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“To destroy completely these [Waldensian] heretics Pope Innocent III sent DOMINICAN INQUISITORS into France and also the CRUSADERS, promising ‘a plenary remission of all sins, to those I who took on them the crusade….against the Albigenses [Waldenses of France]. When Raymond VI, Earl of Tholouse, shielded this innocent people, who were such an ASSET to his country, he was deposed by the pope’(Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. XII, art. ‘Raymond VI,’ p. 670). Being frightened by the SAVAGE CRUSADERS Raymond submitted, and the papal legate publicly whipped till ‘he was so grievously torn by the stripes’ that he had to leave the church by a back door. (Ibid, pp. 98,100.) He later appealed to Innocent III. ‘The Pope, however, ceded the estates of Raymond to Simon de Montfort,’(1215) (Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. II, art. ‘Raymond VI, p.670).
“In 1216 to 1221 Raymond reconquered his land, and after his death, his son became Earl, and ‘the INQUISITION WAS BANISHED from Tholouse. But Pope Honorius an HOLY WAR, to be called the ‘PENANCE WAR,’ against the heretics,’ and ‘to subdue the Earl of Tholouse, he sent letters to King Louis’ of France to make war on Raymond, which he did.
“But TREACHERY, which has always been one the most successful WEAPONS of the Papacy against God’s people, had to be resorted to here. When the pope’s legate saw that he could not take the city of Avignon by force, he ‘scrupled not to adopt the VILEST treachery and practiced BASEST hypocrisy.
“He offered to suspend hostilities, and pave the way for PEACE [watch out for this word in movements ahead of us], if the besieged would admit a FEW PRIESTS, only to inquire concerning the ‘faith’ of the inhabitants; and those terms being agreed upon and sealed by MUTUAL OATHS; the priests entered, but in DIRECT VIOLATION of their solemn engagement, brought the FRENCH ARMY with them, who thus fraudulently triumphed over the unsuspecting citizens; they plundered the city, killed or bound in chains the inhabitants.’ (Ibid, pp. 104-106).” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ C.Edwardson, pp. 129-30. Southern Publishing Asso., Nashville, TN: 1943.
In case Filipinos are not aware of this historical fact regarding the Dominican Order’s earliest presence in the Philippines, how, and through what means, here are excerpts from Wikipedia:
“The foundation of the University of Sto.Tomás is ascribed to Miguel de Benavides, O.P., the 3rd Bishop of Manila. He came to the Philippines on the FIRST DOMINICAN MISSION in 1587. This makes the UST as the first and only formally declared ROYAL [state] and PONTIFICAL [church] university in the Philippines….. taking its name and inspiration from Saint Thomas Aquinas, a DOMINICAN theologian…..Beginning in the 1250s, INQUISITORS were generally chosen from the DOMINICAN ORDER, replacing the earlier practice of having local clergy as judges.” (Wikipedia).
Learn well, be intellectually and spiritually discerning between the real and counterfeits and be better prepared for what is coming. Bless all, NMF
“And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” Rev. 12:17, KJV
“The [Waldensian] messenger of truth went on his way [after sharing the precious truth with those hungering and thirsting for it]; but his appearance of humility, sincerity, his earnestness and deep fervor, were subjects of frequent remark. In many instances his hearers has not asked him whence he came and whither he went. They had been so overwhelmed, at first with surprise, and afterward with gratitude and joy, that they had not thought to question him. When they had urged him to accompany them to their homes, he replied that he must visit ‘the lost sheep of the flock.’
“In many cases the messenger of truth was seen no more. He had made his way to other lands, or he was WEARING OUT HIS LIFE in some unknown dungeon, or perhaps HIS BONES WERE WHITENING on the spot where he had witnessed [testified] for the truth But the WORDS HE HAD LEFT BEHIND COULD NOT BE DESTROYED. They were doing their work in the HEARTS of men; THE BLESSED RESULTS WILL BE FULLY KNOWN ONLY IN THE JUDGMENT.
“The Waldensian missionaries were invading the KINGDOM OF SATAN [on earth], and the powers of darkness aroused to greater vigilance. Every effort to advance the truth was watched by the prince of evil [especially now!], and he excited the fears of his agents. The PAPAL LEADERS saw a portent of danger to their cause from the labors of these humble itinerants. If the light of truth were allowed to shine unobstructed, it would sweep away the HEAVY CLOUDS OF ERROR that enveloped the people; it would direct the minds of the minds of men to GOD ALONE, and would eventually DESTROY THE SUPREMACY OF ROME…..
“When Rome determined to exterminate the hated sect, a BULL was issued by the Pope, condemning them as HERETICS, and delivering them to SLAUGHTER. (see appendix on this page of the book). They were NOT accused as idlers, or dishonest, or disorderly; but it was declared that they had the APPEARANCE of piety and sanctity that SEDUCED ‘THE SHEEP OF THE TRUE FOLD.’ Therefor the Pope ordered ‘that malicious and abominable sect of malignants,’ if they ‘refuse to abjure, to be crushed like venomous snakes.’ (Wylie, b.16, ch.1).
“Did this haughty potentate expect to meet those words again? Did he know they were registered in the books of heaven, to CONFRONT him at the judgment? [Matt. 25:40 quoted].
“This bull called upon all members of the church (of Rome) to join the CRUSADE [Islamic counterpart is jihad] against the heretics. As an INCENTIVE to engage in this cruel work, it ‘absolved from all ecclesiastical pains and penalties, general or particular; it released all who joined the crusade from ANY OATHS they might taken; it LEGITIMIZED their title to any property that they might have ILLEGALLY acquired; and promised REMISSION OF ALL THEIR SINS to such as should KILL any heretic. If ANNULLED all contracts made in favor of Vaudois (Waldenses), ordered their domestics [servants, employees] to ABANDON them, FORBADE all persons to give them any aid whatever, and EMPOWERED all persons to take possession of their property.’ (Ibid)
“This document clearly reveals the masterful spirit BEHIND the scenes. It is the ROAR OF THE DRAGON, AND NOT THE VOICE OF CHRIST, that is heard therein.” – ‘Great Controversy,’ 1911 ed., E. G. White, pp. 75,76,77. Pacific Press Publishing Asso., Mt. View, CA.
Soon God’s last-day “Waldenses” will hear the voice of the “beast with lamb-like horns” “speaking like a dragon” (Rev. 13:11-17). Are they prepared? God bless all, NMF
Jesus told His disciples these words of immortal truth: “If the world hate you, you know it hated Me before it hated you…..Remember the word that I say unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted Me, they will ALSO persecute you.” John 15: 18, 20, KJV. – FF 128-129: “In fact, amid the license of the Middle [and Dark] Ages, ASCETIC VIRTUE was apt to be recognized as a SiGN OF HERESY-“ ‘History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, H. C. Lea, Vol. 1, p. 87, NY, Harper & Bros. 1888.
Professor Philippus van Limborch writes:
‘It was the entire study and endeavor of the POPES, to crush, in its infancy, any doctrine that in any way opposed their EXORBITANT power. In the year 1163, at the Synod of Tours, all the bishops and priests in the country of Tholouse, were commanded to ‘take care, and to forbid, under the pain of excommunication, every person presuming to give RECEPTION, or the least assistance to the followers of this heresy, which first began in the country of Tholouse, wherever they shall be discovered. Neither were they to have any dealings with them in BUYING OR SELLING [fast forward to Rev. 13:15-17]; that by being thus DEPRIVED of the common assistances of life, they might be COMPELLED to repent of the evil of their way.
Whoever shall DARE to contravene this order, let them be excommunicated, as a PARTNER with them in their guilt. As many as them as could be found, let them be imprisoned by the CATHOLIC PRINCES, and punished with the forfeiture of all their substance.’
‘Some of the Waldenses, coming into the neighboring kingdom of Arragon, king Ildefonsus, in the year 1194, put forth, against them, A VERY SEVERE AND BLOODY EDICT, by which he ‘banished them from his kingdom, and all his dominions, as ‘enemies of the cross of Christ [!], profaners of the CHRISTIAN RELIGION [not all Christians are true Christians], and PUBLIC ENEMIES to himself and his kingdom.’
He adds: ‘If any, from this day forwards, shall presume to receive in their houses, the aforesaid WALDENSES and INZABBATATI, or other heretics, of whatever profession they be, or to hear, in any place, their ABOMINABLE PREACHINGS, or to give them food, or to do them any kind office whatsoever; let him know, that he shall incur the indignation of Almighty God [the god of this world, not the God of heaven!] and ours [so they admit they have ‘other gods.’]; then he shall forfeit all his goods, without the benefit of appeal, and be punished as though guilty of high treason.’ ‘ — ‘History of the Inquisition,’ pp. 88, 89. London. 1816.” – C. Edwardson, Facts of Faith, pp. 128, 129.
In stark contradiction, Jesus taught His followers and disciples that in His kingdom of grace and righteousness on earth, its subjects would “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and PERSECUTE you”(Matt. 5:44). And so did Paul in Rom. 12: 19-21.
Indeed “by their fruits you shall know them!” God bless all, NMF
“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that FROM A CHILD [from childhood] thou hast known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Tim. 3: 13, 14, KJV.
The young moral heroes of the Bible represented by Joseph, Daniel and his three friends, etc. were not “overnight sensations” but were moral heroes in the making through the faithful parenting of their godly parents by precept and example. The “bountiful harvest” of their parents’ wise and faithful “sowing” that took place in distant lands where their children were totally denied the safety and comfort of godly surroundings, yet stood unflinchingly true and uncompromising even in the face of terrible death. They were the lights of truth in the midst of gross and appalling darkness in the citadels of heathenism and paganism in the ancient world. So were the Waldensian children in the beginning of the Dark Ages during the Christian Era.
“While the Waldenses regarded the feat of the Lord as the beginning of wisdom, they were not blind to the importance of contact with the world, a knowledge of men of active life, in expanding the mind and quickening the perceptions.
“From their schools in the mountains some of the youth were sent to institutions of learning in the cities of France or Italy, where it was a more extended field of study, thought, and observation than in their native Alps.
“The youth thus sent forth were exposed to temptation, they witnessed vice, they encountered Satan’s wily agents, who urged upon them the MOST SUBTLE heresies and the MOST DANGEROUS deceptions.
“But their education FROM CHILDHOOD had been of a character to PREPARE them for all this. In the schools where they went, they were not to make confidants of any. Their GARMENTS were so prepared as to conceal their GREATEST TREASURE—the precious MANUSCRIPTS of the Scriptures. These, the FRUIT of months and years of toil, they carried with them, and whenever they could do so without exciting suspicion, they cautiously placed some portion in the way of those whose hearts seemed open to receive the truth.
“From their MOTHER’S KNEE the Waldensian youth had been trained for this purpose in view; they [particularly mothers] understood their work and faithfully performed it. Converts to the true faith [of Jesus, the religion of the Bible] in these institutions of learning and frequently its principles were found to be permeating the entire school; yet the PAPAL LEADERS, could not, by the closest inquiry, trace the so-called ‘corrupting heresy’ to its source.” – Great Controversy, 1911 ed., E. G. White, pp. 69, 70. Pacific Press Publishing Asso., Mt View, CA.
No wonder the same author says that there is a great need “for old-fashioned mothers and fathers in spiritual Israel.” Both men and God have been asking the question, Where can they can be found? They are “more precious than the golden wedge of Ophir! Bless all, NMF
Jesus, Himself the LIGHT OF LIFE OF THE WORLD, in His Sermon in the mount, told the multitudes and His first disciples as He defined and described the nature of the kingdom He had incarnated into in order to establish on earth:
“Ye are [going to be] the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. A CITY set on a hill cannot be hid…..Let YOUR LIGHT so shine before men, that they may see YOUR GOOD WORKS and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt. 5: 14,16, K.J.V.
The multitudes and first disciples did not yet fully comprehend what being “light of the world” and what it’s “good works” meant. The “eye” of their minds (just like Paul before his conversion) were still enveloped with the thick “scales” of tradition, doctrinal misinterpretations of the Messiah and His kingdom, and personal temporal ambitions. But they were attracted to this simple Man from Galilee.
After Christ left for heaven, and the first disciples conducted their gospel commission within the first century of the newborn Christian church clothed in its original apostolic purity, the period soon began when and where their special calling and roles, following and patterned after that of Christ’s, as His “lights of the world” with their “good works,” would be understood by fiery experience, learning in “terrible lessons in righteousness.” This is what we are covering in the life and times of the Waldenses, etc., and onward. Thus we continue:
“Ignorance and superstition generated VICE of the basest sort, and brought the Christian world into the DARKNESS OF THE DARK AGES, which made the Reformation of the sixteenth century absolutely necessary. [We will cover this subject as opportunity presents itself].”
“And as ‘the darkest of the night is just before dawn,’ so the TWELFTH TO THE SIXTEENTH CENTURIES where the darkest in the Christian Era [CE]. For a time, however, there were still a FEW LIGHTS SHINING in the religious horizon, shedding their MILD GOSPEL LIGHT INTO THE DENSE DARKNESS. But when these were extinguished, the darkness became well nigh complete!
“The Celtic Church of Scotland and Ireland had sent their missionaries with and open Bible into almost every country in EUROPE. The gospel lamp in Scotland was EXTINGUISHED in 1069; that of Ireland in 1172; that of the ancient Albigenses in 1229; the Assyrian lamp of the East was extinguished at Malabar, India, by the INQUISITION in 1560; and the Waldensian lamp, that had been SHINING THE LONGEST, and had sent its MILD RAYS over EUROPE for centuries, was extinguished in 1686.
“The history of these [original, genuinely apostolical] evangelical churches during this dark period is very interesting and has MANY VALUABLE LESSONS for our day.
“The Waldenses and Albigenses were QUIET AND INDUSTRIOUS people, and followed the BIBLE STANDARD OF MORALITY, which actually CAUSED THEIR PERSECUTION! [Note]:
“But their crowning offense was their love and reverence for the Scripture, and their burning zeal in making converts. The INQUISITOR of Passau informs us that they had translations of whole Bible in the vulgar [common] tongue [language; dialect], which the [Romish] Church vainly sought to suppress, and which they studied with INCREDIBLE ASSIDUITY……
Surely if there ever was a GOD-FEARING PEOPLE it was these UNFORTUNATES [the typical scorn and hatred of the unrighteous towards the righteous, beginning with Cain towards his brother Abel] under the BAN OF THE CHURCH AND STATE [Precisely what the First Amendment stipulates]…..
The Inquisitors [not the messengers and prophets of God] declared that the SIGN of a Vaudois [Waldenses], DEEMED WORTHY OF DEATH, was that he FOLLOWED CHRIST AND SOUGHT TO OBEY THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD.’ – ‘History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages,’ H. C. Lea, Vol. I, pp. 86, 87. NY: Harper Bros., 188&.” – Facts of Faith, Christian Edwardson, pp. 127, 128. Southern Publishing Asso., (Rev.) 1842.
Of such mold in the furnace of affliction and tribulation will be the genuine Christians of these last days till earth’s probation closes. These precious souls provide me hope, courage, and determination to keep my conscience free of offense towards God and to carry on, all by His empowering grace, until He shutters the windows and closes the curtains for the long night. Bless all, NMF
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“We have seen that the ancient apostolic church, scattered by persecution, and often in hiding, went under various names. Being peaceful, virtuous, industrious citizens, they were TOLERATED and even SHIELDED, by princes who understood their value to the country, while the Catholic Church HUNTED them down like wild beasts. After the Waldenses and Albigenses had lived quietly in France for many years, POPE INNOCENT III wrote the following instructions to his bishops:
‘Therefore by this present apostolical writing [?] we give you a STRICT COMMAND that, by WHATEVER means you can, you DESTROY all these heresies and EXPEL from your diocese all who are polluted with them. You shall exercise the RIGOR OE ECCLESIASTICAL POWER against them and all those who have made themselves suspected by ASSOCIATING with them. They may NOT appeal to your judgment, and if necessary, you may cause the princes [civil powers] and the people to SUPPRESS THEM WITH THE SWORD.’ – ‘A Source Book for Medieval History,’ Oliver J. Thatcher and E. H. McNeal, p. 210. NY Charles’ Scribner’s Sons: 1905.
“Philippus van Lindorch, Professor of Divinity of Amsterdam, speaking of the way the LIBERTY of the people was suppressed after 1050, says:
‘In the following ages the affairs of the church [of Rome] under the government of the Popes [the papacy] and all persons so strictly curbed by the SEVERITY of the laws, that they durst [dared] not even so much as WHISPER against the received opinions of the church. Besides this, so deep was the IGNORANCE that had spread itself over the WORLD, that men, without the least regard to KNOWLEDGE AND LEARNING, received with a BLIND obedience everything that the ecclesiastics ordered them, HOWEVER STUPID OR SUPERSTITIOUS, WITHOUT ANY EXAMINATION; and anyone dared to the least to contradict them, he was sure immediately to be punished, whereby the most ABSURD opinions came to be established by the VIOLENCE OF THE POPES.’ – ‘History of the Inquisition.’p.79. London 1816.” – ‘Facts of Faith,’ Christian Edwardson, pp. 126, 127.
“There is nothing new under the sun. What has been that shall be.” Learn from history and be prepared for the future. Bless all, NMF