Special Message

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 19 : THIS SPIRITUAL DISEASE IS NOT HOPELESS (No. 1)

February 26, 2024

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 19


 “And unto the ANGEL of the church of the Laodiceans WRITE; These things SAITH the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the Beginning [that is, ‘the Beginner] of the creation of God: I know thy WORKS, that thou art neither cold nor hot . . . .” (read verses 15-17).” Rev. 3: 14, 15, KJV. 

NOTE: 1) “Angel” here, as in all throughout the messages to the seven churches of Rev. 2 and 3 up to the “three angels” of Rev. 14 is the Greek aggelos, “messengers.” They are finite human beings yet in the mortal flesh, not the angelic “ministering spirits” of God, although the latter guide, protect, and minister to the former in their appointed calling as “special watchmen and light-bearers” of specific prophesied messages that require consecration, self-denial, self-sacrifice and enlightenment by the Holy Spirit in and by the Word for they treasure in heart and mind, and thus preserve, promote, and “proclaim by pen and voice” and their living life testimony, the present testing truths specific to their time.

All these began after Pentecost empowered the 120 disciples (including Mary, mother of Jesus) to proclaim the “first edition” of the New Testament and Christian dispensation which was the proclamation of Christ, the risen/resurrected Savior. The appointed “chosen people” status was then transferred from the literal tribal-nation of
Israel of the Mosaic dispensation of the Old Testament to the spiritual Israel of the Christian dispensation, as recorded in the book of Acts (magnified in the Acts of the Apostles by EGW).

The church dispensation undergoes seven periods of spiritual conditions symbolically described for each of the “seven churches.”
Laodicea is the seventh and last stage and spiritual condition. There is no “eighth church.”

While the SDA church or denomination is the true “remnant church” of the last days, it is the “church militant NOT the “church triumphant.” Only those whom the most-solemn pre-advent, Investigative Judgment currently in session taking place in the most holy of the heavenly sanctuary.

Only those who Christ our High Priest and Judge determines—during the most-solemn pre-advent, Investigative Judgment currently in session now in the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary—as “having overcome even as He overcame” “the world, the flesh, and the devil,” “by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony” and “loved not their lives unto death” will make up the “church triumphant.”

Never ever forget this stark truth: ultimate salvation is individual, never corporate or institutional! Hence the admonitions—“Work out YOUR OWN salvation with fear and trembling”. . . . “Make YOUR calling and election sure,” etc.

I am just humbly doing my spiritual due diligence in leaving no stone unturned in my personal search for truth from the “law and testimony” and sharing these, “whether they will hear or forbear.” It is thus that I “strive to keep my conscience void of offense towards God” and crave “God’s peace that passeth understanding.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.