Special Message

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 23: THIS SPIRITUAL DISEASE IS NOT HOPELESS (No. 5)

March 16, 2024

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 23


See Luke 9:18-26 first for fuller context. Then this (emphasis mine):
“And He said to them all, If any man will come after Me, let him DENY HIMSELF, and TAKE UP HIS CROSS DAILY, and follow Me. For whosoever shall save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life FOR MY SAKE, they shall SAVE IT. For what is a man ADVANTAGED, if he gain the WHOLE WORLD, and lose himself, or be cast away? verses 23-25. Compare to Matt. 16: 24-27; Mark 8: 34-38 to further synoptically magnify the subject scripture-wise. Now this:

 “There are a LARGE NUMBER   OF PROFESSING CHRISTIANS who do not really FOLLOW Jesus. [Why? How?] They do not BEAR THE CROSS BY PROPER SELF-DENIAL AND SELF-SACRIFICE. Although making a great profession of being earnest Christians, they weave into the fabric of CHARACTER so many of the threads of THEIR OWN IMPERFECTIONS that the beautiful pattern [of Christ’s life example of self-denial and self-sacrifice] IS SPOILED. 

“Of them Christ says, ‘You boast of being rich and increased with SUPPOSED  spiritual attainments. In REALITY you are neither cold nor hot, but are FILLED WITH VAIN CONCEIT. Unless converted, you CANNOT be saved; for you would MAR heaven with your UNSANCTIFIED WISDOM. I CANNOT endorse your SPIRIT and your WORK. [Why?] You do not act according to the DIVINE EXAMPLE. You are following a PATTERN merely of your OWN INVENTION. Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of My mouth.’ 

“Let us thank the Lord that while this class is SO NUMEROUS, there is still TIME FOR REPENTANCE. Jesus says, ‘I, your Redeemer, know your WORKS. I am familiar with the MOTIVES that prompt you to declare BOASTINGLY in regard to your spiritual condition, [Rev. 3: 17 quoted]. 

“Those who are in this condition are WILLINGLY IGNORANT. They do not discern the real character of SIN. By their wrongdoing they CONSTANTLY MISREPRESENT THE CHARACTER OF CHRIST AND PUT HIM TO AN OPEN SHAME. [cf. Heb. 6:4-6]. Professing to have a knowledge of the truth, they act in spirit as NOVICES. They do not seem to understand the truth that must be EXPRESSED IN WORD AND DEED to show a DECIDED DIFFERENCE between ‘him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.’ 

 “They are FALSE CLAIMANTS of EVERY Christian blessing and privilege, when, as Christ’s representatives, they are NOT RICH in spiritual grace or in works. They are ‘wretched, poor, blind, maimed. What a position to be in! THEY STAND IN THEIR OWN LIGHT. [fuller meaning of ‘neither cold nor hot!’]. 

“But not withstanding their willful ignorance, they are NOT left by the Lord WITHOUT ADDED WARNINGS and counsel.” -Ibid, Manuscript 138, 1902 (note the date again and see where we stand today). 

Once again, “Today, if you will hear His voice of warning and counsels, persist not in this deadly “lukewarm” spiritual condition! This last church spiritual condition is, at its core and substance, self-deception.

Self, not Christ is uplifted though His name and teachings are profusely professed. Self is not crucified by self-denial and self-sacrifice. The “old man” is is yet alive, reasserting itself every so often. The “new man in Christ Jesus” cannot be “born again” unless this “old man” is crucified dead even as Christ died “the death of the cross.”

Rather it is “the form of godliness” and physical “sign of the cross” and “stations of the cross” rituals that are displayed, not the “garment of Christ’s righteousness” which only enmity/hatred for sin and love of Christ and His commandments can produce. To such putting on the whole armor of God has no meaning at all; they cannot be real soldiers rallying under the blood-stained banner of Prince Emmanuel “fighting the good fight of faith” of the “battles of the Lord where champions are few.”

Once more, prideful lukewarmness will never pass muster during this ongoing most-solemn judgment hour session in heaven. All are weighed in the balances of the sanctuary, not “once saved always saved.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.