

July 19, 2020



“And the Lord, He it is that goeth before thee; He will be with thee, He will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not neither be dismayed.”

Deut. 31:8, Authorized Version.

By now, as this overwhelming, overlapping crisis has shown even to the most hardened of hearts:

“There is nothing in this world, no earthly favors or enjoyments, can take the place of the presence and favor of God. Without Him as our Friend and Portion we are INDEED ALONE. We may have many other friends, but they can never be to us what Christ is!”

“The Lord has PLEDGED His glorious perfection that those who seek Him with HUMILITY OF HEART, CONFESSING THEIR SINS, will find Him PRECIOUS to their souls.”

“But those who refuse to obey, FOR FEAR OF DISPLEASING EARTHLY FRIENDS, cannot be friends of God [for they are “friends of the world”].

“Obey, obey, for Christ’s sake. Obey that which your CONSCIENCE tells you is truth. Accept the GRACE and RIGHTEOUSNESS of Christ. God is tenderly calling you, ‘Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden’ [read Matt. 28: 11-30].

“If you refuse the invitation to repentance, TO FREEDOM FROM SIN, the great day of God will find you, hopeless, shelterless, disobedient, a transgressor of His Law. He will not then be able to give you a place in His Kingdom [of glory]. God help you to come now, is my prayer.”

“Those who desire to find pardon for PAST [never future] transgressions must come to Christ just as they are, saying, ‘Lord, though I have been bought with a price, and am Thy property, I have in the PAST refused to GIVE MYSELF to Thee. I now acknowledge that I AM NOT MY OWN, that I CANNOT DO AS I PLEASE with myself. Take me as I am, a poor, sinful creature, and cleanse and purify me from all sin by taking sin in Thine own dear self. I do not deserve this, but Thou art the only One who can save me. TAKE AWAY MY SIN AND GIVE ME THY RIGHTEOUSNESS. I do not want to remain in sin one more day. Impart to me Thy righteousness, and KEEP ME FROM ALL TRANSGRESSION OF THY HOLY LAW.” (From E. G. White’s Letter 80, May 24, 1900/TDG 153.

It is this way, God’s way, Christ’s way, His truth and His life example that is the only way we will never walk alone in this soon-to-end pilgrim journey through this Wilderness of sinful, fallen earth enroute to heavenly Promised Land. This is my hope and my journey, one day and one step at a time towards that only direction. I invite you to join me.   NMF