Special Message

SPECIAL MESSAGE TO WGM TEAM PARTNERS January 16, 2024: The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

January 16, 2024

The Straight Testimony to the Laodiceans Series

Before zeroing into the specific dated Testimonies addressing the Laodicean condition both generally and individually to whom it applies, it is vital to know that all who are truly committed in mind and heart to preserving, promoting, and declaring “by pen and voice” earth’s final merciful warnings, are designated in Revelation as “ANGELS,” the Greek “aggelos,” meaning, “messengers.”

That is, messengers of God in heaven bearing specified urgent messages on earth. These are they who practice what they teach and preach under the guidance and unction of the Holy Spirit, assisted and protected by the holy angels. If you know without a doubt that you are of these, whether ordained or laymen (for “God is no respected of persons”) be reminded of the following:

“Now as in former ages, the presentation of a truth that REPROVES the sins and errors of the times will EXCITE OPPOSITiON. [John 3:20 quoted. Read it]. As men see that they CANNOT maintain their position by the Scriptures [perhaps by church traditions or long-held opinions], many determine to maintain it AT ALL HAZARDS, and with a malicious spirit ASSAIL the characters and motives of those who STAND IN DEFENSE of unpopular truth [a clear manifestation of Satan’s enmity towards God’s truth].

“It is the SAME POLICY [not principle nor precept] which has been pursued IN ALL AGES [‘there is nothing new under the sun; what was, will be’]. Elijah was declared to be a TROUBLER OF ISRAEL [the ancient chosen people]; Jeremiah a TRAITOR, Paul a POLLUTER of the temple [the center of Jewish worship]

“From that day to THIS [day], those who would be LOYAL TO TRUTH [not merely to the ‘’church’ or ‘religion] 

have been denounced as SEDITIOUS, HERETICAL, or SCHISMATIC [causing division, separation]. Multitudes who are too unbelieving to accept THE SURE PROPHECY will receive with UNQUESTIONING CREDULITY [have been deceived] AN ACCUSATION against those who DARE TO REPROVE FASHIONABLE SINS.

“And the Bible teaches that a time is approaching [it's just around the bend by now] when the LAWS OF THE STATE will so conflict [the ‘enmity’ with the LAWS OF GOD] all ten, not only the fourth that whosoever who would OBEY ALL the divine precepts must brave REPROACH and PUNISHMeNT AS EVIL EVILDOERS.” - E. G. White, Great Controversy, 1911, pp. 458-9. 

Notice that it plainly states here “all the Ten Commandments,” not merely and only the fourth! The Jewish nation kept the seventh-day Sabbath but broke all in precept and principle. Let us beware lest we repeat this fatal error. That is why I have been emphasizing on “magnifying the law and making it honorable.”

Just because we keep the Sabbath does not relieve us of the equal duty to keep and obey the nine. That would be presumptuous, self-deception,, willing ignorance, and even self-righteousness. Remember “if we break one we break all.”

To be continued, God willing. Bless all, NMF.