasts and festivals, and the earthly priesthood that ministered to the earthy tabernacle. All were abolished when type met antitype at the cross.

Satan has continued his rebellion against God’s authority and law begun in heaven. Long after causing Adam and Eve to transgress God’s law in Eden, it is he, who, in our modern times of boasted intellectual advancement introduced the theory of evolution. Satan knows only too well that the moral law was already in existence before the earth and man were created. It was this law that he, together with a third of the angels whom he deceived, transgressed in heaven resulting in his rebellion, defeat, and being cast out of their “first abode.” God rehearsed this law to Adam and Eve, speaking to them face to face for sin had not yet created that great gulf between creature and Creator.