Special Message

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 18 : THIS DEADLY SPIRITUAL DISEASE IS NOT HOPELESS

February 23, 2024

Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans – Part 18


Caveat: it has only one sure cure and eternal solution. To refuse it is to knowingly condemn and places oneself beyond any hope whatsoever. This is a “Thus saith the Lord” of the divine Physician.

If you become aware, and are convicted by the Holy Spirit by first, a humble, thorough self-examination based God’s immutable Moral Law—-the divine diagnostic tool and sin-revealing “mirror” standard of Christ’s righteousness, transcript of His unchanging character, and the basis by which the characters of all who have professed faith in Christ (both in the Old and New Testament dispensations) “are weighed in the balances of the sanctuary” in the current pre-advent, Investigative judgement, “cleansing of the sanctuary” antitypical Day of Atonement session in the most holy place in heaven—-then, do not delay, procrastinate, or “put off for a more convenient, self-accommodating time” to act with attentive dispatch and compliance with the divine Doctor’s Orders.

For together with His omniscient diagnosis is attached His complete prescription, “To-do” list, and all that you will ever need. It is a Complete Kit that has been neatly Packaged for Turn-key application and guaranteed results. And is all in-house. You need not see anyone else nor take a single step outside of your door. This is also what is comprehended in Christ’s startling words, “Behold, the kingdom is WITHIN you!”

Indeed, “Today, If you will HEAR (through your spiritual eyes of discernment) His VOICE (the inaudible voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to your conscience), HARDEN NOT YOUR HEART.”

The Laodicean disease is deceivingly virulent in its metastatic nature. This should be our prayer and attitude: “Teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.”

Stay “tuned,” and “keep your eyes on the road” as this series unfolds, God willing. Bless all, NMF.