Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of December 2011
The Unfair Exchange
(page 2)

The divine ownership over mankind; the human access to divinity


Jesus our Creator and Redeemer owns us twice: by the divine act of creation and by the

Divine-human act of redemption.  As the sacred purchase of His sacrificial life, He ratified the eternal covenant of peace with His own blood, one that is based on the unquestioning willingness of the Giver to give all heaven in that one gift of His Son and unquestioning obedience of faith based on a willing and spontaneous response of love of the redeemed.

This is a distinct specification of this everlasting covenant. Those who will be eternally saved exercised their choice as free moral agents to be saved in God’s chosen way—through his plan of redemption.

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of December 2011
The Unfair Exchange (page 1)

Study for the Month of December, 2011


The Unfair Exchange

By Nathaniel Fajardo

Whole Gospel Ministries

Email:[email protected]



For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own 0wn soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

 Mark 8: 36, 37.

The Bible teaches that true Christians are “living epistles seen and read by all men” (2 Cor.3: 2, 3). They are known for their Christlike love or charity which is manifested in honesty, integrity, justice, knowledge, kindness, mercy, patience, temperance, forbearance, meekness, benevolence, and fairness in all their dealings and transactions. They literally love, not hate their enemies. Matt. 5:__Rom.___.

In the world but not of the world (John 17: 14-17) they have been called out from their past sinful, world-loving ways to trained of God to become  ambassadors of His spiritual kingdom on earth, which is one with the church above. Eph. 3: 14, 21.

Joseph, as well as Daniel exemplified these graces and virtues in their lives and works.

Joseph was a type of Christ in very specific aspects of his life and works.  Notice:

Monthly Studies

2011 Study

January: Cleansed of Filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit

February: A Clear View of What Lies Ahead, Part II

March: The Field of Prophecy is the Theater of Providence

April: Field of Prophecy is the Theater of Providence-Part II

May: The Jewish Economy Revisited, Part I

June: The Jewish Economy Revisited – Part II




October: The True Meaning of Conversion

November: America’s cup nearly filled

December: The Unfair Exchange (page 1) (page 2) (Page 3) (Page 4) (page 5) 

Monthly Studies

Monthly study for the year 2011

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January: Cleansed of Filthiness of the Flesh and Spirit

February: A Clear View of What Lies Ahead, Part II

March: The Field of Prophecy is the Theater of Providence

April: Field of Prophecy is the Theater of Providence-Part II

May: The Jewish Economy Revisited, Part I

June: The Jewish Economy Revisited – Part II

July-September: What is the Test for this Time?

October: The True Meaning of Conversion

November: America’s cup nearly filled

December: The Unfair Exchange (page 1) (page 2) (Page 3) (Page 4) (page 5) 

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of December 2010

Read or download The Parable of Jesus

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month of November 2010

Read or download Apostolic Succession of the Papacy?

Monthly Studies

Study for the Month October 2010: The End-time Theocracy

Read or download Study for the Month October 2010: The End-time Theocracy

Monthly Studies

2010 STUDY

January: Spiritual Lessons from Number Two Part III (Page 1) (Page 2) (Page 3) (PAGE 4) (page 5) (PAGE 6) (PAGE 7) (PAGE 8)(PAGE 9) ,(PAGE 10)(PAGE 11) (PAGE 12)


March: Temperance 

April: The Original Diet 

May: Water & Blood 

June: The Four Group Resurrections

July: The 1290 and 1335 Days of Daniel

August: Chronology of End-time Prophecies


October: The End-time Theocracy

